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Posts posted by Nabende

  1. I'll preface this by saying that I only just finished chapter 1 on my inquisitor so I can't speak about what happens after you're cleared for Taris.


    I was extremely disappointed that there was no noticeable power buff, new game mechanics, or anything that came from the ability to forcewalk. My reaction was quite literally, "I got a new cutscene I have to sit through... sweet?" If the second half of my inquisitor's storyline is going to be going out and chasing ghosts, why oh why is there NO difference between my character before and after I acquire a ghost? What about the whole choices and consequences thing? Shouldn't I feel the consequences of absorbing a ghost in terms of gameplay and not only in cutscenes?


    Also, Thanaton "killed" me, fine. He has a huge power base on Dromund Kaas. He would know if I was walking out the front door of the sith homeworld. So why isn't there a storied instance to get me off planet? Or SOMETHING at least to illustrate the point that I need to get off planet without being seen. Instead, as it is right now, nothing happens when I should be "on the run" and trying to escape the notice of one of the most powerful darths. And then when I got on my ship I was told some story about the apprentices finding me in a ditch? All I have to say is ***? Where is the immersion and story here?


    Anyone else feel miffed about these things or is it just me?

  2. This is a problem I've had with all of Bioware's games since Mass Effect (excluding most of DA:O). They've decided that it is required that all of the choices and consequences be clearly outlined, but without telling you exactly what you're doing because apparently that adds to the immersion... Thus the (flirt) button. Don't want people to have to think in our games do we?
  3. I play TOR on top of a pile of money with naked women all around me.


    Spoken like a true Hutt.


    Anyways, I'll bite.

    1) Hardcore

    2) PVE

    3) 30, I've been in finals lockdown since last monday, finished yesterday and have spent all of today on an unexpected train adventure...

    4) 7:15 am dec 13th

    5) uhm... idk?

    6) 5, all lowbies between 1 and 10.

  4. I am just as mad as you about the queue times but umm just so you understand this is early access the billing cycle has not even begun yet and you have not received your "product" because it is released the 20th what you are playing now is merely complimentary early access.


    Regardless your letter is pointless even if it was launch, plenty of MMOs have queues you can't get your money back because you are still capable of choosing a different server without a queue and playing the game. However this obviously pisses people off and they lose customers like that so the obvious solution is to release new servers and allow free transfers from full servers to those newer ones thus solving the problem.


    Actually I've already been charged for the full price of the game (starting yesterday), so I've received my product. Therefore this needs to be fixed.

  5. I was one of the first people in and I'm happy about it because I've been having a blast. First day in I wanted to come to the forums and celebrate how excited I was to be playing the game and instead I couldn't post anything because the entire conversation revolved around how it wasn't fair that people weren't getting in.


    Then the next day rolled around and I still couldn't discuss the game because people were complaining about waves and how they were being handled. Now today there's the queue complaint, which I'm guilty of because i find it annoying. But there's something far more insidious at work here.


    What's upsetting me most is that the forums look the way they do. Just looking at the threads that exist and the comments on those threads is sickening. The really annoying part to me is that there is an obvious solution that would have made it possible to avoid this whole situation. The solution on day one would have been to limit forum posting privileges to those who had early game access. Suddenly, there would have been none of this crap we've dealing with for the past 3 days on the forums. And then the people in the customer service forums would actually be able to get assistance.


    I would just like to be able to discuss the game itself without having to deal with all of the nonsense that's being thrown all over the place.



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