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Posts posted by SeanJones

  1. I think that if you are the GM of a guild that all your characters you create should be automatically added to your guild. Once the character is in the guild you can have the option to remove it or not, however it put less strains on the GM on small or large guilds alike to add to your own guild you payed and created.
  2. I think it would be alot more efficient to add a server/legacy bank for your account. Instead of sending money via mail to have just one bank account that holds all credits that does not have to be transferred manually.


    I think another tweak that would make it more doable for a bioware credit sink would have this as a legacy bonus. Pay a million credits to unlock and you have it for all characters.

  3. I support the idea of balancing out teams, With the release of group finder i do not see this a hard thing to implement. Only thing I do not agree with is preventing pre-mades from grouping up because they do not fit this criteria. If players want to stack healers or tanks or dps then imho they should. Even though they can heal other players have the ability to hit hard, interrupt or stun healers. Also in PvP healers are a bit squishy and as you said they do not fit your mold so if there are 4 healers then there are only 4 spots to fill with healers/tanks/dps. Im not huge in PvP, however i had my fair share of playing it. I like the thought and when they release group search i think they should balance teams based on classes however restricting play is a bad idea.
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