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Posts posted by Gamatic

  1. Theres totaly no reason trying to have point, ppl just repeating themselfs without even thinking second over others opinions.


    So tell me, why is there even respec? My respec cost is atm over 300k credits because i respeced few times to heal guildies. How do you call that? I call that punished.


    Dual spec offers you options to play what is needed either for you (pvp) or for others (pve). But yeah, game does not have it at start, so you ppl will be defending bioware blindly for not adding feature that became standard. Yeah, its not standard in SWTOR, get use to it. I bet you have even some defending point why 5 of 6 hard flashpoints are bugged and not able to be completed. Guess its also standard in this game. Give me a break

  2. I just dont believe how many ppl are total ignorats. Because you dont need dual spec, nobody will have it? You dont enjoy pvp? Lets remove it. You dont enjoy pve? Lets remove it. There are others who play the game too, stop telling them how they are supose to play it. Yes, there are ppl who dont just run around without goal watching trees and buildings, there are ppl who enjoy game in every aspects, and they are punished for it.


    (btw argument with companions made my day. Because this game is about your companions right? Can you heal this flash point? sorry dude cant i picked bad spec, but i can send you my companion to do that, right?)

  3. Back in my day, skill choices /meant/ something. You never had a chance to change it. Unless you hacked the game, of course.


    Then all this new-fangled "respec'ing" came out, and then people want it so much that the game may as well let you re-distribute all your skill points every time you see a new group. it should be a pop-up "Excuse me, I notice you're about to fight some enemies? Would you like to respec?"


    go back to your days and play old games if you dont like that games are evolving. CHANGE IS BAD, we fear the change, keep things how they are!

  4. +1 I don't understand why they don't just go away.


    When you buy new car and breaks does not work you will be okay with that cause its first car company made? No, i dont believe that. People bought product, and that product have issues, ofc some became angry. Some more, some less. Not everyone is so much forgiving, but telling ppl to "shut up and go away" when they payed money for something that is broken is ignorant. People have right to say whats broken. Im, on the other side, pretty tired of ppl who advocate this stuff. I like this game, but it have its issues. Take off that pink glasses

  5. See, this is called "perspective".


    The game lets you respec, and you saying you are being punished for it.


    I say you are being privileged for having a function in the game that lets you respec at all.


    Diablo II didn't give you a respec at all. Or even ask you to confirm when you spent a talent point.


    Not sure if serious or just trolling. Dual spec became standard in mmo games with talent trees and people will want it, period. Whats the reason of just 2 advanced classes, by your logic there should be 6, cause after 10? respeces you cant do that anymore unless you spend fortune. In diablo II there was no lightsabers, lets take em out!

  6. Most of people who says this game is bad are the ones who reached 50 already. I totaly loved this game while leveling, and was about to throw my pc out of window when i finished. Pvp is strange with lag, knockback and stun everywhere, pvp gear up system is based on luck (o hai 15 last bags i opened without gear token), pve... 5 out of 6 hard flashpoints was bugged and not possible to finish... And many small things, nothing major, but at every corner jumps something on you. Its pretty ridiculous...


    So yeah, this game is really awesome while leveling, but when you want to try have fun after that, you might find out its not so awesome. (keep comments like "bla bla should not level so fast" for yourself. I loved my story line and I was way too much curious to level two months.)

  7. Yeah, sure, you will play that spec and thats it! No respec, play what you picked!


    Im totaly for NOT to alow advance class respec, but jeez ppl, many of us wants to enjoy all aspects of class. Atm my respec reached sky high cost, and im pretty much forced to stay in my last spec. I like to heal in pve, dps in pvp. Its my choice and playstyle and im punished for it. Opinions like "make new char" or "dont respec so often" are pretty ignorant. "WoW does not have dual class at release too" yeah, also in everquest when you died anyone could pick your stuff, want to go back to that time too? MMO games are evolving and some stuff become standard and people will want that. Accept that

  8. Comparing pve loot system to pvp gear up system is way to go. +1


    Only reason this system exist is in my opinion unnatural prolong time for ppl who wants to gear up in pvp. Cheers for 20 hours farm for enough commendations to be able to buy one gear piece, and "chance" to get some random piece. Frak this.


    Had really awesome leveling experience, that gets ruined totally when i hit 50 and realized how much about grind this game is (pvp and pve). I dont want free stuff, but i dont want to spend 20 hours pvping to get belt.



    This is the definition of ''casual friendly''. As things stand its do a few WZs, get a few bags and hope for the best. Skill, time, w/l ratio whatever else doesnt matter.


    Sure, 8-10 WZs wins on average for one bag (your chance to roll) is called casual friendly.

  9. Fully support this thread.


    This bag system is ridiculous luck based grind. Not sure about pve yet, but my first sneak peak was that it is something similar. Im not some kind of spoiled brat and im used to grind. But after 20 hours spend in PvP i get one gear piece? really?

  10. I dont know, new stuff already 1 month after game release is too soon imo. Id rather see some big patch repairing many buggs ive encountered (Taris lag, hard mode flashpoints bugs, companions protesting to do stuff, etc.) Dont get me wrong, i really like this game, i just want it to be more polished before new stuff arives.
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