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Posts posted by wessik

  1. Level 50, 52 Valor Commando Medic. Yes, I've read the article and am aware of how resolve works.


    i am a valor 86 sniper... i have multiple cc abilities, however if i use:


    1 stun (debilitate) - 4s - ~50% resolve +

    1 mezz (flashbang) - 8s IF not broken by damage - 80% resolve


    your resolve bar is overflowing and you can't be stunned again... if you get hit by any damage, the flashbang breaks


    which classes are stunlocking you until you are dead?

    also how much expertise do you have?

    how much health do you have?

  2. They shouldnt be able to take down someone in full warhero gear in 3 shots. /end thread


    make sure you post that fraps of you getting owned that you promised so we can laugh at you!

  3. 9 seconds is far too long to just leave a Gunslinger 'alone'


    Just add a minimum range to Orbiatal strike, so the caller can't fire on themselves.


    i'm glad there are bad pvper's like you in this game who are so stupid that they can't figure out how to counter orbital strike :D


    "damn sniper dropped orbital strike on himself and i keep dying when i stand in it! nerf it!"

  4. I never asked to be put onto a super server, in fact I was fine with my low pop one. After i was forced onto the super server I have found that there are simply too many players playing in the same area. I really really hate line waiting....waiting in an area for the items i need to click to respawn - knowing full well there are others behind me and also in front of me. 150 people in the same instance is just to much for me. It really blows when i kill all the mobs leading up to a point the item i need to click and some random person jumps in and takes it.

    So as a result i only play in the am before class. around noon it jumps from 64 to about 100ish and thats too much.

    But i kinda hate this - watching the clock to see how long I haveto play. If i have a meeting my morning is done and so's my game time. I KNOW the later planets get better, but on the capital worlds its pain stakingly slow to get through them. I hate missing 2/3 of good game time because the crowds are too big.

    Please let me move to a smaller server, or let me move to an instance before it hits 150 people on the planet. I'm okay with not seeing many people, I have group finder now for heroics and fp.


    black hole instances are limited to 50... if you find you are near that number, click M, and switch to another instance...


    i play on prophecy of 5 - #2 populated pvp server

  5. I got the first door.

    I got the bridge.

    I got the second door.

    I got the force field.

    I got the third door.

    I downloaded the data.


    Jealous? Bet you never had a round like that, did ya?


    ah, i miss L10 -49 warzones too!

  6. Just like dots were working as intended too, right? I'm just saying, don't act all surprised if they do nerf it. You can exploit it all you want for all I care. I just wouldn't get used to relying on that tactic myself.


    they nerfed dots stopping capping because they persisted through death and imo that was a good change...

    bioware didn't want to go the other way for whatever reason... ie dots stopped on the operative's death ...


    by contrast, they didn't nerf orbital strike or plasma probe because they DO end on the sniper's death... it's not like snipers have ever been invincible or hard kills (glass cannons)...


    how can you exploit an ability when everyone (except you apparently) has known for the last 8 months that area denial is the whole point of the ability...


    now let me put the question to you... say they nerf it like you want... what is the point of the ability? it would be useless once again... a top tier 31 pt ability that is useless... good job... way to ruin a viable sniper tree...


    if a plasma probe is preventing a capture, should you:

    1. stand in the middle of the probe and try to cap the door?


    2. go kill the sniper?


    once again, learn to play...


    (and for the record, i'm a MM sniper... i don't even have the ability...)

  7. get rid of permanent anti jump screen - snipers are so rediculously op already. Insane amounts of damage and lots of cc's - the fact that no night can leap them makes them rediculously op...


    learn to play

  8. It is one thing to actively deny an area with abilities and another to fire off one move that prevents it completely for such a long duration where you are free to hide or move into a safe place. I would not get used to using this tactic if I were you.


    it's working as intended... it's always been that way since the game released...


    the sniper dies, the probe disappears... learn to play

  9. Hello, I have a level 28 Scoundrel and am on Alderaan. Its taken me a month to get this far but was wondering if anyone had any tips to make this go faster, considering my Trooper took 3 months to get to 50. I have a computer that doesn't support warzones very well and am bad at space missions since I only beat Archernar Interception only once out of 14 tries.I want to level up faster while still having a little time to enjoy the story. Does anyone got any tips for how I can do that?


    in regards to space, you need to have your ship parts upgraded as high as possible for your level, and the mission will become easier...

  10. Completely impossible, L2P. After the first two your bar is white, the next two stuns wouldn't affect you, you can break the 4 second stun if you have a CC breaker available and then the root would take effect, which can be cleansed by a Tech Cleanser (since I assume you mean a sniper's root.)


    absolutely true ----^

  11. In some occasions you can be stunned locked up to 4 times before resolve activates and then you can be rooted in place almost permanently even with resolve. For example 2 sec stun, Hit with a 4 sec stun then hit with an 8 sec stun then force choked for 4 or 5 sec then rooted is way to extreme.


    I have 2 questions:


    1. what class is stunning you for 2s, then 4s, then 8s, then choking for 4-5s in a row?

    2. In the yellow sequence above, please tell us when you use your stun break?


    (I am a sniper so I have 5 cc abilities - stun, mezz, 2 knockbacks, root and I know how resolve works and it works just fine)


    Looking at the destination server we are supposed to transfer to (if we opt to) it is heavy during our play time. So maybe one of us gets in, the other may not. That doesn't work well as we want to play together when we can. On a heavy population server we would have to fight for quest mobs and crafting materials as opposed to simply being able to run around and do stuff without competing much with others for the same 'resources'.


    i play on prophecy of five now, even if it's heavy, queue times are rare... i did have a 45min wait last week but that was shortly after 1.3... since then, i get in right away...


    while it's true that you may be running into other people during questing, it's not so bad... running black hole missions every day, sometimes it's a pain to get those cache boxes while running into others but i just switch instances and complete the quest... it's not that big of a deal... in normal class quest mission running i think it'd be even less of an issue...


    Lastly, the transfer itself. I don't care if I have to change names and neither does my wife. What we do care about is that all of our characters transfer to a server that is not heavily loaded. From what I have read, getting our characters transferred together on the same destination is not guaranteed should the transfer cut-off to the destination server occur during the process.


    i had 2 original toons, and then made 3 more to act as mules to carry a bunch of stuff over to my new destination server... each transfer took about 30s to 1 min to complete... unless something has changed since the first days of 1.3, i think you'll be fine...


    see yellow

  13. IMHO the new MMO developers are really blowing an opportunity get ahead of other MMO developers when they dilute the quality of their game by using running around to grind as a time sink. I realize that not everything in an MMO is going to be 100% thrilling, but the running time sink as everyone knows is planned.


    It is IMO a huge mistake. IT is the main reason I don't go back and play WOW or Rift. Well at least Rift lets you ride your horse inside of the absurdly huge buildings now. It wasn't that way in the bigging of that game.


    It shows that Developers are capable of learning. So there is hope! LOL


    You will know when you got the right size of buildings, spaceships and any structure when you get new players asking,


    "Hey, can somebody tell me how to make my character walk, It looks stupid to run from here to there all the time!"


    Just saying. I find myself running out of time to play MMOs.


    bath salts... sounds like a good time!

  14. How many stuns/roots is too many really?


    I mean... in 1 v 1 if you can kill someone and they never even get the chance to attack... and you can keep them stunned/rooted perpetually... is this not game breaking?


    2... debilitate and flashbang will give the target full resolve... then they will be CC free after that...


    so no, it isn't game breaking...

  15. Doesn't matter where I stand in the Civil War around a turret, I frequently don't get defender points.


    there is a known bug... if you take a side speeder directly to the turret and never leave the area, you won't get defender points...


    if you leave the turret area and go to the stairs leading underneath and come back (text will pop up in the middle of the screen that you have entered a new area), you will once again receive medals when going back and defending the turret...


    if you take middle speeder and run to the side turrets, you will also receive defender pts...

  16. Title says it all...


    I just got my first toon to 50 (a sniper) - been doing some poking around to find out what the best specs and stats are, but I don't like to just take advice off random sites.


    Are there any places that have established themselves as knowing what they are doing? is there a SWTOR version of Elitist Jerks? Are there any theorycrafting blogs or sites?




    these helped me alot...







  17. Lol for 86 MM sniper you are full of myths.


    What server you are playing? helm of graush > prophecy of five


    Roots are dispellable, dispell is on 4,5 sec CD. our roots only last 2 sec if broken by damage , but it's enough time to create some space between him and me... if he wants to waste a GCD, that's good for me...


    He runs 15 % faster than you. And no, in stealth he does not run slower than you. hmm thought they did... can anyone else confirm?


    After knockdown he will root you, so you won't be able to turn around to debilitate for another 2 sec and eat something like exp probe + backstab/laceration, unless you are deep in lethality tree.

    you misunderstand... if i'm knocked down, i'm not running anywhere at the moment... however, i can target the guy and spam debilitate the whole time, and as soon as the knockdown is over and it lets me stand up, my debilitate will stun them...


    If you manage to stun eventually he will eat it (must be real ******* to trinket enything from sniper rather than flash bang). if he wastes his escape to get out of my debilitate, that's a plus for me cuz i still have mine available... i'm quite used to debilitate, it's a great skill...


    And that phrase "run and heal yourself"... God, if only snipers can heal themselves outside of wz buff or medpack :Dya i have a crappy rakata medpac and i use wz medpacs, that's what i mean...


    see yellow

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