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Posts posted by FrankyFin

  1. you know warzone pvp - especially stuff like huttball - couldve been this games *counter-strike .. if they put a bit more effort into pvp and its support system, jesus christ could this have been a good pvp game. because the combat looks and feels actually pretty damn good in this game. nobody wants to see - or play - 1 hour long matches, that as one of the first things would have to have been refined, but that was all doable. they just decided to go another route. here we are in pre-season 1 (lol) and they remove 8vs8s and introduce 4vs4 deathmatch in this state of badly balanced classes. its so sad because the game could be all over youtube and twitch with annual tournaments etc. if they had half a brain for it.


    * like the mod counter-strike gave half life 1 years of extra shell-life. millions of people bought half life 1 just to be able to play the multiplayer-mod counter strike.


    other MMO developers now straight up hand out tools to the playerbase to make content, because the people that like a game very much often can, if given the tools, create content just as good if not better then the actual developers.


    its of course too late now probably to open swtor up like that, so by all means keep wearing those corporate suits, crush creativity and continue the newest trend: lacking common sense .. your main-job now ought to be to crunsh numbers on how to milk whales with cheap shiny things.


    keep wondering why people burn through your story-content. you make a WOW RIPOFF with the star wars IP .. then offer NOTHING at endgame to the PVErs at launch. NOTHING as in 2 dead-easy raids for the first 4 months? and the PVPers get battlemaster-RNG, the valor-exploits, the ilum-disaster, people speedhacking and the list continues.


    just who actualy thought it was a good idea to release a single player RPG with non-existent and/or broken endgame content with a 15 dollar monthly-fee.

    if you actualy listened to beta-testers at all and kept working on endgame in both PVE and PVP for some time.. this game couldve been way more than it is.

    theres a reason why millions of people bought the box and then threw it in the corner, laughing with one eye and crying with the other.

    Bioware set the tone in the beta and is still singing the same tone .. masterfully ignoring the many mistakes that could be learned from.


    killing star wars galaxies was also a great idea! man was that game a threat to swtor. lets piss of 50000 star wars galaxies players who will effect even more people negativly, sure why not, you dont need THAT demographic, right? chat bubbles? nonsense, man. lets push this game out.


    bioware pissed off roleplayers and star wars fans with the killing of star wars galaxies and then delivered a game that was just very unfit for people who came over from other mmorpgs to try swtor with the lack of endgame and polish. then all they had left for an audience was people who just wanted to play through 1-2 classes then throw it in the corner and uttlery weird people who like weird **** like you and me, who just happen to need a star wars mmorpg in their lifes ^^ .. gg

  2. either the sorc healer is fine and balanced and the operative healer is uttlery uber imba, or sorc healer is too weak and the operative is fine.


    also a well played mercenary healer is better than a sorc in arenas.


    mercenary/commandos have heavy armor and better tools to stay alive than a sorc. a merc might not heal as much HPS-wise but he improves defenses and when he gets a few seconds breathing room he can do serious burst healing. merc healers even have some serious offense worth wasting a GCD for (electro net for example).

    yes mercs have to cast too, but they are half a tank themselves.


    i mean without question, as a sorc healer - without guard - you are toast in no time. and with guard you can survive and be a ****** and show the world what sorcs can do .. untill youre forced to waste GCDs on sapping your own health. god forbid the other team pressures you, cause you dont have another healer at your side to save you like in 8 man content.


    i played all the healers and like sorc playstyle-wise the most. i even like the force management, but that combined with no "real" defensive cooldowns (yay bubbles, wooo little selfheal ^^) makes sorcs healers just not realy viable for arenas.


    you cant spam a potent heal every GCD, let alone on the move, like operatives and you cant tank focus fire like a merc can. as a sorc healer right now in arenas youre just at the very bottom of the foodchain, erbody taking big bites from those little squishy sorcs ^^ .. IF THERE WOULD BE ANY .. go find one sorc healer on the PTS playing arenas ;)

  3. i have a good system. i play mainly operations and pvp and in those areas the game performs the same for me no matter what settings i run. resolution of 2560x1440 ... everything maxed, 8 x anti aliasing, 8 x anistrophic filtering etc. same performance as everything on low and no AA and filtering. 25-70 frames. average of 40 probably. its just all over the place depeding on how many AOE effects are on the screen .. and actually what time it is because when theres less people on the server i swaer i get like double the frames (yes in closed instances like pvp warzones).


    trust me i would turn everything off if it would mean that i get a good framerate that isnt all over the place, for pvp especially, but this game just doesnt work like that :/. so i might as well run everything on high, makes no difference whatsoever performance wise with my system.

  4. One comment from my side playing Sentinel main in PVP on Combat for the last 3 months:

    Besides the random nature of Opportune Attack and Hand of Justice, it is extremely annoying that I have to watch my buff bar carefully to register if any of these two buffs are available. I already increased my buff bar on 1.2 in the interface editor to be able to exactly track the proc moments. But the icons in the character buff bar are also not ordered. So it is sometimes really hard to find these buffs in the forrest of icons.

    the buffbar is my dearest enemy as well. i only have one good eye so keeping track of as much as possible in pvp is a challenge, but i feel especially screwed with specs where i would have to stare at my buffbar in order to play it good.


    the buffbar is uncomfortable to look at due to the classbuffs/stim/stance etc. now if there was at least a set place for the important ability buffs to pop up it would make it easier, but as it is i need "to hunt" for the procs/buffs. its too exhausting for me, so when i play carnage marauder i dont even care for the buffs anymore. force scream crit or not, its fine :o ... i rather look at my enemys buffbar instead of my own to make sure he doesnt have some insane def cooldown popped before i go off, but yeah personally i cannot do that much multi-tasking with my impaired vision.


    procs that reset skills like unload for the arsenal mercenry .. or 20 seconds buffs like in the rage spec are fine. close to no own-buffwar-watching required. i also like buffs with numbers in them ... easy to spot. for all the specs though that require one to react very fast to certain buffs/procs (in order to play the class or rather the specs rotation to potential) some imporvement to the buffbar would be greatly appreciated.


    TLDR: do want better buffbar!^^

  5. huttball could be a standalone subscription based game, id pay.


    2: novare coast: nice open field to play in and more balanced than alderaan.

    3: alderaan: i actually like it except the obvious downfalls of it (speeders to side turrets = horrible .. and capping takes maybe 1-2 seconds too long).

    4: hypergates: its a cool map, if most of your team understands the concept :p

    5: voidstar: well i do like that similar to huttball, a couple good people with the right classes can sometimes do some awesome stuff in pugs (running through it ^^). at 55 its like a deathmatch at door 1 or 2 a couple times too often though, no.


    Large-scale mass fights are fun on occasion but I don't like them as regular wzs because it's really hard to make a difference in those as one player; they aren't very satisfying to win - I often feel like I was lucky to be on the right side, not "a winner".

    yeah pretty much.


    8v8 can be a lot of fun when the teams are at least somewhat equal, but lets be real, often they are not. on my server most often you know exactly who is going to win a match before the match even startet just by looking at your teammates and one for damn sure knows whos going to win when you see the enemy team ;). when im standing in spawn before a match and look around and say, well thats a good team and then the match starts and you find out the opoosing team is equally good.. those matches are thrilling, and im pretty sure those kinda matches could happen more often in an arena type setting.


    i dont like slaughterings, being on the giving or receiving end of it and chances of that happening in 4vs4 or even smaller group sizes are reduced and if you do get slaughtered at least - to a much bigger extent (then in regular 8vs8) - its your own fault, which makes it easier to swallow and a more personal experience ^^ ... and people who cant play well at all can always continue to roll the dice in the hope of ending up in a winning team in those 8vs8s ;)


    i like pvp in swtor more then in any other games, even with only those 8v8 maps we have now, but in any case.. smaller arena type matches will be a very welcome, very needed breath of fresh air.

  7. So I hear about these server transfers and I think : YES. This is what I have been waiting for! Some people tell me that they think BW won't allow NA~EU transfer but I shun the non-believers saying is they can transfer the ENTIRE APAC servers for FREE. Then sure they can do PAID transfers from NA~EU.


    Then only a matter of days before the patch you tell me this is not the case, proving all the people who doubted you purely on the belief that you would mess up and not give me an option right. Better yet, you tell me that there is NO technical issue with doing this and provide me NO real reason as to why this is.


    the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


    may be a bit harsh, but at this point Bioware couldve really learned something about communication with their players and how to avoid screw ups like this with some beforehand thinking.

  8. i was really looking forward to transfering a couple characters from my EU server to a NA server. i guess it wanst even a question in my mind wether or not bioware would allow this, because why wouldnt they? i was naive and am a bit bumbed out now. this is yet another letdown.
  9. nightmare ops isnt exactly something for the masses and i cant imagine who would want new dailies at this point. and then no new PVP content untill fall? pretty heartbreaking. PVP has actually sooo much potential in this game and most PVPers dont want much except not wait a gigantic amount of time for something new.


    a lot of people love to PVP in this game, even on my RP-PVE server. it cant be that difficult to throw your subcribers a bone while you work on whatever big PVP updates you say you have planned.

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