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Posts posted by hodgoes

  1. General rule with forums....


    probably about 70% of the gamers playing SWTOR really like the game and think bioware are doing a good job


    90% of games who like the game don't post (me being one of them most of the time)


    and 90$ of the games who don't like the game will post and complain


    Mainly because people who are having fun and liking the game have no need to come on here.. they are to busy playing the game...


    so that means that less then 30% of the online gamers are posting and complaining..


    I think when the 6month mark comes up (when subscriptions run out) the forums will be almost dead..


    So i am going to ignore most of the posts on here and state what i think most of the gamers think...


    SWTOR is a good game... they have done wonders over the time that it has been up.. and 1.3 looks great..

  2. The queues are so long I can't play the game. wasted most of my Early Access, and now I have paid for the Deluxe Edition, subscribed, bought the secure token, and can't even log in due to Queues, Server spiking internet connections, Error 1002, 1003 and 9000.



    Any relief in sight or are you going for the Most Anticipated but Not Played award?




    um.... who is your service provider?


    Are you downloading in the background..


    is there someone else on your network/internet who is...


    have you checked your pc for infections

  3. As an Aussie I had to import a physical copy of the game and pay $15 shipping just to get a key to a game I can download (Origin won't sell us the digital version as the game hasn't been "released" here yet) This is just another kick in the guts. It's almost 2012, you'd think EA would understand the internet by now.


    My estimated delivery date is the 3rd of Jan according to Amazon. No SWTOR for me for a fortnight :(


    I am also a aussie...


    As i previously said i am getting my copy of the 21st...


    Who did you order your's through?

  4. 1)Watch all the Star Wars movies (Or, better still.. the original three twice and burn the prequels in effigy)




    2)Play other Bioware games you have not played in awhile (Currently powering my way through ME1 and ME2.. see if I can finish before my account activates)


    Done :p


    3)Play Skyrim. You DID buy it right? RIGHT??!!


    Meh over it


    4)Clean the basement OR if you live there clean your moms attic then and be a good child.




    5)Watch the reviews of the Prequels by Red Letter Media on Youtube. Seriously, do it.. do it NOW.




    6)Brush up on obscure Star Wars trivia so you can astound and annoy people in game in General chat.


    lol not needed :p


    7)Log into a free WoW account and spam lame jokes about Xbox360s and Chuck Norris.




    8)Build a space station the size of a small moon and blow up a peaceful planet that has no defenses.


    hm..... sounds tempting


    9)Learn the ways of the Force. Or at least buy a good blaster to keep at your side.


    huh y do i have to learn what i already know :p


    And of course last but not least...


    10)Hit F5. Again.


    the key is broken :(

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