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Posts posted by TheBlackDragon

  1. Still play EVE with a huge Corp and I know economy. Btw, no game can compare with EVE economy, so bringing this up here doesn't change the fact the excess money drives up prices


    This game was never made with an economy in mind, if prices get inflated then so be it, everyone can just take up slicing if being poor bothers them that much

  2. The imperial focus of the empire is quite nice to roleplay with, i enjoy my character being dedicated to the empire and doing all thats needed to keep it strong. it also seems like the empire is more patriotic than the republic, they're all focussed on achieving the same goal and working together (On penalty of death ofc) xD
  3. I still don't get why anyone would plow through content at such a pace. I mean its not like there is a guild full of other players waiting for you to join their raid. I don't know, I just don't get it.


    I think it's called ego, he wants us all to congratulate him for doing something pointless that required no real skill difference to the ordinary player, gz btw on breaking ur spacebar

  4. What exactly do yuo think an official statement will say? What use will it be? If you are placated by an official post saying "yes we know there are queues" then you shouldn't even bother posting.


    Some acknowledgement would be nice and atleast a statement saying how they are planning on reducing times, at the moment it looks like nothing is being done

  5. Instal remote desktop software.


    Put your self into queue remotely before you leave work.


    Be in the game right as you sit down to play.


    Problem solved.


    Typically i would get in faster than i thought and then get logged out for being afk and being forced to queue again

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