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Posts posted by Iusedtoplaywow

  1. You are wrong.


    The servers have population caps that determine where their capacity level is at. So at launch a server may have had a population cap of 300 players. At 250 players the listing would read "Heavy".


    The developers have stated in several places those caps have been raised. So now a server may have a cap of 600 players, and those same 250 players might show up as "Light".


    So please, read my sig, do some research and learn the facts about how something works prior to posting one of these "QQ the sky is falling" threads. Thanks.


    Whats that river in Egypt called again?

  2. The funny thing about trolls and 'haters'?

    The yspend hours trying to prove that this game (or any game they hate) is doing poorly


    but the question is: why????? why you care or should we care??

    have you spoken to a doctor about it?

    is your life so...pointless?


    You have TOR Fanbois telling you that you are sick in the head, being a troll has nothing to do with it.


    You need to seriously step away from the forums because its very much not healthy for you. From one human to another, you need to just take a step back and evaluate yourself.

  3. Ok, i know its tempting to ignore the first part of my post, where i mention daily grinds. This assumes most people are on the level cap since the game i was trying to allude (WoW) has released over 7 years ago.

    SWTOR just released, so its natural that there are less people at max level.


    Yet, just like i told another user in this thread. If your server has population issues, you should open a ticket about it to Bioware or make a thread pointing out that your specific server has population problems with screenshots proving it (on prime time).


    Just dont generalise that it happens in the whole game and you should be fine.


    Did you seriously suggest sending screenshots to Bioware to let THEM know how bad their pop numbers are?


    Not even gonna touch the ridiculousness of that statement. Im pretty sure Bioware knows the pop status on their servers at all times homie.

  4. Some people bought more than a copy of the game to be able to troll from one account and then use the other accounts to show suport for the first account

    Many of the trolls left on the board are like that. the most famous (or infamous) was xugos who got caught redhanded creating another alt and was exposed by Reid on twitter.

    xugos was actually banned from wow boards because of that reason


    You are an absolute psycho if you think this is true. Wow.

  5. Generalisation.


    You have to understand that not everyone has the same free-time or game centered orientation you do.

    I'm in a guild with 50+ people on my republic character. The highest character is lvl 48 as of yesterday and theres always about 15 people online.


    This guy said he was playing 40+ hours a week. The hardcore guys in my guild that hit 50 early didnt even play that much. It takes something under 100 hours to max your level, and thats pretty conservative.

  6. I don't agree. I have played at least 40 hours a week since launch and my character is only 46.


    I have made a few alts - but nothing over 20 yet - and only two over 15.


    Theres no chance you are just slow with your class or bad at the game huh? Everyone faster than you just 'rushed'?

  7. I think standard is still to low, my server is decent dark sion, but never see more then 110 people in fleet ,and people always complaing about spamming chat for grps, Bioware needs to merge servers if my standard server feels alittle empty I couldnt imagine light, I would have quit or moved already


    Im starting to think merging servers isnt an option.


    They either skimped on the server hardware, or the Hero Engine is just a massive resource hog. More than 200 people on fleet would annihilate most computers. Imagine the ability delay we would get...

  8. They could easily have fixed this(or even now) by just balancing things as is rather than pushing towards actually making them perfect mirrors(which would require an entire overhaul of the engine OR the animations).


    Mirror classes are ridiculously dull anyway....this isn't a progamer PvP game, not even close, so i dont get why they went that route.

  9. I wouldn't know about the the PvP aspect.

    But the animations themselves don't matter. Only the casting delay and the damage/heal numbers. As long as those are identical the rest is merely frosting on the cake.

    If they are not identical then Bioware made things needlessly harder for themselves (why go through the development of mirrorclasses and then forget one or two critical abilities?)


    Welcome to the conversation!


    Its way more than one or two critical abilities.


    Its more along the lines of one or two critical ablities for each AC. Mirrored classes they are not. Not even tooltip wise in some cases.

  10. this an Open Beta? If you bought the game at launch then you're paying for it now, Why would you pay for something you do not like. That is just stupid.


    Me, and most of the playerbase are playing and enjoying the game.


    Haters gonna hate.


    Talking about the stress test 'hype' weekends. Not sure how you got that.


    But no, most of the playerbase is not enjoying the game. Most of the playerbase is tolerating the game in hopes that patches will roll out fast. Its just hope. That describes my guild and the other guilds on Deaths Wind Corridor.

  11. What the OP is writing is what I felt after hitting Corcusant. It wasn't what I had seen in the kotor series, which was exactly what I was hoping for. Do I save the refugees by diplomatic result or kill the overseer or do I kill the refugees and the overseer and get a red crystal from a bounty hunter in the cantina for doing so. Afterwards I'd be the good guy again and pretend to help a doctor to get a cure for something but in reality would seek it for credits from a Hutt.


    No Swtor isn't that. Swtor was dull for me. I didn't like Swtor, I did not find an LFG system, all I saw was a chat where ppl would spam need this and that. The group quests didnt need a group most of the time or could be done alone. It was worth no1's time to group up for these group quests. Having influence on the world is bullcrap. I made no influence in the world with my light or darkside decisions.


    I had 26 days to play this game the last time I logged in. I didnt play a single day of it. I might check it out in summer again but probably a short visit.


    Hoping for KOTOR 3.... STILL!


    What i dont understand is they could have easily done this, you see they started too with earlier quests, but then EA rolled up and made the dev's their *****es and said LOOKS GOOD LETS MILK IT. DO AN OPEN BETA JUST LONG ENOUGH FOR PEOPLE TO ONLY SEE THE POLISHED CONTENT. LAWLS.

  12. Yes. Yes it does. People who say you can get EVERYTHING in game in a matter of two weeks are straight up lying or completely hardcore.


    I'm not even at level 50 yet and I have been playing since early release day 2.


    Hardcore people don't like to admit they are hardcore and want the game to focus on them...period.


    No chance that you are just bad and slow huh? Everyone faster than you is a no life hardcore?


    Amazing logic you have there bud.

  13. What I read is this:






    If you Hate the game.. then. uh? Don't play it?


    I generally don't do things that I hate.


    He doesnt hate the game, he wants the OBVIOUS faults to be fixed. You should be thanking him.


    Welcome to the conversation.

  14. If you live in front of you computer. MAYBE.

    But thats exactly the same as WoW. Two weeks is all you need for any game's content if you live in your computer room.

    I do not live in front of my computer and it will take me months to see all the enf game content.



    "which means it can be hours before you see other players on certain planets. Phasing off areas also does not contribute to the experience of playing a Massively MULTIPLAYER game. Grouping with a player is not necessary, you merely need to whip out a companion and kill the elites with them instead. Chat channels in game are near dead, even in the most populated areas. I saw a grand total of five guild recruitment ads while playing for over twenty hours."



    Straight up lie. You cannot beat any 4+ heroic areas with simply your companion unless you grossly overleveled for the planet. OH AND BY THE WAY...the OP said the companion was useless?


    So which is it OP? I'm dying to know.


    Is the companion useless or is the companion too powerful? Please tell me.


    No. No way. It does NOT take hardcore playtime to cap out everything you can do at 50. As a matter of fact, Datacrons are the most time consuming thing you can do, and that most of the time literally means walking around barren lifeless planets or waiting 2 hours for a balloon to roll by.


    Yeah, awesome gameplay. Totally worth the 60 dollar price tag. Wait, i can pay you 15 bucks a month as well for no reason? Awesome!

  15. What a surprise. Another review filled with bogus information. When do we start banning people for outright lying on the forums.


    "literally nothing to do at end game"


    Straight up lie. This should be locked and deleted. Negative criticism is fine but lying to make a point should be against TOS.


    Oh enlightened one, tell us all the great, meaningful things we can do at the end game.



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