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Posts posted by Onimara

  1. hi

    running a commando healer in PvP, so far 16th and having a blast.


    my plan is to do only PvP and class quests for the first 30ish levels, with exception being flash points from time to time.


    my greatest concern is that I noticed that I don't get gear, now I know you can buy gear from PvP at 20th, but wont my gear be lacking badly by the time I'm 30?


    do I need to get crafted goods on the side?

    do I need to pillage the GTM?


    anyone tried doing that and can share?

  2. I don't know what it is about this game, but tanking is a big pain in the *** and an exercise in frustration.



    For example, I was doing mandolian raiders where you fight that boss that's 4 enemies. The healer sapped one of them, I charged in and did my aoe then ran back to line of sight the ranged guys and got them all grouped up. I'm pounding on the guy with double lightsabers but losing threat (I guess he drops aggro and goes after random people when he knocks you back) and taunting him back when it was off cd. While beating on him I would do my aoe on the other guys and switching to them for added threat. The dps would do a few aoe moves since they were nice and clustered and they ended up pulling threat and getting beat down and we'd wipe. Talk about frustrating...




    did you notice that the sith warrior (the one with the two red lightsabers) actually do not have threat table?


    and AoE threat kind of sucks untill 30ish for all classes since you get your AoE taunt at 30, you "real" AoE attack around that level as well (26 for the shadow, I think 32 for the vanguard, not sure about JK)


    I think the UI is harsh, but I find tanking in this game a lot of fun so far. trying to balance how many mobs I try to take threat from before the healer is having hard time keeping me up, I can tell you that at 31st, as a shadow I don't have any threat issues I don't cause myself.

  3. my view


    slicing was so good that 80% of the people I know at the game took it, and if you check carefully, I bet that my numbers aren't way off what the people you know did.


    that means that it was too good, true, now it feels pointless, but still, it's better they fixed the issue now, a week into the game and not in 3 months where the millionaires that was working just that would have been closing on a billion credits or something.


    I think that in the long run it would make other methods of getting money more viable.

  4. It's not just you. As of the moment, Artifice currently has 2 WP foci instead of 1 WP foci and 1 WP shield. I'd venture to say it's a known bug. Expect it to get fixed in the first patch wherein the foci with the more "shield-like" name (the "generator" instead of the "focus") to be tweaked into a shield.


    Also, as you level, you will find substantially fewer WP shields than any other type. Apparently, the developers couldn't find time to add an equal number of WP shields to the database as every other imaginable type. I've found more *shotguns* with defense and shield rating than WP shields. It does get better as you get higher wherein you start finding commendation and specialty goods vendors that will sell you WP shields (if they sell offhand items, I can guarantee that there is a WP shield in there somewhere). The earliest of these is in Nar Shaddaa, and the shield is actually quite nice (though costs 14 commendations, so it's a bit steep if you want one asap).


    thanks for the reply

  5. hi

    I might be missing something here, but either shadows don't use shield generators, or there aren't any one can craft as artifice.


    and couldn't find any lying around, so, I'm now using an old one I got from a quest, and hoping the lacking stats don't hurt me since I'm not willing to lose the shielding bonuses just to get some stats.


    could use some tips here, what do you do about it? (or if I'm horribly wrong, PLEASE correct me)

  6. hi

    after few days into the EGA it's quite clear that some servers will be unplayable.


    the question is, when and how can we transfer our characters from those servers so we don't have to start over.


    I mean, my new character, if I'm forced to make one on a working server, will most likely be the same, and will have the same choices as my first, so I'm looking at a repeat of 20-25 hours already.


    just seems unfair.

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