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Posts posted by Acala

  1. I play on the server Lord Calypho. I have both an imperial and a republic character. 2 days ago I got 19, yes NINETEEN huttballs in a row on my imperial character. Thinking that republic players do not play anymore on my server, I jumped on my jedi, and queued for warzones. I got 5 huttballs in a row before I logged out. Seriously, I am fed up with huttball and it seems to me that the problem is not just imperials are way more played than republic. Anyone have similar experiences? I will throw up from Huttball syndrome soon.
  2. Devs should look into this way before releasing new content.. the first time I was told about this by our guild's tank I didn't believe him.. when I saw its true I almost got a nerdrage as to how this has been ignored by the devs.. yeah sure the game is new blah blah.. the game has been in development for 5 years, this is not some trivial bug that you can ignore somehow, IT JUST BREAKS TANK'S ABILITY TO DO PVP UNLESS THEY GET DPS GEAR / RESPEC.. (I'm not even a tank)


    Fix it before new content!

  3. Can someone explain me why Bioware insists Lord Calypho (the only EU RP-PvP server in English) has to be the only one of its kind, when its yet again another monday morning and the server is full? Lord Calypho has been full since the 10th hour of the pre-launch, and it is not even in the high populated servers list... Did someone from Bioware forget that this server type exists, or are they purposefully trying to marginalize RP-PvP players?


    Bioware, how can it hurt you if you have 2 servers for a ruleset? :confused:

  4. We really need a second european RP-PvP server (English)!


    Bioware, Lord Calypho is FULL at all times with a 1+ hour queue at all times, and its the only server of its type that is in English. Some people have nowhere to go other than here, you need to take Lord Calypho in your high population servers list and give RP-PvP'ers another server!

  5. I think you can add to the list the server I'm playing on : the ONLY RP-PVP server (Eu-English) : Lord Calypho.

    Our queue are starting to increase a lot. I really suggest to all new players, to NOT roll on Lord Calypho.

    I've already two guildies gone to play republic on another server to avoid queue. And this sucks cause they are good friends.


    WHY are we not on the high population servers list??? There is 1+ hour queue EVERYTIME I try to log in, including at 9 am in the weekdays... not seeing our server's name here is really annoying, I was actually expecting them to open a second english RP-PvP server, but I guess I am just dreaming...

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