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Posts posted by HanzoV

  1. Why would ppl complain when they can just unsub.


    I'm not doing this, but this is how I feel.


    At the end of the day, it's just a game. If I feel BW is being unfair, or if/when SWTOR is no longer worth the value of the subscription, I'll just leave.


    There's is no hate or maliciousness, as I know for certain, that I will quit this game at some point in the future. It's up to BW and I to figure out when that will be.

  2. Ignore it?!? WHAT?!?!? You have to RAGE about it!! I mean, that's FIFTEEN SMACKERS!! That kind of money doesn't just grow on trees!!!


    Well, I'm not happy about it, but there isn't much else I can do. Honestly, I'd be more upset if I lost out on the Tauntaun, for not having a lvl 50.


    No raging, though. I'll play this game until I stop, just like every game that came before it.

  3. I still don't understand what the point of my characters being related is, if they are incapable of meeting each other. Which is especially odd considering that, if they are all of the same faction, they will all go to the exact same planets and complete the exact same quests (besides the main class quests).
  4. EQ2 got housing right....


    In your house, you could sell items that other players could buy off the auction house for full price, or they could find your stuff via that AH and go directly to your house to get the same item directly from your house and avoid paying the AH markup fee. And it was the ONLY way players of the opposite alignment could buy your stuff (if they were brave/capable enough to get to your house without dying).



    Agreed with a majority of your post, but there was a Black Market vendor in both Freeport and whatever the other city was called. So, it wasn't the only way for the opposite faction to buy things from you.

  5. Since TOR is THE Star Wars MMO, they need to get as much Star War-sy stuff in there they can, which includes a lot more space/vehicle combat. I'm not gonna get into the number of small battles versus space battles in Star Wars, but the core of Star Wars was mentioned once, so I'll speak to that: The true core of Star Wars, to me, is STAR WARS, the first movie. In said movie, Luke practices with his saber for a few minutes, while the whole last half of the movie is an epic, hail mary, space battle where a handful of rebel X and Y-wings go up against a huge juggernaut of a space-station that can destroy whole planets, with endless waves of TIE fighters. That is very much Star Wars.


    To split the difference, I'd very much like to see ground vehicle combat similar to the battle of Hoth. Give us TOR-era walkers and T-47s.

  6. "Homes" were never a big part of the Star Wars story. Ships were.


    We have ships. Those are our de-facto homes.


    It would certainly be nice to have some of the features you listed for our ships. It would be really nice to have a couple different ship models to choose from. Defender, I'm looking at you. Cross-eyed.


    Yeah, whether it be your ship or a home on a planet somewhere, we really just need some interior customization options. Interior design was the thing that SWG got right (for the most part). As a BH Merc, I've collected quite a few nice looking blasters, that I no longer use. I would love to be able to display them on a wall somewhere. Same with various pieces of armor I no longer wear.

  7. I think player housing should be done the way it was in EQ2 (at least when I was playing), and not like it was in SWG.


    You should basically get an instanced apartment in one of the main cities. Then, they could either set it up as only grouped members could enter your room, or make it where anyone on your friend list, or in your guild, could enter.


    The sea of houses that SWG produced on the various landscapes was often an eyesore, so I'd rather not see that again.

  8. Like with comics, things in the Star Wars universe can and will be retconned (Retroactive continuity, for the unaffiliated). The whole Taung thing is true, today, but there was a time when Boba, and by association, all Mandos, were a mystery race. A good example is the Boba Fett Unmasked trading card from the early nineties: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080809044004/starwars/images/thumb/e/ef/Boba_Fett_Unmasked_Original.jpg/345px-Boba_Fett_Unmasked_Original.jpg While never confirmed as being canon, it was as acceptable as any piece of fiction on the character, since nothing was yet established.
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