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Posts posted by DarthPsychonis

  1. George Lucas, from the intro to the ANH Special Edition VHS.


    That's Lucas' definition. In the universe of the movies, which is the entirety of Star Wars according to Lucas, there is the Force and the Dark Side. The Force is the Force in its natural state--peaceful, harmonious, balanced. The Dark Side is the corruption of that. He likened it to cancer, where the Force itself was more of a symbiotic relationship. One is healthy; the other kills.


    The EU definition, however, can be different. Dawn of the Jedi is a major example of this: The Je'daii believe that the Force is balanced by embracing both Light and Dark.


    Sorry dude, but that doesn't prove anything. Your taking one quote out of context and saying "See! See! I told you! Lucas thinks the Dark Side is a cancer...etc" Velaran has already posted several other quotes that shows that Lucas believes that the Force has a Yin-Yang relationship, where both sides are necessary. You are missing his point, yes Anakin brings balance back to the Force by killing the Sith, but the Force was first thrown out of balance by what the Sith where doing, not just because the Sith existed. Darth Maul even stated in the last Clone Wars episode "the Force feels....out of balance" before realizing that Sidious' plans had be going on without him. This clearly implies that the Force was in balance by the time of Ep. I. Keep in mind that everything that happens in The Clone Wars (including the Mortis triolgy) are not EU, the stories come from Lucas himself and are under his supervision. Lucas based the idea of the Force on East Asia religions, and if you read anything about Yin & Yang, there is a strong impasses in keeping the balance between the two. If the dark side is just a cancer like you say, with the light side as the true nature state of the Force, why on earth is Lucas using the word balance, which in itself implies at lest two parts? Having only one part of something is not balance. I also have trouble imagining how if the Dark Side's existence is dependent on the Sith, then how could the original Sith have turned to the dark side if it had not existed before then? The Force can be pushed in one direction or the other, but people who can use the Force can't just create a direction themselves. There is the Light Side and The Dark Side , period.

  2. Fans always like to think there will more films down the line, but that simply is not going to happen. Lucas has said several times that there is no story (at lest from him) after Return of the Jedi. Originally there was going to be Episodes VII-IX, but they were condensed down and included into Jedi, with the Emperor being killed, and finding "the other Skywalker" which turned out to be Leia, etc. Also, Lucas has said that since he legally owns the property, that he is leaving instructions after he dies that would prevent anyone getting the rights to make new films. So if you want to know what happens to Luke and the others after Ep. VI, there are plenty of books in the EU you can look up, because that is all we are getting. We will be getting the live action tv show in a few years, since Lucas has written out several episodes already and is just waiting for technology to get better so he can make it cheaper.
  3. Bioware has already stated that early in development if the discussion had not been made to have the game be an MMO, THE JEDI KNIGHT STORY WOULD HAVE BEEN THE MAIN STORY OF THE GAME. So if you want Kotor 3, your in luck, your already playing it.
  4. As far as I can judge, with Anakin beating Dooku, he was the third most powerful Jedi at the time of Ep.III with Yoda and Mace roughly equal at the top, then Anakin, then Obi-wan close behind. Obi-wan did not beat Anakin through his own skill or power, Anakin just got pig headed and mad a stupid mistake, one even Obi-wan told him not to make. Mace would not "own" Anakin and it would still be a hard fight, but Mace would eventually come out on top. However, if Anakin had sustained none of his injures on Mustafar and grew to his full potential, he would have been more that twice as powerful and Mace or Sidious, and there would be no contest between them.
  5. This doesn't surprise me that much, in alot of games every time something is updated one thing or another is somehow negatively is affected. Just make sure you post this under customer services so they can fix is ASAP.
  6. That's where Canon gets tricky as hell. Since the Dark Side being a cancer in the Force is G-Canon, that little tidbit of TCW series is N-Canon since it doesn't conform to G-Canon, while the rest of it (that does conform to G-Canon) is T-Canon.


    Yea, it makes your brain hurt.


    uhhhhh.....you are aware that Lucas himself came up with the idea of the Mortis trilogy don't you? Filoni states it here in the behind the scenes bit in season 3..



    Many of the decisions and stories in the Clone Wars, such as Darth Maul being brought back to life, come from Lucas himself. Lucas is highly involved the the Clone Wars, so everything that happens in the show is G-Canon. I think it is very clear that the Daughter represents the Light Side, the Son the Dark Side, and the Father the Balance. The Father was dying and wanted Anakin, the chosen one, to take his place and keep the Balance. The Light Side itself is not balance. The Dark Side is a cancer because of its corrupting nature, and left unchecked it would grow stronger than it should and throw the force out of balance. Sidious was the one who was responsible for the unbalance, and killing him brought the back the balance. The light side of the force, due to its nature, does not seek to over power darkness and ruin the balance, but the dark side does because of its nature anger, fear, aggression, ambition. That is the key.

  7. The universe isn't real dude, I don't understand why you're trying to define actions and psychology of fake people.


    Think of this thread as its own little creation. I posed a (hopefully) interesting topic and within the realm of normal discussion, that topic can be discussed, interesting and new opinions based on what is relevant.


    Your posts have no relevance.


    lol I have never seen someone act so immature especially one who claims to have served in the military. Look man, I know you though it was cute to bringing one of may previous posts from a completely different thread in some sad attempt to turn my own words against me but they have nothing to do with each other.Your thread is specificity comparing Star Wars military tactics to real life ones, therefor I pointed out that of course they would be impractical, because they are not meant to be genuine in the first place. I don't know why you think that would have no relevance. Star Wars is meant to be full of swashbuckling action-filled adventures that are supposed to be entertaining and nothing more, and have little to do with how war is waged in real life. So I am more or less agreeing with you, which would be like agreeing that the sky is blue. I'm not trolling you dude, I'm just pointing out something that I think is obvious.

  8. Thank you for this contribution to this thread. If you get bored, I'm sure there are some threads about cats where you can talk about dogs.


    No dude, I am being serious. I really don't understand it when people complain about "Oh, well why does he dress that way? How can he do that? Well, what is the science behind that? Why would they fight that way? That doesn't make sense!!!" ITS NOT REAL! Its not suppose to be like reality. Your going to complain about the military tactics they are using, but the fact that they are able to travel faster than light which my all our modern science is deemed impossible is just fine!? You could go on for years picking out things in the movies that would make make no logic sense. Good God, how is a lightsaber even possible!? ITS NOT REAL! The people who made the films and video games would tell you the same thing, you are taking this too seriously. You are looking for flaws that are obvious, and answers where there are none.

  9. As someone who served in the military, it aggravates me when I see cinematics/star wars films that use tactics the world hasn't used since the bow and arrow became obselete. The republic cinematic comes to mind, where the troopers fire a volley of shots from ambush and then get into Melee with a significant number of force users that specialise in that.


    I mean they don't even need consultants, just common sense. Anyone else bugged by this and/or have specific examples?


    Star Wars isn't real dude, its all just science-fantasy. And your complaining because its not more realistic???? Its pointless trying to look for logic, there is none, its all just made for entertainment.

  10. Alot of people seem to be judging this on what Vader & Palpatine's "intentions" were. As Lucas himself once said "Anyone who is evil never thinks of themselves as evil, they always think that they are doing good....even when they are not." It makes little difference to me what their motives were either good or evil, it is their actions that define them. Although Palpatine is considered the ultimate villian, there were times when Vader was even worst. Anakin knew the things he did was wrong (i.e. killing children) but he did them anyways to meet his own intentions of becoming strong enough to save Padme. We expect someone like Palpatine to be evil, as he really had no real chance of being anything else. Anakin was a good man, a hero, and to see him descend to do such horrible things is far worst. Who was pulling who's strings does not make one of them more evil than the other. The kicker for me came in TFUII (yes I know that game sucked) when Vader threatened to kill Juno, the woman Starkiller loved, unless Starkiller did his bidding. Here, Vader is knowingly doing (in extent) the same thing Palpatine did to him in EPIII.....turn to the Dark Side in order to save the one you love. That to me is the epitome of evil.
  11. Lucas doesn't give 2 $&*%'s about what happens in the EU. But yeah, as some else pointed out, in this era Darth is a higher rank than a regular Sith Lord. Its like a Jedi Knight being called "Master" even though they are not the official rank of Master.
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