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Posts posted by Stormbourne

  1. any bounty hunter/mandalorian based Rp guilds on this server? Recently started playing again and really love my BH and the playstyle of being in a clan base rp guild if there are any around. Stryken is my BH's name you can message me here or in game, thanks :)
  2. I don't think dev's actually read the feedback... here's a test:


    Devs, if you read the threads where you ask for discussion just say "yes we do" or something along those lines.


    If you don't, I'm gonna shoot a jawa, steal his faulty protocol droids and kick the huttball, and ransom satele shan for 1billion credits. How would I get satele you ask? Use new stealth abilities to sneak up and put force shackles on her, then have vanguards stand at 4m ready to roll her face until you pay up.

  3. interrupt for commando = good

    revamping the itemization would be better, if you want commando dps to stack aim/power respectively then you need to actually put that into the gear sets. I'm tired of blowing money and time to buy medic blackhole pieces and pulling out mods and enhancements that have power and replacing my crit/surge mods.




    You could revert the change to commando dps and make demo round worthwhile and causing crit/surge pieces to be desired instead of medic crap. Now I do understand a few AC's are in the same boat needing one stat that isn't on the gear set of their spec, that's a problem too I just don't have dps numbers for those classes or experience with them.


    Bottom line, commando/merc needed an interrupt which bravo for making one. Re-vamping gear or stat priority would be better. Boosting dps output on top of all of that would make commandos desirable again.



    afterthought, boost fire trap damage in huttball or how fast it ticks. People getting healed through fire is retarded.

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