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Posts posted by KeeperOfSajuuk

  1. Do you really think it will? They spent an entire blog post practically telling us how they look at our feedback then why they will, again, ignore it with the cc break reset on death issue. They say they know they have messed up a lot in the past but continue making the same stupid mistakes. As the timeline guy says most of the PVP community groaned when they saw this change because everyone realizes what a terrible idea it is. Biofail has demonstrated with a few strikes of their KB that they have heard and will ignore those concerns because...how did someone else put it...they know best.


    I think if the PvP devs just acknowledged the post, just so they understand what a large majority of PvPers are thinking (if you agreed with the timelines record of events) then I'd be fine with that. If they choose to leave it in the state it's in, then so be it. I'll likely tire of it before too long.

  2. It's BS. We haven't fielded a full team of 8 Sinister players since Friday. Essentially, every night we fill at least 2 spots with PUGs in pretty much every match. If you actually queued up and played against us, you would know this and wouldn't have to speculate.


    Ok, granted. But you you imply (over and over) that our not queuing against you (Reign) is out of some misplaced fear of losing to you. It's the time difference. I don't know if it's you, or someone else in your guild, but someone from Sinister is talking all kinds of **** in gen chat, about how no one will ranked against you.


    All I'm saying, is that you should keep the time difference in mind, before you basically 'call out' every other Imp PvP guild.

  3. hey man thanks, Ill go ahead and join that channel next time I log



    I can't confirm this, but what I've heard they're trying to do, is get a 'team 2' going. They've got a full Sinister 8-man 'Team 1', against a few Sinisters and pug the rest 'Team 2'. Basically, they're asking for cannon fodder. (I've only heard this from other people, so it may be BS)


    I tried to hook up with you guys and ranked against you last Friday at 7:00pm EST, and 2 of you were on. Even towards the end ~8:00pm EST, you only had 5 people on.


    When you boast in Gen chat, you should keep in mind, the time difference.

  4. Most Imps seem to Queue Dodge Sinister which is sad cuz we have a **** team atm but we go up against credit shot all night. Shot out to Credit Shot thanks for giving us someone to que against



    What you guys fail to mention, when you're trolling the gen chat (so I've heard), is that you're a west coast guild, playing on an EST server. You're 3 hours behind us. If and When, we queue for ranked (Reign), it's usually 7:00pm EST (4:00pm PDT). We play 6-10 matches, before people have to leave for the night. Some of us have kids, jobs, wives, lives, etc.


    So no, we don't dodge anyone, especially not you guys.

  5. Pretty sure we will be in the mix tonight again. Hopefully, you guys don't have a nail appointment or something and can actually make it to the queue.


    I'll be on the lookout for you.


    Bro. We don't have a "schedule." Neither do the majority of teams that run Rated on Pot5 or The Bastion, as far as I'm aware. Rated play isn't a job and it's certainly not like setting appointments to get your hair done. Our Sinister team doesn't even have a set team comp. When 8 of our guildies log on, we queue for Ranked. It's that simple.


    Well, Immortal, Credit Shot and (I think) Smell my Finger, have fixed teams. If we want to hold our own against them in ranked, it's reasonable to do the same. You can Pug all you want in ranked, but against 8 people that play together every time, you're going to get stomped.


    I'm sure we could pug up ranked every night, if we wanted to constantly get stomped vs Immortal, CS, etc.

  6. Dark Empire really wasn't that good. They just outpaced teams in gear early on. Interestingly enough, when other Pub/Imp teams caught up to them in gear, DE suddenly disappeared and rerolled. A lulz coincidence to be sure.


    Last I heard on DE was that one of their players got banned for hax while still on JM and the team eventually broke up after getting their azzes handed to them on Pot5. But who really knows or cares? If you are really interested though, you could probably ask one of their PTs. Two of them occasionally pop up on our server forums to troll from time to time.


    There was another Imp guild, Dread (I think), who left JM early on after server transfers. They went to The Bastion and got spanked so severely most of them ragequit the game. A few of them came back to JM for a short time, but now they are gone again. Nobody really misses them at all though, which is probably why most players here don't even know or remember their guild name.





    Oh really. Sinister would love to play against you guys in Rated. Since you're so pro, you could probably teach us a thing or two. Strange that we haven't run into you for the past two weeks even though our guild has queued for Rated almost every single night.


    Not only that, but we pretty much beg for teams to queue in both Imp/Pub General to get some Rated competition, but alas, no RWZ pops. Pretty sure the other night we were able to recruit a few of your guildies to run in a Rated PUG so we had someone to play against. I tip my hat to them for giving it a roll.


    Right now as far as I can tell there are only two guilds queuing for Rated on a regular basis...Sinister and Credit Shot. The only guild worth a sh*t right now on the server is Credit Shot. Pretty sure those dudes are min/maxed for the most part and capped on Rating already. So they really just want some fun Ranked matches too.


    But maybe the past two weeks were a mirage and I missed something. Prove me wrong. Queue more, and when you do, actually let people know you are doing it.


    There's a lot of subtle s***talking here from you. Immortal we seem to get, nearly every time we ranked. The only time I've ever seen Sinister even talk about queuing, was last night when you guys were taunting Scourge to play you.


    I won't speak for Reign, but your text is writing some serious checks here; let's hope your asses can cash them. :cool:


    We have a confirmed rated team, queuing every Wednesday at ~7:00 EST. We try to Fridays and Sundays at 7:00pm EST also. I'll see what I can do about us getting our team together and humbling (or be humbled by) you and yours tonight. ;)

  7. This is the only PvP server where Republic characters seem to be dominating. We imps need to suck it up, and get better. We, in Reign, are doing weekly (3x/week) rateds, and when we face teams like immortal, we are getting stomped, but not to a morale-crushing degree. (4-6 Huttball, Voidstar, both teams held at the first door, Immortal just had more kills)


    From what I've been told (I came from Ajunta Pal, left before 1.2, then came back ~2 mos ago) Dark Empire and another imp guild, (who were the dominating Empire PvP guilds) switched servers or switched sides, which really shrank the pool of quality PvPers down on this server.


    I think we're getting closer to be able to take on teams within this server. With the exception of Credit Shot and Immortal, we can win vs pretty much any team out there.



  8. Bumla's OP :D

    Dovah hits like a girl.

    Zohan... well, Zohan is Zohan no one noes why he pull top deeps naked he just does.


    But he(she) hits at the speed of light! So imagine a 4 year old girl, able to hit you for 2-3 damage, but 10 quadrillion times/second.

  9. Does anyone remember how laggy (and crash-y) the servers were Launch +30 days? This engine is not conducive to having more than 40 players near one another at any given amount of time. All of them using their abilities, would be server crashing. Think about all of the graphical effects that take place in WZs, then multiply that by 10 or so.


    The engine just can't handle it. (I've got a beast of a rig, so it's not anyone's specific machine that causes it.)

  10. I agree with OP completely. Where's the incentive to use the massive PvP lakes they developed?


    WZs are tedious, when played repeatedly. Give us some variety!

  11. Just call them what they are. "EAware". Bioware was my favorite development team, before they were bought out by EA. They had a 100% track record, in creating amazing games, (up until DA2, when EA bought them out).


    It's drives me nuts when I keep seeing people speak that way about my beloved (now lost) developer.

  12. Ahahaha!




    :: Tuck/dance::


    Goodbye horseessssssss....


    "Would you **** me? I'd **** me so hard."


    "Wait, was she a great, big fat pershon?"


    That guy's voice is hilarious.

  13. My frustrations regarding the current bugs, are easily put to rest, when I hear what an EAware employee's favorite cantina is.
  14. Too funny.

    Hey don't be afraid to press the respec button and try for yourself. Perhaps develop your own groove and playstyle. The fact that you claim Shi-Cho is a meaningless spec that requires no talent, yet you ask for help with another...kinda displays inferiorities.


    ....yes, I'm taunting you. Have fun with shien.


    Paraphrasing? I just used the 'community dubb-ed title' for Rage builds. I didn't call it a meaningless spec, either. I just find it rather simple. It's not very complex, especially compared to PvPing with a sniper.


    Trolls will eat anything these days.

  15. I'll try to help you out.


    http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101RMZfRMRMuddGhRZf.3 is the build I use.


    Rotation involves Saber Throw, Leap, Ravage, Sundering, Shatter, Impale, Scream.


    It's not really rotation based after that. Use scream with two stacks of Savagery, use Ravage ASAP on proc, use Vicious Throw on proc, and Impale and Shatter on CD. Sundering if you need rage, Enrage too, since we can use it every fight.


    We're decent with Survivability, better than rage though, so you should be fine. We're single target, sustained damage. Go for killing healers, and ranged DPS.


    Hope that helps! I play Veng and Vig on my 55 Guard/Jugg, and love it. There's no reason to not play it, and it does respectable damage, and USUALLY enough to get a spot in Ranked. Once you prefect it, you'll be valued.


    Thanks very much!

  16. Hello All,


    I've got a pretty well geared 'No-Skill-Smash-Monkey' with full Partisan with a dash of Conqueror gear. I'm rather tired of the over-simplistic PvP playstyle of the Rage Jugg. I'd switch to Immortal, but I'm in full Vindicator gear. So I'm hoping to respec to Vengeance. Would you guys say that Vengeance is viable in 55 PvP? If so, which spec and rotation would you suggest?


    I've searched the Juggernaut Forums, and very few threads talk about Vengeance regarding PvP. Just some questions here and there. I'd like to know what the build's strengths are, weaknesses, etc. (suvivability, dps, so on).


    Thanks in Advance!

  17. 2018.


    Should get teh same expertise on Partisan or Conqueror, but Conqueror is an increase in your other stats.


    Oh! Thanks very much. I thought there was a difference in expertise on Partisan and Conqueror items.

  18. Yeah! Why would you expect your PvP gear to be more effective in PvP than leveling greens? If you are a good player you shouldn't want better gear than your opponents because you should want more of a competition! It's not like the new bolster system has taken away the incentive to grind WZ comms or anything! Oh wait...


    This is the same old QQ I've been reading for a while now. I've been grinding WZs the last two weeks, to get my Jugg into full Partisan, and I can say, unequivocally, that 55 greens do not go toe-to-toe with Part/Conq geared players. The bolster is necessary, but a fully Partisan-geared Jugg, vs a 55 greens Jugg, is no contest, bolster notwithstanding.


    I don't understand the arguments made by PvPers over bolster. It's like they haven't squared off against someone in greens yet. If they were fighting an Underworld-geared player, with the current 'bolster-bug' that might be one thing, but they're complaining about a newly levelled 55 in greens? Bolster doesn't give a significant advantage, imo, just enough to be mildly inconveniencing.

  19. Hello,


    I've got my Jugg in full Partisan gear now. I'm curious as I move along to conqueror, what is the max expertise collective number, to max out each of the three effective stats? Conqueror has, what seems to be, a 15% increase in Expertise per piece of gear. If this is the case, and the cap is 2006 (which I have now), this means I should be able to substitute my main hand weapon, for an Underworld Main hand (or equivalent) and still be at the max level of expertise. Does this make sense?


    Thanks in advance!

  20. I noticed that some people do seem to be selling the oranges via the GTN, but is it not possible to gain the crafting schematic anymore. Is this, along with the barbershop (the ability to change appearance for Cartel Coins) something that Bioware could advise on?


    Thanks in Advance!

  21. The gap between bolstered greens, and the Partisan gear, is larger than you're QQing about. Have you played since 2.0.0b? Playing against someone in Part/Conq gear still gives a significant advantage in WZs. You're QQing because that advantage is smaller, but still huge, IMO.


    And it isn't KILLING gear progression PvP, according to everyone. Just a vocal minority.

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