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Posts posted by Froteus

  1. Just last night I was talking to a guildie about how ridiculous it is, that you can practically equip a new lvl 55 toon in full 72 gear with 69er set bonus with little to no effort.

    I recent returned and got to 55 on my main and have figured out the daily routine and such; got my 66 set from oricon and saving basics for a 69 set. My question is how does one get 72 gear like you suggest, I thought 72 was raid gear.

  2. Hey Eyes... I think anyone who uses macroes with gear probably doesn't care if bw adds them in or not.


    Can't afford a naga to get that fair play? Lmao. This is a high speed Internet pc game. You can afford a machine to run this game, the Internet to play it on, but not peripherals?


    News flash: That's your problem, not the people who can afford the gear. You're shifting the moral responsibility of creating a level playing field from Bioware onto macro users who use peripherals sanctioned by Bioware.


    No more a saint than just misguided is all. Your beef should be with Bioware not making it fair - how much you wanna bet they get a chunk of cash for those SW nagas? How much you wanna bet they want you to, ya know, buy one?

  3. There is nothing wrong with macroes. For a sci fi type game some posters in this thread come across as Luddites.


    Using macros is less about player crutch or lack of skill, and more about circumventing bad design.

    If the Devs want each button press to be significant, then make each button worth pressing. Currently there are so many situational buttons its kind of silly.


    Macroes clean up bad design more than they support lack of skill.


    My shadow looks forward to some cascade macroes if I don't get a naga to do it first.

  4. Let's not kid ourselves here. This is a pvp centric complaint. Solo pve they aren't required, and group pve you should have the buffs.


    It's in non premade non rated WZ that you hardly have the team rebuff.

    And these aren't tiny or small buffs. 5% more damage, 5% more stats, and 5% more crit as well as 9% elemental/internal damage reduction is equivalent to about 12% more damage and 8% mitigation. Saying these are just fluff is like saying you're fine never getting above 500 expertise when everyone else is rocking 1200.


    For a serious pvPer outside of their premade these buffs are mandatory.

  5. I love my shadow. I rolled a sage first and got him to 33 during the headstart then decided to try a shadow. Since then I had issues rolling alts because I loved my shadow so much. It's the most fun class I've ever played in an MMo. I really enjoyed it in pvp but have had to take a break from the shadow recently. I started a scoundrel, a sentinel, and a vanguard. Reason? I want those class buffs for my shadow. :) sent finished chap 2 at 38, scoundrel I'm gonna try to finish at 36, currently 31. Vanguard is next.


    A shadows reason to roll alts? Class buffs baby.

  6. My guess for why there is body type 4 for males, which is a stocky dude with some extra padding, yet nothing equivalent for females is because male and female are different. Don't really see females built like linebackers, sorry.


    Now if you're talking about obesity, that should in no way be a desirable thing. Unless diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and gurd are desirable. It wouldn't really set a positive image.


    Besides its really only in wealthy 1st world nations that obesity is such a huge problem (badumtish).

  7. It was indeed fun having the party ball for raids and warzones.


    I do think it was a bug on pts that caused them to pull it, not whiny antisocial poser role players, buuuuut


    But after reading this post, I'll be griefing them with the korrealis instead. At least with the party bomb they could rp with it. With a huge car bouncing and spinning around them it will be most challenging to rp with.


    But hey, everyone who innocently used this got punished for the few who abused it thanks to a vocal minority? Maybe we should go ahead and grief all the rp for the few who whined.


    Yes I think that will work. So bioware, griefing with vehicles or with party bombs? Your call.

  8. 1. Be more skilled or bring more friends; this isn't a deathmatch 1v1 game. The shadow/sin is a jack of all trades with utility and will win through attrition if allowed to. That's their niche. Deal with it.


    2. Elemental troopers/BH give them a serious run for their money.


    3. L2p



    Why don't you respond with your class OP? Scared you might be a designed class that the shadow/sin counters?

  9. Decided to go with Shadow, probably going kinetic combat spec.


    I would think its the Shadow as well using kinetic combat.


    Force speed + spinning kick + double strike + project + tumult + spinning strike.


    Do it. Jump when you do the kick moves it looks awesome. I do some awesome looking Acrobatics with my shadow that make my guild say "wow".

  10. So.


    Out of all the legacy stuff that is purchased with credits to bypass the other requirements, this is the one they decided to not let be purchased by my 10+ million credits I've saved in anticipation of this? I'm legacy level 41, social 9 almost 10, valor 67, full rakata tank and full BM gear.


    Yet now I've got to level alts to continue to be level in pvp, even though I've put all this time into my main? I ant fully enjoy and play my main until I've leveled 3 alts just to be on the same damn footing as someone with altitis? How does this make any sense?


    Sigh. Just prepurchased guild wars2 when I read rateds weren't in.

    Can't come soon enough.

  11. FYI, the amount of keybinds you use does not determine whether your class takes skill to play or not. The fact that you're even mentioning this just verifies what the person you quoted was saying.


    You also trivialize tanking and healing to 3 buttons when in fact they use just as many, if not more keybinds than most dps classes/specs. If they're only using 3 keys, they're definitely doing it wrong.




    I use far more keys on my tank spec than infiltration or balance. Mainly because of taunt/guard. I still have to use all the attacks too...

    They are all key bound, there is no "rotation" since a good tank will use a priority system.

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