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Posts posted by Dairasin

  1. LMFAO!!


    Here I was hoping I could maybe add a bit of flavor to my Jugg by using a dual blade saber or maybe a bit of force powers, instead what was introduced is a dual class system so that was obviously a lie in the expansion preview page.

    I made my second class an assassin and just sneaked through the missions naked with no gear, and just swapped back to juggernaut for the odd "boss" fight.


    4 Missions finished and I am the new max level, really? I was hoping for a bit of a challenge for a change.


    The fact I had to port back to my stronghold in two of the missions due to bugs (anyone got swapped with the mine loaders location?) just underscores the haphazardness in getting this shipped on the announced date no matter what.


    The same issues raised on PTR are still in the game, no polishing pass I guess?


    The parts of the UI that got changed look ugly, the new skill tree looks ugly, and the most outrageous thing is that people's stuff just disappeared from their characters such as renown caches with not a single credit as compensation.


    It would have been better to leave things as they were prior to 7.0


    My timecard is running out in two weeks or so and I won't be renewing my subscription any further.

  2. Ich hatte ebenfalls diese Probleme und habe recht lange gegooglet. Schlussendlich musste ich in der Datei launcher.settings in der Zeile -> "bitraider_disable": "false" <- die Anführungszeichen um false nachtragen. Beim nächsten Start hat der Launcher das komplette Update gezogen und alles war ok.


    Dies hier sollte der Sticky post sein! Funktioniert 100%, ich bedanke mich herzlich das du mich verschont hast bei 4mbit den senf nochmal runterzuladen!

  3. I am a returning player looking for a friendly guild to have fun with. I am pve oriented and would prefer to stick with gunnery (dps).

    i am am currently leveling to 70 and have nightmare ops experience in dread palace from ages ago.

    I am not against rp, never really did any of that, open to anything really :)

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