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Posts posted by Jay-RemX

  1. At this moment the current state obviously is still a rumor...it is entirely up to you if you want to dish out 15$+


    If you've seen any of my posts i have the same concern as you ; I recently just subbed right before these rumors started , and was upset that the game I've played since 2011 was in a hiatus


    My decision is to play til the end , even though it pains me seeing another star wars mmo go


    Edit: I don't know if it's going to go poof it just feels like it lol

  2. People will probably find this post stupid , but I'll say it anyway lol..



    I am well aware that mmos dont last forever (except WoW , I swear it's one of the oldest with a thriving community still...) , but psychologically I feel like there's a difference between something eventually going to happen , vs getting a wake up call that it's going to happen soon..


    Me playing a brand new game not knowing the game will end somewhere down the line I guess is easier to cope with than having to reevaluate my situation and think about what I want to do . In this case , I hear some rumors about a possible hiatus/cancellation and start to think..do I want to continue playing or move on

  3. Lol bumping a 2 hour old thread you created... not sure whether impressed or disappointed. :rak_03:


    And the loneliness is probably because this is, what the 11th thread created about the same topic in the last 2 days?


    I know ...it is very sad to see the op bump a 2hr old thread :(

  4. What world are you living in? BDO does not have more players than WoW, lol. I understand why people don't take your posts seriously now.


    Steam numbers show something between 11,000 and 17,000 people log in per day (obviously low, not everyone is on steam, but not way off). Regardless of which you like, the population of BDO is well behind WoW, ESO, FF XIV, RS, and GW2.


    All I know is that this game is not doing so hot compared to other mmos (Gw2 , Warframe , WoW , FF14) , bioware , take notes

  5. Then how about it's time to get real and stop having expectations that the game will ever receive the support it gained at launch? Listen, I am all for harsh criticism and I understand the frustration but my god it's like some read an article about video game development or thought about it. Games succeed, games fail, it's a natural cycle. You won't like to hear this but the reality is that this is "just" a game.


    There are tons of great games out there. Perhaps it's time to get out of the abusive relationship with swtor and invest more time in games you like. People wanting them to comment on this article are blinded by anger, they aren't thinking rationally anymore and it's dangerously unhealthy.


    Fair enough ; I'll be honest I have played since launch..but not continuously , I've subbed and unsubbed so many times you'd think that's some sort of cheating metaphor lol


    It's just very surprising this day n age swtor is in , it would learn from it's mistakes and look to better itself...same happened with swg (I don't know if you've seen my thread or not about that..)

  6. Oh my god. An article based on anonymous sources means that they are not allowed to give answers to that.

    Are you all stupid? Seriously, perhaps it's time to break up your abusive relationship with swtor and spend time on games you like.


    This is getting ridiculous.


    I understand what you're getting at , but unless you've had this happen to you before , or played since launch , you wouldn't understand the amount of time and money we put into this "it's a just a game" gig

  7. Yes...you got click-baited slightly...ANYWHO!


    I know that maybe some of you probably used to to play a game called SWG...Yea? Well...I played for a few years , noticed the updates started to decrease...devs wouldn't communicate with the community as much as they'd like...sound familiar?


    Also this game is also about 6yrs old...the same age as SWG was when it was canceled ...Notice a pattern? Now I'm not sure if this is happening to any other game that I know about (I really need to broaden my gaming horizon...) , but for me I notice it in the star wars franchise..at least for it's mmos (and no I'm not including that clone wars supposed mmo! Ain't nobody playing that lol *cough cough* sorry Its just my opinion..it looks horrible :3..)


    But it makes you think , they only care to the extent of it being a popular franchise , and when it starts going down hill...They let it die , not caring about what their customers think, or all the hours , the grind and the money (I'm speaking for the people who invested in games) ...they rather make a new star wars mmo , or in this case , Anthem , biowares SWTOR replacement


    Now you can flag this thread for starting crap...or the devs can close this thread...I just wanted to speak my 2cents on how I view our situation as a gaming community ; Its our money and interest which keeps games going , don't let them do as they please and expect everything to be "ok"


    ~Jeei/Tickle Damage

  8. They need to start communicating better...then again ive been here since launch and look where this game is at now *smh* ; Look at at Gw2 , Warframe and WoW as some of the examples , obviously they're doing something right , and have a thriving community...take notes and do something about it , If not fine...at least have some respect for your loyal customers and address the state of your game


    ~Jeei/Tickle Damage

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