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Posts posted by Ainew

  1. Lets tell the whole story of how the entire server queue dodged ID or would leave the game if it was against ID. Don't forget how everyone talked about ID behind their backs. The Shadowlands has some of the fakest people I've ever seen. If the fact that ID had the stones to say what they thought directly to those people makes them "bad guys" or "villains", then I guarantee you everyone in ID will gladly embrace that.


    So far the POT5 community has been great. Sure there is some smack talk, that's the nature of PvP, but I have not yet seen anything even close to the ridiculous ******** that runs rampant on The Shadowlands.


    I guess it would seem that way since your egos were so inflated from easily crushing all the bad teams on shadowlands. In reality you guys just acted like a bunch of elitist *****,attempting to justify acting like you did because people didn't want to get curb stomped for 2 hours by the same team.


    Yes I do agree some of what people said about you was just them crying. However I have honestly never met a group of players who acted as childish as some people in ID did towards the community. They were the best on SL by far and they had no shame in making sure everyone knew. I wish you guys good luck on pot5.

  2. A lot of players on this server have such an obsession with numbers.

    Sure, depending on your role, numbers matter, but if you're a shadow or operative waiting in the enemy end zone for a pass, your numbers can be 0 across the board.


    For those of you feeling insecure about your numbers, apply this formula:


    Length times Diameter plus Weight over Girth divided by Angle of the tip squared


    Yeah except you can have good numbers and play the objective easily also. People think they have to do one or the other. Am I saying you need high numbers to win no. Did zenod make a thread bragging about dps then tell someone they only had 1200 objective points ? Yes.

  3. Oh, not saying he didn't help, but bragging about 1m damage in huttball (where I've done 6-0 games with 100k damage because I was... passing and running ball....) doesn't mean squat


    Aka I can only do 100k damage in huttball.

  4. Except your analogy is wrong, you are missing the vital part of the promotion.

    The promotion here was that you get your PC earlier, thats the whole point of a promotion.

    A temporary offer of an enhancement to convince people to buy it. Do you get pissed if a shop has a sale but you didnt hear about the shop or didnt check the shop until 2 months after the sale finished? You pay for the same tshirt right? So why shouldnt you pay the same price as someone did 2 months ago when it was on sale?


    Except the shirt company wasn't a huge failure that has been trying to keep its head above water for a year. Also the price is the same i only mention the 20$ because its just spitting in the face of f2p people again. If bioware wants more customers the point of the promotion why would they not let the people coming back play the game ? Early access before the game was released is different from limiting content on LIVE servers where some people can't play because they returned recently or just started. They should have promoted the improvements and content not give us money sooner and you can play or don't and wait longer.

  5. 1: It's only five days, respectfully, deal with it, good sir.

    2: It's a loyalty bonus. It's a marketing tactic that has been used for centuries, but they should not use it, because


    Let's be honest: You're not upset that some people get to play the expansion before others. You're upset that some people get to play the expansion before you. You didn't even start playing until after the deadline for Early Access. I get it. Would you be here posting your complaints if you did have Early Access? Saying that some people are missing out playing with their friends just tells me that their friends don't care about playing with them all that much.


    More importantly: I fail to see how preventing that is the responsibility of the seller, or why there is any value in avoiding it since, (see point 1) it's just five days.


    I'll repeat an anecdote I've shared a couple times:


    A few years ago, I was building a new computer for myself. The process of finding and ordering parts takes a few weeks (in order to get the best prices/availability/shipping). During the middle of the process, I took a seven day vacation to a place that didn't have reliable Internet access (or electricity). When I returned, I discovered that two days earlier, one of the parts I had been waiting for had been on a drastic sale (50% off, with a bonus). I missed out. Is it unfair for that retailer to run the sale? Should I ask them to never run sales in the future unless they guarantee that everyone in the world has a chance to take advantage? What did I do about it?


    Nothing. Because I'm adult and I know that these things happen and I'm not so selfish that I will demand that the world cater to every one of my desires. I simply shrugged and moved on. You lost 5 days of access to a video game. I lost (the chance to save) $80.



    Okay so you bought your computer the same as me but I paid for mine earlier,so even if we get it on the same day. Now you should have to wait 5 more days to use your because you didn't pay up fast enough or even know about the computer.


    We paid for the same thing and this isn't the release of the game its an "expansion" and with the amount of content I'd call it a patch. Bioware wants to bring people back but they continue to **** over anyone who isn't giving them money every month. Free to play in this game is a disgrace not to mention they charge them double for the same content.

  6. if someone has more skill than you, they will beat you whether theyre level 50, 55, or 15. Bolster is going to put everyone on the same stat level. so are you whining about gear disparity (which will be non-existent in lowbies) or skill gaps?


    if youre crying about skill gaps, i really dont know what to say. work on improving your skills rather than crying about someone beating you? :rolleyes:




    What a surprise you misunderstood me. I feel bad for the level 33 who gets que'd against my friends and I. Don't get me wrong I will reveal in pushing in the faces of a low levels a few days.It will bring back fond memories of the 10-50 bracket.


    Its kind of cute you think bolster will help people not knowing how to play, Simply because I mean at level 30 they haven't been playing long enough to know. Which is why its stupid to put them in the bracket with people who have been pvp'ing a long time at this point. I know there is no other choice I'm not even arguing against it just that you are dumb enough to think it won't matter because of bolster.

  7. Operatives are fine if you can't survive than you are using cooldowns incorrectly and not standing in the right places in cover. The only healer who should beat you is a bubble sage/sorcerer since they can heal damage before it even happens and still use innervate/healing trance/HoT.
  8. Good players carry their team. Bad players QQ on forums.


    What serious rated team would take someone this obnoxious ? Rather have an okay player than someone with a bad attitude.

  9. I just started playing my sorcerer again so i'm curious. Not to the point of getting second war hero pieces yet but looking at the ear piece/implants Would you stack all power/alacrity or the crit/surge ones. I'm leaning towards the power but not really sure if I want to drop the crit eh


    Totals would be


    300 endurance

    201 will power

    147 crit

    53 alacrity

    106 surge Vs


    228 endurance

    228 willpower

    207 power

    106 alacrity

    53 surge

  10. Yeah,when can we get really pvp back? Not those objective things with teams and coordination,but zerging and ganking things on planets because REAL pvp is jumping people on a planet not a smaller area of a planet.


    The dribble that pours out of some peoples mouths is sickening at times. Explain to me how world pvp is real pvp ? You walk around a planet and kill people. You might say Ilum was terrible but that was world pvp riding around ganking people.

  11. this game was not originally coded with cross server functionality in mind. if you remember before launch, the devs had said they would not include cross server pvp b/c of the effect it has on server communities.


    coding cross server functionality into a pre-existing game is a pain in the butt. it will cost a lot of time and money to implement, and given the current state of the game it is not likely that BiowarEA is going to be investing in something like that to get it out quickly.


    we will be lucky to see cross server warzones within 6 months, if not at least a full year


    Probably and by then pretty much all pvp players are going to be feed up with the state of things now. So allow chosen servers transfers or merge us to one server. At this point the only promises they have kept have been stupid ones limiting the playability of the game. No faction/race change,no server transfer of your choice,no cross server lfg. In truth they should've seen this coming and been creating cross server months and months ago.


    Blah blah working on others things. Doesn't matter no one cares or wants to hear this even if it is the truth. I'm not against f2p but the fact that they have most likely been working on this for half the games life shows they don't really care about attempting to improve the game but create a mediocre product and keep the money they invested.


    This is a WoW copy,nothing wrong with it but let's admit it. They didn't copy enough of WoW to make it good and didn't go far enough off base to create a unique and new game. I wish they had left out the silly voice acting and just made it text and created other features. This game had huge potential and Bioware/EA just totally dropped the *********** ball. This game could have been absolutely amazing instead we are left with another 'alright' mmo.

  12. Anytime after cash shop is released.

    Cartel Coin 1000

    Unlock one character to cross server queuing.


    Joking aside I'm sure someone has asked it in the Q&A its kind of annoying when its obvious they are dodging important questions about future updates.

  13. I thought they said no loss so yeah I still cannot wrap my head around this either way.




    here is the question I poised them. I had asked for a sub system but they edited that out.



    Cycao: Can I please get a response on this issue I have for Ranked Warzones and how you will deal with a disconnect? People disconnect from Warzones; it happens and sometimes it’s the game, others it’s a client issue, but it happens. To go down one man in a ranked warzone will be detrimental to the team.


    Rob: We are aware that a Warzone team suddenly losing a player is a great disadvantage to that team, and we are investigating ways we can better mitigate that loss to the team. One of the things that we currently have implemented is that the team that loses a team member will have that factor taken into consideration when the system makes adjustments to ELO ratings at the end of the match.


    Don't worry guys we are working on a way to change how much you rating you lose when the game client randomly crashes for no reason and forces a team to lose. Fantastic this should be out in 4 months,I guess I can expect reconnect development to begin in 6 months.


    Why I can't log back into my ranked match if I disconnect. Why didn't they see this as a probably considering all the time it took to get released. I don't want my elo lose adjusted just let me que back into my match..

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