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Posts posted by Tyksak

  1. Don't get me started on DAoC, my first love :)


    It had ALOT of things going for it:


    - 3 factions with unique classes.


    - Realm pride. This faded at some point but you could not have multiple faction chars on one server, start one realm and that's where you belonged, and you did belong.


    - Keep and later tower sieges with all sorts of gear and gadgets.


    - Dragons: 1 unique dragon for each faction "hidden" deep inside lairs of hard PvE mobs. It took months before people came even close to killing them. People planned raids with 200 people weeks in advance and would wipe continously and end up giving up - good times :)


    - Darkness Falls as explained already.



    All in all these features required you to work together as a whole realm to succeed in this game. In todays MMOs most ppl don't give a rats arse about the next man.



    Enough with the nostalgia.

  2. I usually sort the wz roster by heals and give my vote to most healing - in bad pugs I find myself at top as a juggernaut from using meds alone... hence I don't pug much :)


    1.2 will help balance the medals granted much better. As already mentioned good ninja bomb planters in voidstar and good runners in huttball will be rewarded for starters.

  3. This isn't about which game sucks and which doesn't, but I gotta hand it to some of you guys how you derail this thread with so little clues to go on...


    This is a concern about people who primarily likes PvP and therefore wants to spend their time mastering one char. People who, like me, do this may have some thought about (as an example) fighting a wz where you're bound to fight with only your class buff active for a considearable amount of time against opponents with an obvious advantage against you.


    Sure, give people an advantage from a system that makes sense, but levelling 3 more char through chapter 2 in order to be fully competitive in PvP - silly if you ask me.

  4. Never until now have a seen a MMO company that "punished" people focusing on 1 char and investing whatever time they had in this particular character, until now...


    I was amazed when I read about the coming legacy class buff that lets you have all 4 class buffs in one as long as you level 4 char in different classes and finish chapter 2 on them. For starters, who wants to go PvE another 3 chars to be competitive in PvP? I sure as h... don't.


    I put this in here because I think scenarios like WZs is where your lack of buffs will hurt the most since you'll most likely take a dirtnab a few times during the game. So am I as a SW to miss out on 5% crit, 5% endurance etc. during most fights? Stats that are very very hard to obtain through other means.


    I think it's ridicolous and downright a bad idea. Why should everyone (who can be bothered) have the excact same buffs in the end? To me it makes no sense at all. You may as well remove them.


    Bleh and enough with the QQ

  5. Actually, you are a little wrong on points 2 and 3. You are making an assumption that someone who focuses on a single character is a raider or a pve whore. Both of these bonuses should be purchasable for the solo character players. Otherwise, what else is left for us other than a mailbox on our ship and a GTN you will hardly use?


    This legacy stuff is so dissapointing it hurts ...


    Indeed, particularly #2 hurts really bad. I PvP just to name one thing and I cannot rely on other group members to buff me everytime I eat dirt. To be competitive in PvP I have to PvE some characters through chapter 2... if only that made any sense. If anything they should encourage groupplay to just small extent.


    Honestly it seems Bioware are confused and without focus in some of these changes they make.

  6. Greets all


    Being a big fan of open world PvP, I didn't actually expect this game to deliver much in these terms, but at least some sort of effort.


    Ilum is, mildly put, one pathetic attempt at creating an open world PvP environment and it seems it's staying that way for at least 3-4 months. Nothing in 1.2 notes mentions Ilum except removal of those pseudo quest objectives - very disspointing.


    So, is this it? Will PvP in this game be WZs all the way?


    Are we all just happy huttballers? I won't be for very long I can tell ya.



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