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Posts posted by dannycarr

  1. Barrier is a massive pain and with the heal utility it's very strong. compre them to a merc and you will start to see how much of an advantage they have. Merc dos self heals are terrible two instants and one not even worth pressing except to build charges of supercharged before the match starts. The other heal is cast time and heals for nothing and not spamable due to energy management.


    Then throw in all the mobility that hey have and you have a very powerful class. Too powerful. Strong instant cast spells like bubble with a hot included and extreme mobility mean sorc are crazy strong and difficult to kill.

  2. Yes channeled would be an improvement.


    Its the healing of dps sorc that is too much too, three instants and a cast. That compared to other hybrids is just too much. The sorc pandemic is real, and its only going to get worse. My pet hamster is rerolling sorc too as its so easy.


    I for one will be taking a break from pvp till this mess is sorted, if it never is then so be it....

  3. It seems like there now model is now a sub model for solo game. Which in all honesty is stupid. They are removing all the fun aspects of MMO since they can't get it right. This stands for PvE and PvP. And as already mentioned, they keep quiet which means there is a high probability that there will be no new content.


    I always dip in and out, but when I come back to the game it doesn't take me long to get bored and want to move onto something else.

  4. There is no doubt that sorc are very powerful. I enjoy the playstyle of them but when you throw in the sheer amount of instant casts such as resurgance, roaming mend, instant revivifcation and buble its just too much and becomes difficult to stop the heals coming out.


    Add onto that the disparity in the spec compared to the other healers, hard casting kolto waves and progressive scan can be locked down quickly, and the energy management is laughable on the sorc. They can burst heal for a lot longer than the other healers and just top their force back up with no penalty.


    The resurgence buffing spells is great and makes the spec interesting in PvE, but too overpowered in pvp. Instant roaming mend and revivfication are too much only one should be instant and the other should be cast.


    Powerful healers in PvP makes it very dull to play. I like a good contested game, hate ROFL stomp games, but with healers being so strang and sorc dps healing too high, a team or sorc is near enough impossible to kill. When you add on taunts an guards and big heals, games are so slow its just like a dummy parse which I can do on my ship....

  5. I'm probably going to use mine on a vanguard. I have all but a sent/Mar at 60 of the advanced classes, but I want to level one of those up. I like the vanguard they are simple to play and effective. I love the look of the vanguard with the rifle and heavy armour. So hyped for the new expansion and getting a free 60 :cool:
  6. Are there still going to be lots of guilds doing ops in 4.0. I'm a returning player, and have some xp with some ops. Left just after TfB. I'm considering looking for a guild for raids. I want to main a commando healer (this is what I used to play), but just worry that there won't be enough guilds that carry on raiding without any new ops. I think I will start looking for a guild to do some Ops as I do enjoy group content.


    Also I still need to get some gear, but with the expansion round the corner there isn't much point in going crazy till then, but wanted to find out what the HM flash points are like for healers? I have mostly 190 gear from the Ziost quests, and I am sure that this should be enough, but not tried them yet. Are they really tough to heal or do most people out gear them now?

  7. I understand where people are coming with the option to have it or not. If I had the option I would use it, so you all know where I am coming from.


    One issue with the option to turn it off is that conquests are linked to the heroics, so you end up with people completing conquests and turning it off. For the conquest system to work, everyone needs to be working with the same rules thus having the option there in the first place a no go.

  8. I would be interested to know if there is going to be some new styles of loot. It does make it interesting that the loot can be shared across all classes now, but I still want my commando to look like a commando.


    I wonder if they will be doing what they did with the comapnion legacy gear in that it changes its look depending upon the class that is using it. This should at least allow the class to have different armour styles, and the tech is obvisoulsy there for it to work.


    I wonder if this will happen with the 188 legacy gear the free 60's get also?

  9. Just hitting the game back, and played a jedi shadow though from the story. I decided to do some PVP as I really used to enjoy it, and it was fun. I am only really interested in reg's at the moment so nothing serious. With KOTFE just around the corner is there much point in gearing up with augments. Seems like it is a bit of a waste of credits. Or would it be better so save all my comms for the expansion?


    I should really get some gear I know, the starter gear is easy enough to get since it is so cheap now, its more about grinding out the ranked gear (or whatever its called).


    Also thinking of rolling a merc, I know that they are terrible when reading forums, but I liked the commando playstyle, but want that in a merc format. Lets hope they are better in 4.0.

  10. So just finishing off my sorc with the 12xp which I started from scratch. This is the first toon that I have levelled without crew skills. It feels a little odd as I like crafting, but with the 12xp its just not viable to keep ontop of the gathering while you level.


    How are people handling this, are you crafting while levelling, or just not crafting at all or maybe go back and craft wen at 60? Just one of the side effects of the 12xp I suppose, which I am loving.

  11. Still disappointing, and its a cheap daily area, no mobs to talk of (obviously) but makes for a very dull daily. At least with others there are mobs to fight through. Ah well back to levelling, oh no wait I haven't had my characters activated for it yet. What a total mess.
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