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Posts posted by Bolo_Lee

  1. I just noticed this, but when i was looking into some armor, i noticed that i have 7 armors that i haven't seen before that i have in my collection that are incomplete, i was thinking that a tab should be placed so that when we are in the GTN we have a better time finding what we are looking for when we want to get them, like show a incomplete armor set tab.
  2. A another player and I was talking about having a little fun on Hoth and Tatooine, with snowboarding and dune buggy races, I don't know if that ever came up but it would be something that I would love to see, both Republic and Empire Snowboarding and having fun in the desert like in The Phantom Menace, or even Surfing on Manan. Well I hope that I al least put a stamp on it.
  3. ok this really sucks that I cant even get my life day items back, and I am really disappointed about it now, I can't even go to the cartel to by the whole package over again either, worst part is that I can't who I bought it with, oh well there goes the fun. :confused::(:mad:
  4. I am a sub, but when I try to retrieve my stuff it said that I have it but I can't seem to get it, this is what it say on here.

    (This item is not currently in your collection and cannot be reclaimed. Once this item is collected, you may transfer copies of it to your inventory.)

    Now all I can ask is how can I get this into my inventory if I can't even claim it?

  5. Last year I bought the life day items, but I never opened it up and it said that I have them but I can't retrieve them from my list, is it possible to by it again before it is gone, or can I get them from the cartel market, let me know.


  6. You bring up a good point, but I think the Fleshraider can be taught between right and wrong, if given a chance, and the same with Nolan, if the Fleshraider wanted his friend Headthing, I say bring him along too so that the Fleshraider at least has a friend to keep him company for the ride.:D
  7. I would love to see this happen not only for the Fleshraider but for Nalen Rolach too, both of them becoming jedi and fighting on the side of justice, sure there will be a conflict here and there, but that is what you do when you make a decision, I want to see this happen.
  8. Where can i buy droid part's i can't seem to find it any where in the game? Also i want to buy some new armor but every time i use the cartel coins in the game i cant get the ones i want, can they make it where i can just buy the armor that i want without buying all the other rare stuff. :rolleyes::o
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