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Posts posted by Deokar

  1. well first of all you need to do hm's or raids to get rid of youre pvp gear for when you pve. pvp gear is not good for the pve. we had a guildy in full pvp gear trying to do the gear check fight in ev and failed 3 times.


    Wrong, usable stats PvP Champion > Tionese and ~ Columi. Champion got some expertise but the overall item budget is well over Tionese. And the fact that Columi got more Endurance than Champion nearly equals it for dps / healers. I'm 70/30% Champion/Columi and have no problem matching Columi/Tionese geared guildies.


    So - NO, PvP gear is not bad for PvE, BADs are bad for PvE. Also the above mentioned "gear check" fight is quite buggy so.....

  2. The space combat is only for fun and relax while you wait to find a group or whatever. Maybe you will like a fully functional space combat simulator, why stop there trow in a planetary battles RTS, and a bonus racing game.....


    Get a grip, this is an MMO it has nothing to do with licensing. If you want fully featured space combat get another title.

  3. But going up gunnery any amount without going the full way for all the benefits is gimping both trees. Assault specialist revolves around plasma cell. Gunnery around APCell. Not taking the ammo return when you're doing anything involving grav ROUNDS (it returns ammo from ROUNDS and full auto) is silly.


    Exactly !


    Such a hybrid might be viable if you want for example to do PvP and PvE with the same spec. But at the end you are inferior in both compared to pure specs.

  4. So, I just noticed that not a ton of our skills actually requires the use of an Assault Cannon. The only real stand out items is Charged Bolts (which is replaced by Grav Bolts) and Hail of Bullets (which seems inferior to Mortar Volley clearly, and even Pulse Cannon or Plasma Grenade in specific situations).


    So I wanted to ask the group, am I missing something? Is the same Barrel in a moddable Assault Cannon and Blaster Rifle do the same damage? Is there any other core abilities I am missing?


    Thanks for your help!


    There you go, a couple of reasons:


    1. AC of the same grade have ~15% more weapon dmg compared to Blaster rifle

    2. You only get Grav.round in gunnery spec (or some weird hybrid) still need CB for combat medic and assault spec.

    3. Mortar volley, Pulse cannon and Plasma grenade all have CD, Hail of bolts doesn't.

    4. BFG FTW

  5. ...... You can use charged bolts to build these stacks too.....


    Once you get Grav.round you should NEVER ever think of using charged bolt, just remove it from your bar. Unless ofc. you are some perverted gunnery/assault spec w/o grav.round meaning you are doing it wrong anyway


    If you want to do permanent damage just do the following:


    grav-hammer-grav-hammer-grav-high impact- full auto, rinse and repeat, just keep 5 stacks of grav up and use high impact and full auto when up.


    the reason for using hammer after grav is obvious, by doing so you are always at 90-100% ammo and can basically fire all day. In addition 1 grav + hammer is sometimes enough to take a mob out.


    Staying at 90-100% is a waste of potential procs from FA. Ammo regen is maxed from 61-100% ammo, so you should ideally stay ~70%


    Speaking only for gunnery since i have not much exp as Assault spec.


    The best rotation rather there is priority. Depending on the situation - solo, group, PvP, PVE. providing there is a tank and you are not getting hit (this ***** the FA dmg due to the lame game design atm) your best skill is FA, followed by HIB and DR (with 5 vortex stats) and grav.round. Just rotate them at your own discression.

  6. Which companion are you using have nothing to do with conversation aff.gains and conversation aff.gains have little to do with Light side or dark side gains.


    You must chose your companion based based on your spec and play style. Personally i find Elara the best choice for DPS commando.


    You can swap companions prior to a convo in oprder to gain affection with the companion you want to gain affection.


    Companion affection gains are based on certain behavior during the conversation which is different from Dark/Light side. Companions often support both light and dark choices in different convos.


    You don't really need affection with the one companion you are using in combat. Sicne the affection only influence missions and crafting.


    Convo aff.gains are easily matched by gifts, making this whole grand scheme to maximize affection gains during conversations quite pointless.

  7. OR you can do like me and level 400 Cybertech on a 16lvl to suit most of your mod needs while hoping for changes to Armormech.


    ATM top mods require 49lvl where the crafted epics are 50lvl if this is translated to the item budget as well there is a marginal advantage for the crafted armor pieces VS modable. Also i'm yet to see modable gear with agument slot.

  8. True, but there is a lvl, that you prefer QQ in case it helps you, than start a new on other server, becaues it requires less time than reaching that lvl with the fresh char you just made.


    You don't really expect that there will be a free migration or even a paid migration anytime soon do you? The most time you could have possibly spent is 3 days, which is nothing in the long run.


    There has been no major MMO without queues during the launch. Like many already stated - i take 2h queues any day over ghost towns once the 1st free month expires and large portion of the population stops playing.

  9. It's been 3 days! Roll a new toon elsewhere than demand character transfer.

    you made a bad pick for servers. Deal with it or re-roll you haven't invested years or even months on this character. Come on.


    People love to complain about something don't they.




    True, BW tried something inovative with the guild placement program and as expected it didn't go flawlessly. The main problem with the overloading is the stupid "unofficial Spanish, Russian w/e" server crap. Some fan site declares server X as unofficial for XXXXXX language and the fans start poring leading to long queues. Boo F***ing Hoo if it doesn't work for you change the server.


    If you want server first - go to new fresh server BW opens new servers on a regular basis.

    If you want World 1st - guess you are screwed.


    Seriously why don't people spend 1/2 the time they spend QQing in the forums in actually re-rolling on a fresh server.

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