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Posts posted by grizbi

  1. even if you implement more ways to gain valor there are still two points unbeatable


    1)nothing can beat illum kill trading


    2)why you need valor past 60(future?)


    Some people just play this game for what it is : a game. They will never spend their time "kill trading". They leave this kind of thing to looser.


    Other ways to get a valor is in fact a very good idea. It might be too early to implement it but later on, I hope this game will gain more depth and become more tactical on a larger scale.

  2. Yes, there's something wrong. A heavily tank specced character should not be able to do almost as much damage as a dps one. But It happens quite often.


    I can live with that and still have fun with my Gunsliger but I noticed this trend lately. I suppose that those guys just have and "hybrid" spec that give them the best of both worlds : including basic tools to have ok dps. Since they can stay alive a lot more, they are able to do as much damage as a squishy dps during a match. And because 1v1 they are very good, we notice them more than other spec.


    Is it game breaking ? not really, as long as they are only doing dps. If they could do a lot of things in the mean time, then it would be really annoying...(sorcerer anyone?)


    Anyway, it's still a problem and it seems to be bad game design.


    EDIT : I'm not speaking of aoe but both aoe and single target damage.

  3. I've not looked the whole video but :


    The guy talks about constant knockback and in the mean time, the video shows him playing long minutes without a single one.


    - The guy talked about CC from his point of view : a Healer. CC are one of the few way to beat a healer by preventing him to get to full life when he wants. SHould I start a thread as a Gunsliger because some people use heavy armor and I can't kill them as easily as I 'd like to ?


    - There are abilities to escape or prevent CC. The more squishy you are, the more of them you get. If you don't have several of them, maybe it's because you don't need them to be competitive.

  4. Gunsliger have 3 tree. All of them are for damage.


    But there are a lot more possibilities when it comes to builds. Some of them provide high mobility or more shields etc..


    And we definitely have different possibilities to become useful for our team in different ways.


    I 've found the GS to provide much more utility than I expected at first.

  5. Griz, I'm not sure you're reading my responses. :p


    Mobility is not key, at least not at my level, because it's basically not possible. I start most battles out of sight, but if the enemy doesn't stealth me out they definitely see me poking my head out after the first 10 seconds. All it takes is one leap attack, or snare, and within seconds I've got awful dps unloading on my face. How should I get away? Speed, you say? Ok, then they stun me, or leap, or root, and then what do I do?


    This is the point: the game has too many CC types. More than I have escapes.


    I'm also not just dealing with a simple CC followed by a simple CC. The nature of CC is to lock a person down while you do other things to them. The amount of damage I'm taking while I'm CCd is a big part of the problem, and again, mobility isn't a real option for me here. My CD is something like 30 seconds for speed and as always the enemy (almost regardless of class it seems) will have a snare or root of some kind. Kiting or running away are almost never an option, unless I'm running completely out of battle which as someone else mentioned is NOT what any healer should have to do just to survive. We need to be able to remain in combat, and maintain LoS/range on allies to heal them.


    I do manage to survive with pillar humping and appropriate use of my mechanics. But I'm a good player, fast with the keys and response, and the only time this actually works is when I'm playing an opponent who is obviously not a good player. Balance? Hardly. :p


    Also, the CCs on me never break after 2 seconds. I eat 4+ minimum, every time.


    Remember that this thread isn't about CC itself. It's about the amount of CC, plus the way CC can be stacked, plus the amount of damage a player can take while CCd. It's very specific.


    All I can say is that with 35m range abilities - and some of them being instant - I can stay half the time out of range of people that I have noticed and that I want to avoid.


    Even if nothing seems wrong in my surroundings I'm most of the time moving and using my camera to detect threats.


    That + different shields abilities + escape tools make me quite able to avoid attacker or take moderate damage without getting killed.


    I usually die between 0 and 4 times in WZ. If it's more than 5 I consider that It was my fault.


    In some case I don't do a lot of damage but instead I focus on specific tasks to help my team against good opponents.


    Also sometimes I decide to draw the attention of the enemy or achieve specific goals that make me die a lot in order to help my team to win.


    So whatever is the amount of CC or the efficiency of resolve, I think it's ok.

  6. mobility is the key. Stay out of range, break LOS, draw opponents to your team..


    Staying alive can be a lot of fun too..


    Now if you get CC : think twice. Look at your timer, look at the damage you take, use your escape or ...keep it


    it's also fun to make the right choice at the right time..


    And finally if you're stunned and take a lot of damage..most of the time the stun will break after two seconds. You should not be dead..Then you can use YOUR CC , and run like there's no tomorrow. You just have to be quick and face your opponent.


    The stunlock thing mostly happen if you're focused. If that's the case you've done something wrong. Otherwise you have a short time to react and still got a chance to escape.


    CC are fine and they are a lot of fun!

  7. Cover sucks, i see a gunslinger/sniper in cover i just run out off his range, then all those fancy things he got is no good now, are they?


    They are.


    1. Because you run out of them they prevent you from doing what you want.
    2. Channeled abilities continue even if you get out of range in the middle of their casting time.
    3. As the range is 35, you 'd better run fast or jump over the walls...otherwise BAM!


    In its current state the Gunsliger is fine and a lot of fun !

  8. Knockbacks and Stuns are too readily available in this game and the counter-mechanism (Resolve) isn't effective at preventing them in a meaningful way.


    This is a known issue.



    But I got to hand it to Bioware, they are generally fast at addressing SOME issues. I'm sure they'll reconsider the current Resolve mechanics within the next 4 weeks.


    Resolve might be improved in some case but I think that CC are OK in this game. It just take time to get used to them.


    Damage vs healing is not very exciting. CC add a strategy layer that this game needs.


    I think they did it right!

  9. I can sense and understand your frustration.


    CC have always been difficult to balance in pvp in any game. But they are also part of pvp. they add another layer of strategy. If you use them at the right time they let you do very rewarding things.


    CC are not "out of control" in this game :



    • You have skills to prevent or get out of them. And in some case you can combine or improve these abilities.
    • If you know that you're going to be cc, you can use shield ability to take less damage if you're going to be focused.
    • Range and LOS are also things to take into consideration. It takes some time to get used to them and use them to your advantage.
    • Don't use your escape ability if it is not absolutely necessary. Keep it for when you really need it.
    • Bind it to a key near your movement keys.



    Also as a Sage - with ranged abilities - you're not the most exposed to CC.


    In TOR, mobility, escape tools, CC immunity abilities help a lot. I think that there's no real need to have DR on top of that.


    Keep on playing pvp if you like it, things get better later on.


    Hope it helps a little!

  10. As a gunsliger I enjoy pvp a lot and I feel that this game is working quite good even with imbalance.


    Anyway :


    • My AC is easy to play BUT hard to masterize.
    • I have to use most of my skills to achieve great results.
    • If I'm playing with too many smugglers in my team, we are weaker than a more balanced team.
    • If I need to switch to defense during a fight, I have to use a lot of energy and push many buttons to do so, which mean that I'll be less of a threat for my opponent(s) in the mean time.
    • I can't top dps/kill charts AND heal / protect my teammates efficiently AND be a good runner/escaper.


    I wish Sage and Sorcerer should follow many of those basic rules too. Maybe it's the case . But I have the feeling that it's not.

  11. This is an insult, in the form of condescension, so yes I can comprehend my native language.


    I'd request an apology, but this is the internet so.... yea.


    Part of what drives my personal disagreement with your "idea" is that I have a "Causality" mindset, meaning simply that I don't mind the "other side of the argument", and feel that it's actually necessary for all perspectives to exist.


    A laymen example?


    Good cannot exist without evil. In my opinion they are co dependent, thus they each, need the other to exist.


    In other words and more related to your topic:


    There wouldn't be a such thing as a "positive" thread, without "negative" threads existing.


    Pile on top of that the fact that positive and negative are both subjective to the individual


    I digress.


    "c'est la vie"


    I'll add this one if you don't mind : "right or wrong is in the eye of the one who watch"

    Does it mean that there is no truth ? No

    It means that there are several truth.

    And that they should all be combined to find a reasonable way to evaluate things.

    That's what moderation is all about and why it is done by a human and not a bot.



  12. Good idea, but you know how much we had to push for Server forums. Even the "Server Group Forums" section is a little half a**ed in my opinion.


    Each server should have its forum. From what I've seen , they are divided by server type which might not be the best option. I do understand that BW don't want the community to be scattered. But each of us need to be able to speak with people from his server.


    I'm part of a community? I should be able to speak with it. Not the global community of people playing this game like me. But the small community of my server. The one I meet everyday Ingame.


    I don't think a constructive MMO community is possible, there is always going to be some sort of trolling, flaming, bumping etc.


    A utopian forum is a dream much like a utopia itself.



    Now there is always a company , somewhere , one day - who proves it was possible. And then you realize how all the other game have had it wrong for years.

  13. A: I did read your post.


    B: Your post is titled "a new forum with new rules", they have created plenty of forums, and there's alot of people who will make posts constructive or otherwise and to some degree the games official forums will tolerate this (usually in the interest of keeping subscribers).


    If you want to see stricter enforcement of community rules/less spam threads I was merely suggesting an alternative, otherwise, you'll just have to live with how it is done here.


    My problem is not the number of forums. Or how to find fan site with better forums. I'm thinking about the game community and how to give it better tools.


    I know that there are constructive posts. I just think that they don't have the visibility/role they deserve.


    There's no reason to be in a "take it or leave it" situation.


    I don't see why things couldn't be improved. I'm offering an idea. There are probably better ones but this one is quite simple and easy to try.



  14. While I can sense and understand your frustration, I believe this type of answering others is what you were talking about in the first place, no?


    I'm all for strong and good moderation, but you cannot "force" a community to be what you want, it will grow on it's own and at the end of the day it's yours and my responsibility to make it a good place.


    In the meantime the only realistic option "we" have is to ignore/not comment on/don't read whatever "we" deem non-contructive etc.


    I've read plenty of good threads so far, especially outside the general forum, hope that helps.





    Being constructive doesn't make me defenseless :cool:


    Now, a small community may "grows on it's own". Unfortunately, a massive community will need more than that. Currently, trolls, haters and ragequitters occupy the whole place and give no chance to the others. Because their posts and answer are generating far more answer/read than the other. More answers lead to a better place / visibility.


    That's a system which just doesn't work with large, young passionate crowd.


    Community management has far more tools and options than just setting up a forum and let things go on their own.


    A seperate forum with stronger moderation and new guidelines could bring back some peace and more relevant content.

  15. Don't read those then.




    I'm sure some people can read my post and understand what I say. It's not that difficult.

    Did you encounter any difficulty after the first sentence ? Maybe a part with too many words ?


    Or do you belong to a sect who is trying to dumb down any discussion here ?

  16. There are plenty of fansites for exactly this reason, there's also a list of them somewhere in the forum, i'm sure your capable of doing a search if your capable of constructive posts :p


    Your post is a good example of a "learn 2 play" answer but please re -read the whole post , it is not that long.


    I'm not thinking about me but rather to the game community. Most of the people don't read the official forums, so I let you do the math when it comes to the fan-sites...


    If there were one forum here dedicated to constructive discussion, this would benefit to a lot of different people, including newcomers, casual gamer and hardcore gamer.


    This forum might turn to be the best one :

    - Better SEO with more accurate and detailed contents.

    - More friendly

    - more useful ...

  17. I'm kind of tired to see how the general forums are filled with negative, repetitive, unconstructive threads.


    What I'm looking for :


    - Guides, builds, shared experiences

    - Constructive feedback and suggestions

    - Strong moderation : no more trolls, no more "Learn 2 play", no more "you're an idiot"", no more "/bump", no more "I've never died to <insert advanced class here>".


    Could we have a specific forum dedicated to constructive discussion ? This one should be highly moderated : 3 warnings , then a temporary ban (only for this forum of course).


    I know that I can find or even create my own forum on Internet. But I 'd like this game to have such an option for its "official community".


    I'm sure that a structured community would be a major asset for the future of SWTOR.


    There are probably numerous ways to partially achieve this goal. This is just an idea.


    Sorry for my bad english (french here).

  18. Part of the population imbalance is because the Empire mirrors are better than Republic, so it's a pretty big deal. I've lost warzones before because of skill differences. For example getting interrupted on a Voidstar door because Shock does damage instantly, and not being able to interrupt the enemy in time because Project has a 1.2sec travel/delay.


    Some skills are almost worthless in PvP because of the difference. Death from Above does damage instantly, it's hard to evade. By the time you see the big red circle you're already taking damage. With Mortar you have 1.5sec to get out of the big blue circle before you start taking damage. Anyone that is competent just doesn't even take damage from Mortar.


    I suppose we have two very different experiences with pvp. I use most of my abilities cause they all have a slighty different purpose. And I adapt myself to my opponent : I can always blame myself if I dye cause I could have done something better. Always. When I was fighting lvl 50's as a lvl 25, I used to occupy them as long as possible or draw them to my team.


    To make it short : I've always felt usefull and competitive, even against strong opponent.


    If you don't have what you love : love what you have ;)


    Now I won't spend more time in that thread : I do understand that your feeling / experience can be quite differents from mine.


    I hope you'll be able to enjoy pvp as much as I do.

  19. Diversity would refer more to if a Vanguard and Powertech fundamentally had some different skills, played differently.


    Yep. Ideally I'd like them to have different skills in the future.


    Currently a Shadow and an Assassin have all the same skills, but different visuals. And the Assassin version of several skills have an advantage. It's not really diversity if one side has all the positives and the other all the negatives.


    I can't say for sure - as I'm a Gunsliger - if those difference are as important as you say when it comes to pvp. If that's such a concern, it's ok if you ask for more justice.


    I'm myself concerned by the time needed to adjust the game for the "perfect balance".

    Balance is an ongoing process which never really end. I think that balance should be an overall feeling, not an exact science. I would prefer the dev to focus on more content for more diversified gameplay. Bcause , you know, since time is not infinite, they have to set priorities. Also I want the game to be a success, and I think that there are other things to focus on.

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