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Posts posted by Lamentari

  1. While I can understand and totally agree with you on the colors. I don't think telling people that if they don't agree with you to not post is going to do anything but get you flamed.



    Personally, I think the color restrictions are stupid. Just like someone who uses a rifle in combat can't use a pistol except in cut scenes.


    What you don't like the magic pistol you don't really carry on you

  2. My wife and i have been playing MMORPGs since EQ in '99 and this one is a blast. I could go on and on telling you how much fun we are having, but it's just going by too dang fast. We are casual players and in a few weeks play we are already 39. That's just way too fast and you can only reroll so many times.


    Cutting EXP gain would slow the game down and add needed time sinks. If the game doesn't have the content that would allow a decrease in EXP and still allow leveling then Bioware could retool some of the flashpoints making them hard but solo-able as well as Heroic 2/4.


    It's a great game and I hope we get to play it for a long time.


    Hush yourself with such crazy ideas !


    but serious for a sec yes the game isn't hard to level but that isn't a bad thing. I have been in games with the Grind and lack of quests to help the process and those games aren't doing well right now

  3. Per Lucas


    Per Canon:


    Dark Side is Red


    Light Side is Blue/Green


    Only Mace Windu had a Purple Light Sabre.


    Wrong per Lore


    Even if you want to look at it Red was synthetic but synth crystals could be any color but on average they were red it was frowned upon by jedi's to use but did not mean you couldn't.


    Mace Windu Had a different one because it was a gift.


    At no point should alignment factor into color choice.


    I approve of this thread

  4. The only reason to hide your information is because you don't want other people to know that you suck.


    That's not a valid reason.


    I myself have no issue showing my numbers but not everyone does. I am also strait but I don't go around advertising that to everyone next to me.


    So when your doing ops and hitting the enrage timer and wiping repeatedly. You wouldn't want to know who in your team isn't putting out the REQUIRED dps?


    You are a fool a base your agruement off opinion whereas the game has DPS CHECKS, this means that the game requires you to be pulling a certain amount of dps on boss's or you will fail.


    it is important that you know your groups dps so you can improve and clear content.


    My suggestion isn't to not have the tool at all but allow your numbers visible to yourself


    This comes down to a communication thing if you have issues with bosses you can simply request that they would post damage. If people don't wish to comply then you can remove them from group there are more work around then forcing your view onto everyone. Not everyone wants the old recount system its as simple as that

  5. The main problem I have now is knowing if somebody is pulling their weight in pugs.


    Here is a scenario I have run into on bulwark HM about 2 times-


    Player A is in semi quest items/oranges with maybe 2 pieces of PvP gear.


    Player B is in almost all PvP Epics.


    We can not beat the DPS meter even with me(the healer) helping with DPS including killing the repair droids.


    You could come to the conclusion that player A is the one holding us back, but what if he is the one killing his add faster?


    The point is, nobody knows who is doing more DPS unless there is a meter. I get all the responses so far about abusing the meter, but some of us need a tool like this.


    The thing is you already answered your own question if Player A is killing his add Faster it is evident that he is either doing more DPS or his add was easier to kill.


    This is not a Need and is a Want people Want recount because they Want to know where they stand. I understand the argument that people want to know for personal gain but that would mean that you only need your own numbers. People have issues with others knowing theirs and having it used for the wrong reasons.


    Not everyone may have issues with sharing stats but it should be up to each user to do so not automatic public knowledge

  6. I also agree with this comment - The fear based hate posts here are fueled by a PUG situation. Honestly who cares about order in a chaotic pug?


    I would say in a guild environment this tool works well - I would say in a PUG environment this tool is abused, but agian - do we really care what happens in pugs? I know I don't, those groups fail more times than not. People are cut throat and rude, as am I in those situations. They are strangers and I will probably never group with them agian (keep in mind this was cross server LFG groups. At that point I don't even look at recount other than to see if I am out-healing the other healers, to see how I stack up. Sometimes if wipes were happening I would check CC breakers to see who I would verbally abuse...


    PUG's always have and always will be an issue in the game. To simply ignore other players not in your guild degrades social interaction. BW has already pointed out they would like to keep social interaction on a positive track. If all the players simply ignore each other to avoid getting grief over numbers then whats the point.


    Recount its a tool but its like giving small children a lighter in a room full of paper and leaving them alone for hours.... its only going to lead to something bad.

  7. A better analogy might be passing out a list of everyone's religious and sexual preferences at school. Some may see it as a great tool for finding someone to pray with or date, but is access to that information worth living with what the bigots and bullies would do with it.


    Again, I point to the anecdotal evidence we've all seen in other games regarding recount. It hasn't made them more fun - just more confrontational and segmented. Let's do our best to keep that kind of environment out of this game (I realize we can't completely, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try in any way we can.



    Good points I can see that with past experience the game may loose more members by adding it then they would by not doing so. If such features that people claim to "Need" was a requirement people wouldn't have left the games that provide them already

  8. I can say coming from the point of being Hardcore to going more casual I understand the drive that some players have. But on that same toke the 1% with that drive tends to have a faster burn out cycle. Its been in my experience when dealing with hardcore players they often tend to take things too seriously, rage quit, ect.


    Its tough for the casual player to take hardcore players serious.

  9. Incorrect. for me at least, it had the "Elegant Dress"


    wait.. just had a thought - is there more than one vendor? perhaps they have different items. I checked the vendor on the Republic Fleet


    there are more vendors around and they do sell some different items also the fleet pass has much less of a CD then the standard 18 hour one you get.

  10. It was over-nerfed to begin with. Went from best skill for a non-crafter to have to worthless for all. Unbelievable.


    Not to pick on the poster but this points it out real well and shows that people didn't want to do much for the credits they basically wanted them for free.


    There was nothing in the recent patch notes about more changes to slicing.

  11. Ilum has potential if they make the capture points an actual challenge it could work out. They could even add spots on planets to capture. DAOC got a lot of love in this thread BW should take a page from that game.
  12. Oh Hai! I played a game for 2 weeks and I am quitting because even though this game was designed to be played for years I know everything in the 2 weeks I played. I got my instagratification and I am onto the next 2 week game.



    Quitting the game before your subscription even starts says it all. It's not like wow and I want my wow.....


    Your sarcasim is noted and good

  13. I try to thank people if they help out but often I have the chat window closed or general chat off cause I am tired of the idiotic banter that people spew forth. I wouldn't take it personal from everyone cause I am sure I am not the only person who dosn't look at chat.


    But on the side note they should at least notice a heal

  14. The current setup in huttball doesn't entirely help the actual game.


    My suggested Fixes for medals / Commendations.


    + X amount of medals/commendations for Winning (Raise this number to encourage the team)

    Correct the objective points and commendations for Scoring. (Currently there is no objective points for those who score that’s retarded)

    Increase medals/commendations for passing and getting the ball.

    Lower commendations or Cap commendations that can be earned outside of objectives. (This would help against the team death match mentality)

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