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Posts posted by Ishxan

  1. Mobs are not challenging in the manner that they present a learning experience. They are just tedious to kill because all they have is high health and damage. Killing a pack is not challenging, or even sometimes more than one. The problem is the downtime you get and the "grindy" feel the combat gets. I feel like at a certain point it came to just avoiding combat as much as possible because of its poor xp/t and boring nature.
  2. Heres my 5 cents:


    1. Servers max population is a fixed number, because BW wants the servers to be WELL POPULATED! If they just opened up servers with the highest number of slots availiable, all they would end up with would be 5-10 servers being FULL because of lack of server power, and 50 servers that were EMPTY because noone wants to play alone :)


    THERES your reason...


    2. I havent had a single crash yet, and i havent experienced a single queue yet either, just from being smart, picking the right server.

    When that is said, i understand the frustration of people who have friends on a full server, or people being in a guild on a full server. BUT... Trust me when i say, things will be better! And no, im not payed by BW to say this, but you guys are just whining because you have a place to whine!


    What about those of us placed on a damned server because of the pre-order guild assignment?


    You can be all cheery when you don't have a 1hr queue to get into your server at 1 am.


    I will tell you what the REAL problem is. There are no dedicated RUSSIAN AND SCANDINAVIAN. Two groups which are obviously large and pick an "UNOFFICIAL LANGUAGE SERVER" and everyone migrates there, even if they were placed on another server with their guild.


    I know for a fact that a lot of Scandinavian guilds migrated to Bloodworthy during pre access. This is just retarded and all of Bioware's fault.

  3. Really? REALL!? C'mon. Damn you BW for putting my guild on Bloodworthy, damn you to your well deserved cash filled hell.


    My guild and I would be more than willing to migrate from this server to a lighter one if you would give us a free character transfer!

  4. Keep in mind that I'm from Scandinavia and we don't really produce girly-men here.


    I don't know which Sweden you live in... or when the last time you were anywhere outside, but Sweden is like the capitol of girly men. Half the dudes here look like anime characters :S


    Sweden A.D. 900 =/= Sweden 2011


    Back on to the topic. I don't know if people have even looked at the proportions of #3 but they are ridiculous. If you think you are buff and look anything like that then you must have a broken way of seeing the world.


    Body size #3 is for guys with inferiority complexes. #2 is smaller, but at least it looks human... not Space Marine.

  5. You did call three facts undeniable, one of which is false.


    Selective reading, or just a little upset on your part?


    It is poorly designed. BW needed to be transparent about the nature of the early access when it comes to time frames, estimates, and volumes. Do you honestly think this is an adequate process? Do you honestly think it could have not gone better?


    If a system is designed well and works to its specifications then everything runs smoothly. As I said the intention on the drawing board may seem good, but the implementation is horrible. The state of the forums, as funny as it is, is my evidence. Even though the consumer might be over reacting or just plain wrong does not really matter. Such an endeavor should have been better communicated. People are furious when they do not understand or feel cheated. If people react the way they do then it implies a failure on BioWare's part to properly implement their intention.


    You have not given even the slightest bit of evidence for your claim, only that it's your opinion. As a matter of fact my opinion is that the staggered launch is a good thing and I understand the thought behind it. But individual opinion does not make a fact (as much as a fact can be a fact). The state of the forum indicates, despite your opinion, that it is not a good design. If it were then we would not be having this conversation.

  6. Because first come first served doesn't have to mean everyone who ordered the same date are equal, it means the order the pre order keys were entered. It doesn't matter if the time difference between two codes being entered is 1 second or 1 week, The one that was entered first is served first.


    Obviously, but that's not the point. This is about the validity of applying "pre-order earlier". Not about how first come first serve works. I hoped it was obvious that I was implying that everyone ordered at the exact same time.

  7. Or a poorly constructed argument on the part of the OP. :eek:


    Yes thank you for taking the time to completely misunderstand because of obvious selective reading. Your first reply to my post argued against something that I did not even imply. It's about the validity of the statement in the topic title, not about the nature of the pre-orders or how the launch is conducted. Do you want me to send you a drawing? Are letters and words too confusing for you?


    There were people who obviously understood as it seems. Posts like yours add to derailment. When you called my post an argument its painfully obvious that you have little to no comprehension of the subject.

  8. I only feel the need to respond to one specific point you've made. Point #3.


    If everyone had preordered the same day and a random pick excluded people from playing day 1 early access, of course people would rage. *THAT* system is not fair or logical; however, the system we've been given is *both* of those things.


    First-come, first-serve. It's a logical argument that many of the children on this board don't seem to understand. If you preordered early, you'd be in the game early. If you didn't, it's not BioWare's fault. I don't get why all these prepubescent kids are crying that it's BioWare's fault...you're the one that didn't preorder early, like they told you. They explained the Early Access system *MONTHS* ago, and many of you apparently did not listen.




    OK, I think a lot of people are misunderstanding my post. This is not a justification for the QQ on these forums. I'm just pointing out that regardless of when you pre ordered the game you were never guaranteed first day access because it all depended on the volume of people pre ordering on that date. Telling people that if the volume was increased it somehow would have guaranteed their chance of day 1 entry simply doesn't make sense. Under the assumption that the early access was going to be staggered regardless of the aforementioned it would then mean the statement that pre ordering earlier assured earlier access is false.


    Addendum: I couldn't care less about the actual details of the launch and its state. I just wanted to point out the utter logical fallacy of "pre order earlier argument". I'm giving a hypothetical suggestion of the result of the "You should have pre ordered earlier", which itself is actually a suggestion of hindsight and a hypothetical alternative to the QQ'ers reality.

  9. First off, life isn't fair.


    Second, they could still do first come, first served if everyone ordered on the same day.


    How do you serve that when everyone is at the front of the line? It would then be a random process that decided. Or they would simply have to let everyone in at the same time.


    I honestly don't know why people feel obliged to defend against an argument that does not take sides...

  10. "Fair" is meaningless in this discussion. First come first served. Can't accept what that means?


    If people cannot accept that very simple principle, that's a personal problem. Bioware is not at fault.


    Have you been reading anything at all?


    So if everyone pre-ordered on the same day and paid they same amount and still pre-access was a staggered launch who's fault is it then? How does first come first serve apply here? If you had any reading comprehension you would understand that I'm pointing out the illogical nature of the "you should have pre ordered earlier then you would have gotten in" argument. I hope that's clear enough for you.


    And no, not everyone pre ordered on day 1. Yes BW said it was first come first serve basis. Yes QQ because you pre-ordered late even with that knowledge is ******** (what else did they expect). It does NOT, however, make the subject argument logical, which is the point of this thread.

  11. Glad you're getting so much fun out of it..




    This is a stupid argument. Poorly designed? "World first 50" is a meaningless achievement. It would be no different if people got in on day one, the servers imploded letting some people continue playing and others not.


    The early access system has been designed this way to minimise the risk of the servers imploding. To be in a position to say it's poorly designed would require having intimate knowledge of the servers.



    It's not about world first. It is about principle and fairness. I think if you look over the situation and the way the early access system works is that is not designed to be fair.


    Now let me further add upon my reasoning: let us say, for a moment, that there would be no early-access system and that the game launched for everyone at the same time. Now we can see two points here:


    1. The early access system is in fact not a bonus for the customer but a diversion from BW. They need the early access system to buy time because they KNOW they cannot handle a full proper launch. Since more than half of interested people pre ordered early access was a perfect guise to launch the game in a staggered manner. In this case the lack of early access would crash everything and then no one would be able to play and BW would be in deep water.


    2. Sometimes a little suffering has to be endured to achieve a better result. MMO launches are generally chaotic crash fests. So many people in one area, camping rats to get their eyeballs. It ruins the atmosphere and clogs toon progression which leads to forum whine about stuff spawning too slow or game is unplayable. A staggering launch may aggravate a lot of people but in the end when they do get in their first hours would be much more enjoyable than it otherwise would have been. In this case early access is to control flow and stability of the game in the short-medium run.


    Now from this it stands with reason to suggest that regardless of which option you think is correct (conspiracy or tough love) BioWare conciously knew and implemented early access as a means for them to be in control. It's a better deal for them than it is for the players.

  12. This launch is giving me many lulz. Don't really care about getting in that much since I have quite a bit of work to do, but I am enjoying all this QQ.


    There seems to be two sides on this forum. The apologists and the first world problem babies. Now both sides have presented stupid argument but I think the one shown in the title of this thread takes the cake. Its superfluous use as common sense is baffling. Let us assume that no matter what BW was going to do a staggering launch, and now let us assume that everyone was "responsible" and pre-ordered on the day of availability. Do you really think everyone would get in? No. You would have the exact same situation where a portion of the community gets more bang for their buck 30+7 days AND a massive advantage leading into the game.


    These are the undeniable facts of the moment:

    1. Poorly designed early access system. Probably seemed like a smarter idea on the drawing board.

    2. People are pulling their hair out, shooting babies, sacrificing goats, quitting jobs, and plagiarizing homework just so they can play a game - a game.

    3. People who got in would have been raging as much, if not more, if everyone had pre ordered same day and a random pick excluded them from day 1 early access. Acting like they would be civil in such a case is a joke. Of course they aren't mad, because the system favored them.


    To all the other sensible people on the forum: prepare for an age of darkness. Surely the combined QQ will give birth to a twisted god which will devour the world.

  13. Why so mad bro? There are many places where you can pre-order a product without paying an extra fee for the pre-order. BioWare does not charge you for the pre-order, the greedy *** store you pre-ordered from does! As it is right now I have free days on top of the 30 when the game launches.


    Seriously take responsibility for make stupid orders and research before hurr durring and paying for something that is for free.

  14. Most people will be in by the 15th I'm guessing. Anyway, I don't understand why people are so worked up about this. No sleep, skip work or school? You realize that when you steam through the game you will be max level with barely anyone around. So it has been for years, and it will be for many more.


    Sure it's a bit dickish to not have a specific schedule planned out and displayed for customers on when they can get in, but if you are pulling your hair out because of it then you have a poblem.

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