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Posts posted by FailFitSloop

  1. The main imbalance is premades, both sides premake and a lot of pug games are therefore unbalanced. When you see 6 people from the same reputable guild on the opposing team and you have a bunch of relatively unknown guild members with under 1k expertise, you know it will go south fast. Its the story in pretty much every WZ I solo que for.


    I kinda wish they prioritized groups fighting groups and solo ques fighting solo ques.




    Real men solo que agaisnt 4-8 man premades :)

  2. I refuse to reroll but how the hell are Imps supposed to win. Im sick of the following:


    Half the team leaving 30 seconds into the WZ

    0-100 Coasts

    Actually getting shut out in Hypergate

    0-6 Huttballs

    Pubs only blasting first droors in Voidstar and then refusing to access bridge just so they can camp us for the rest of their timer and then all of our timer


    What can Bioware do to actually make PvP here balanced and not just lopsided farmfests. Been doing 15-20 WZs a day all week and still only have 3 wins. How can we force Imps to play better so we actually win?

    Your options:

    1) Learn to carry a bad pug team


    2) Quit pvp


    3) Get some buddies and group up...


    4) Quit pvp


    Oh and all the people worrying about min/max/exp etc. Half the imps need to learn their basic skills and rotation before they worry about min/maxing gear. They will suck even if they have the "perfect" setup.

  3. Saying imp pug ques are decent because of Uncenscored is like saying Malak bombarded Taris because he had a bad hair day.


    The big problem is we get 4 decent players and 4 either under geared horribly specced or just bad players and run into a at least 4 man pre made from a good guild plus 4 decent other pubs, and its over.


    Oh, and half of them don't even call incomings. I just take my max medal comms and go home.




    Killers void was better

  4. I'm just seeing whats out there for recruitment. my Name is Horsepower. I am just about full war hero geared(within next couple days) I been around since launch on and off and am looking at maybe moving to a quality pvp guild. I am only interested in a guild with ppl that know how to play and are solid pvpers. All i do in the game currently is pvp or lvl alts along with lowbie pvp. If any guilds are interested let me know. Before SWTOR i was a long time end game raider in wow(2-3 years) as in experience. I am not positive on joining another guild but i am considering hence the thread. Let the poundage begin


    The only question I have is... Do you even lift?

  5. Hey all, I'm a returning player after a few months away from the game, used to play on KV before merges.


    Straight to the point, are there no good imp pvp guilds on the server? Often run into multiple republic premades but rarely ever see a decent imperial premade. Just trying to get the lay of the land in the pvp scene.


    See you in the pit pubbies,


  6. I have run into a few better imp players recently, some assasins, still not many healers, but they don't preform the way pubs do. Often seen 3-4 ld50/Bloodline etc etc.


    Its no surprise that imps get rolled vs preforms so why don't imps preform?

  7. A reality check for those who are in lala land. These are changes that need to happen. (for both repub and emp.)


    BUFF the assasin dps trees

    NERF the mercenary DPS

    NERF Sorc healing (consular as well)

    NERF the Operative dps

    BUFF the operative in raid healing (yes its not related to PVP)


    A 'backstab' by an operative can crit for 5-6k, a backstab by a assasin, 3-4k, and a assasin can do 2 before running dry on force, in the same level of gear.


    How this is balanced, i do not know...

  8. A guildie and I did a comparison, dueling another guildie Sith warrior tank with backstab. The only difference my guildy was a operative, he could krit for atleast 1-2k more then me with identical sets of gear (ie. all champion level pvp gear).


    With the skillsets and combos the way they are, deception assasins are horribly underpowered in the level 50 bracket.

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