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Posts posted by Striiket

  1. I've done every flashpoint on heroic mode multiple times, and none of them "don't work" I've completed all of them, the only trouble we had was D7 but after a few trial and error runs we pretty much got it down. Stop being bad. Also Valor rank 50, tell your friends to get better internet/video cards, that isnt biowares problem, what are they supposed to do? Provide you will all new everything so you can play the game?


    You sir, are a liar.

  2. You guys should really wet your lips first before getting in line to satisfy the company you worship. Its sad we accept this kind of performance from game companies, that glitches are now considered "normal." Does anyone remember that we paid $60 for this game?

    I am not saying don't release new content, I'm saying fix this now. Put both teams on it, before you start losing customers to something better.

  3. I am sure this has been posted some where, but it has apparently been buried.


    Dear Bioware, Its great and all that you are releasing new content for us after only 1 month of launch. But please, oh please, fix the crap you already released first. I haven't seen but a small percentage of the heroic content currently available, because it doesn't work, or is bugged beyond frustration. I really don't care about a new flash point if the other 10 don't work. I really don't care about a new War Zone if my friends are still too laggy to pvp.


    I really want to see this game succeed, but so far this game is so far below my expectations I fear it will be uninstalled as soon as the next MMO comes out. We all know this game wasn't ready for release, but that's another discussion. I want to add that Rift did a much better job launching a non-bugged game than you. And I can go play WoW, minus all these bugs, today. The only reason I am still here is because its Star Wars, and its an MMO. Not because you guys are doing a great job. So please fix what you have, now, before shifting priorities. I want to be playing this game 3 months from now, not talking about a game that could have been so much better that I no longer play.

  4. So we ran all the way to Revan on this, only to learn that this boss is glitched? The only way to kill him is to have an assassin tank time his Force Shroud perfectly. So, I realize this has probably been brought up before, but Bioware? Are you kidding me? Close down the instance, or fix it. This is unacceptable. This game is a like a lump of coal, that can be molded into a diamond if done right, but you guys need to refrain from allowing stupid stuff like this exist.
  5. So, having some trouble. I have hit 50, and even though I have cleared BT 3 times, I felt my gear needed some upgrades prior to attempting tougher heroics. There is just one problem, I have yet to see any light gear drops. The only item I have seen is a lightsaber from the last boss in BT. But I have run: Heroic BT 3 times, Ilum 2 times, Directive 7 2 times. And I have yet to see a piece of light gear drop. Now if I had seen it drop, and just didn't win the roll, I wouldn't be concerned.

    Is anyone else noticing this, or am I just having the worst luck in the history of MMO's?

  6. Frame rate issues have been brought up, but I wanted to address specifically, when going against another player, that is lagging, they have an unfair advantage. The player "warps" from spot to spot, making it almost impossible to correctly melee, or if you are trying to knock back a ball carrier, you end up knocking him forward, instead of back wards.

    In other MMO's, if you lag, you stop moving. I have no idea if this is feasible, but players should stop moving during a momentary lag. My feelings are not getting a good connection should be a disadvantage in pvp.

    I've even seen issues the player will appear on one level, then magically appear on a different one. And before any one smart tries to point out, I am aware of the player pulls, and leaps. This is something else entirely.

  7. I did finally find him on the Imperial Fleet. The guy is not on the map, and has no symbol above his head, which makes it difficult to find. It is the guy, in the left most, outer cubby, as you face it, in the Galactic Market section.


    When you mouse over him, his title is Skill Mentor.

  8. I'm not blind, and its not because I haven't looked. The skill mentor is no where to be found.


    Places I have checked:


    Kass sity, next to my trainer, plus the entire east side of the site with the magnifying glass.

    Imperial fleet, I have gone over every vendor, looked specifically at my trainer, the guy that offered my advanced class does not have it.


    Is he disappearing or something, I'm getting frustrated. BTW, I am level 50 if that makes any difference.

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