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Posts posted by Garrix

  1. I'm coming back to this game after a long hiatus.


    I like PvP, but I do a lot of PvE as well. Merc is the class that stands out the most to me as one I'd love to play. I mean to look and act like Boba Fett? Hell yes!


    I read so many saying Merc is garbage for PvP. I don't really like getting WTFPWND. So, I ask you all is Merc really THAT bad or is this just another occurrence of people not knowing how to play a class, or some other factor.


    Also, has BW every expressed anything that could give us hope of them making the class better if the class is in fact irrefutably flawed?

  2. Are you saying play a healer character and play as a dps (like I do now out of dps habit) or play a dps character that has innate healing abilities from their class?


    Healer class but with dps like you do now. Basically, you build yourself for max dps, but you still have heals. In many games, going this route doesn't gimp your heals to the point that they are useless. SWTOR seesm to be this way. I'm a concealment (mele dps) Operative, and my heals help me out still.

  3. If you never group, and do pve, I'd say try one but go DPS spec.


    The all too common question then is "why not just play a DPS class then?" Well, first of all, in today's gaming world many healer types are not bad as DPS. That wasn't so true years ago. Secondly, asking this question doesn't take into account many of the other factors that go into chosing a class. I mean which class sounds most fun to you? Specific abilities or the presence of certain types (CC, AOE, DoT, or....HEALS!) can make one class jump out as the one for you.


    Look at the Operative for example. I love mine! I'm not heal spec, yet still won't top the DPS charts. However, I might survive a fight due to my heals and damage shield. If my heals aren't enough to keep me from dying, I can vanish, going into stealth. I'm not saying that pure DPS types don't have abilities to get them out of a jam, but any healer can give him/her self back health. Many times this allows you to last long enough to kill your enemy before he can kill you.


    The real advantage of a healer type though is if you heal a group. Even in PvP I've lived fine by healing my dps teammates. Maybe I don't kill many peeps, but I help others do so. This in turn saves me as I'm never alone.


    That is when things are good. The bad is healers get focused. In PvP peeps go for the heals often and sometimes nothing is enough to keep you alive from an attack. You'll die, its just part of the game. In PvE healing can grab aggro. Most of the time you'll lose it, unless you run away from the tank.


    I've been healing since before WoW came out and love it in groups. I raided Vanilla WoW raids as a healer druid and I'm teling you the role is way fun. Yet once again, if solo pve play is your thing, then try one but go DPS spec. Living longer in a fight due to the abilitiy to make yourself harder to kill might be enough to make you a healer fan.

  4. This is stupid. I'm at a Droid Storage Crate on DK along with about 4 or 5 others wondering why when there isa Droid Mechanic working on it and when we click on it we get the following message.


    BD-11 is bing reprogrammed. Check back later when he is ready



    LATER? *** IS THAT!? Is it 5 minutes? 10 minutes? a half hour? 8pm tonight? tomorrow? this friday? Come on Bioware, use your brains here! With no information (ubber vague is the same as none) and no direction, why should we even participage. Am I supposed to stop waht I'm doing on my lvl 50 dailies to fly out to DK multiple times a day to find out of Mr. Droid Mechanic is done doing his repairs?


    Rhakgoul was a great event, this one however is grabage!

  5. Just because you LIKE the design doesn't mane its GOOD!


    Its ot all bad, but 80% of it sure as hell is. Disagree I don't care. Bad design is bad design.

    -lack of color

    -lack of structure - stuff just floating about

    -headers way too tall on homepage - yes lets tuck the actual homepage content down below forcing people to have to scroll to get to the meat and potatos of the page.

    - crappy font choices for the main links, and horrible background color makes it look dated and dead

  6. LFG in this game is a joke.


    Bioware needs a LFG queue like WoW has, have it be cross-server. Also, MERGE SOME FRIGGIN SERVERS! I don't care that the game is still new. There are other new games out there and if Bioware has any hopes of a mass exodus from SWTOR to those games they better start at least showing us that they are working on adding in this features. People will only wait so long.


    Low pop + no LFG system other than general chat + stupid rhakghoul event = peeps standing in fleet doing nothing but waiting to blow up.



  7. I had forgotten that a redesign was in the works, so imagine my surprise when I checked the forums. Just wanted to give some positive feedback for the Bioware folks who worked on this particular project. It looks great.


    Excellent work. Nicely done.




    No actually its bad.

    1. The font choice is horrible. It looks like they just slapped in Times Roman on there. That is the best way to look amatuer. No good graphic designer would pick that font for this website.

    2. No cool colors, no warm colors and thus nothing to draw your attention or please the visual senses. Its just a huge choclate bar with text on top

    3. scale issues - header graphic is about 1/3 taller than it needs to be with some bad screenshots. The original site was much better. Blue is always a soothing color.

    4. Lack of depth - Everything is just flat and slapped together. No shadows, bevels or transparency to give it some depth and interest.

    5. No textures - The original site had a great background image that not only said "Star Wars" visually, but was a nice textural backdrop for the sites content. Now we get a flat solid color. Look in the game, you'll see textures on the walls, at least faint variations in color to give it the feel of metal thats aged and weathered. Why can't the website have that too. Tie the site to the game visually, not just through images, but through the actual graphic design of the underlaying sites elements themselves!

    6. No structure at all - Yes there is a layout, but its just floating. Links on the far right have nothing to draw your attention. There are no boxes, or lines or anything to break up the elements, to give it flow. That is the meat and potatos for designers. Good layout is what separates your average everyday computer user throwing together a PowerPoint presentation for his boss, and graphic designers who pour hours into creating a layout that isn't just pleasing to the eye, but that guides you visually and makes digesting lots of information easy by breaking it up into sections. The original site had this. Things were in boxes. There are less sutle ways to do it, but it worked well.


    Compare all this with these


    Screenshot of old SWTOR site Notice the nice contrast in warm colors (yellows, oranges and orangish-browns) in the images with the cool colors of the background. That gives the site depth, and keeps the site interesting. It gives it life, energy. The new site instead is dull and dead, little to no contrast is why.




    http://tera-europe.com/home.html notice how the background image fades and the content overlaps. You don't have to be boxed in on everything


    http://masseffect.bioware.com/ AMAZING homepage. Background and the content flow nicely together, not just image and everything else plopped on a solid background. No way the guys that did this did this current SWTOR design. Not unless they were given a time line of DUE TOMORROW!



    Anyhow, I pray this site will at least get a better overall layout and some color changes. Otherwise Bioware you guys need to start from scratch!

  8. I would go for:




    But then again, I think Hybrid builds are stupid.


    There is nothing wrong with hybrid builds. Sure they won't be the best in heals or in dps, but the key to the game is its your character, and you are free to build him how you want. The best build is the one you find most fun.


    I think one track minds are stupid.

  9. I have a 50 op with maxed biochem, still working on bioan and diplo


    Yet I'm having hard time deciding what to do with my alts, which are

    18 Merc

    26 Powertech

    11 Sniper



    As for skills I'd like






    I'd like to level all of them to 50 eventually but want to know which of the crew skills I listed are best to lvl first if my goal is money making, and if any of my alts would benefit from taking said crew skill over the others? My main focus is PvP, but want one of my alts to be able to make good money on trade network auctions.

  10. If PvP isn't your focus, please stop posting about how much you like it. Don't give Bioware the feeling that all is good and well in SWTOR PvP because it is not!


    I'm bet all of you who claim this pvp is good are those that love WZs. The instanced PvP is great if thats all you do, but the world PvP is garbage right now. Nothing to do but rack up 30 kills for the daily at 4FPS running at 800x600 and its still choppy (no its no my computer becasue many having same issue have ubber systems. Tera runs smooth and its graphics are more detailed than SWTOR. Aion ran great too). Horrible game engine + boring world PvP = gamers not happy. My guild is a ghost town. They all left, headed for Tera. In the words of a past SWTOR guild leader of mine "Tera will get PvP right before SWTOR will."

  11. Consular sucks in pvp- here's why.


    1. Huge cast or channel times on almost all their abilities forcing us to stand still to do damage. Standing still means death.


    2. Its far too easy to interrupt our long cast times- meaning we accomplish nothing- then die.


    3. Healing is pathetic in pvp. You spend 3-5 seconds healing depending on lag to heal 1500 hp on a 12000 hp person..... Yeah. The second you try to heal you get focused, interrupted, then killed.


    4. Our abilities dont do enough damage. Im getting hit by 1.5-2.5 shots from agents and BH and my hits are doing 250... (Im lvl 24 with superb gear- so at this point as many are below me as above. Im specced damage).


    I just dont get it. I thought the consular was supposed to be good and in beta it was. But now with more and more people leveling its showing itself to be subpar.


    Please buff this class or make it at least viable in pvp. Thanks



    I totally agree. I just deleted my lvl 14. That was 15 hours of wasted time. This class needs some AoEs as its single target is garbage. Maybe if Bioware would bracket off the PvP, some classes with less than desired defense wouldn't get ***** 24/7 and some of us might be able to actually enjoy playing them.

  12. I like this game, I find the pvp tolerable.


    Isn't that the problem though? Shouldn't we be asking for more than tolerable? If all we wanted was tolerable we could have saved the $ on this game and just kept resubbing to WoW! I'm not bashing you or SWTOR but just saying shouldn't the fact that the majority of PvPers want more be enough for Bioware to want to deliver more!?

  13. OP they will be adding more PVP content down the line. They have a whole dev team dedicated to PVP. Give it some more time the game just came out I am sure they have more tricks up thier sleeves.




    In a nutshell here it is for the lazy people who don't wanna check the link heh


    •PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away! In addition to that high level PVP content, expect new Warzones and new PvP features on a regular basis.



    How much time do they need? I just perordered Tera. Yo Bioware give me a reason to NOT switch to them in May. You have until then to do so. As for being blown away by Ilum....LOL OMG PLEASE...THAT'S A JOKE RIGHT!?!?!?! Ok be prepared to stand and drool in bordem until maybe someone gets pulled, then they get blown away. Over 2 hours to complete a Pvp daily?


    I have a lot of hope for this game, but if Bioware doesn't improve PvP, then this game can just be a SW PvE easyville for carebears who are happy just to swing a lightsabre and brag about how cool their ship looks.

  14. Please make sure you pick ones interested in PvP, not just PvE! You will lose a lot of subs if you don't give the PvP servers more attention. A standoff for hours at the Rep base waiting for one of them to run out too far and get pulled, then praying in the lagfest you actually get off some damage and then praying it actually counts as a kill = frustrating and no fun at all. Also, find a way to make WZs not named Huttball spawn more often for us Emps on Veela!


    This isn't a bash on the game in general, but you guys really need to pick up the pace on fixin g Illum and find a way to make people WANT to fight out in the map, not just at one base.

  15. Hello all,


    We've had to remove several posts in the thread. We know this is a hot topic and Operatives feel very strongly on this issue. This means that discussions can easily become inflamed and turn bad quickly. We want as much constructive feedback as possible, so please make sure when you're participating in the discussion, your posts are constructive and respectful toward others.


    Thank you.


    I wish you spent as much time fixing the game as you do censoring your forums.


    Here is a great idea - buff lethality before or at same time you nurf con. That way A. the con guys (I was one for a long time) have a viable 2nd option/spec and B. us Lethality fans can have a way of generating a TA from range (which in part provides A). It isn't too much to ask. Unless our cull has a chance to return a TA like con ops lacerate does, then we need a way to generate a TA from distance. Luckily I like to offheal peeps so 2 in the med tree gets me TAs from heals, but this type of play is highly situational.

  16. I would be interested in advice on this build as well. I run as 31 lethality, but don't have as much into con as you do. I highly recommend 2/2 in incisive action in the medicine tree (bottom row, one on the left) though as it gives you a tactical advantage when you heal with kolto injection. I know we are talking dps builds here, but anyone that can heal should do so sometimes. Of course you heal yourself during long fights as well, so now you can do that and build tachtical advantages as well!
  17. The problem with kiting in WZ's is that it is usually never one on one. Kiting takes too long. You may succeed, but usually another guy will see what you are doing and turn the odds against you.



    This is why lethality has its place, because most fights are not 1v1. Yet everything else you write tends to lean towards the 1v1 mindset by focusing on concealment.


    The lethality rotation is a bit long, giving concealment the advantage of speed. However, lethality is more about helping others. Its much easier to get off 2 dots, shiv, weakening blast and a cull when its on a target who is beating on your ally instead of you. Both specs have their good and bad, and in the end its about what do you find most fun that matters most, not what others are telling you is best. Lethality needs work no doubt, but its not completely useless in its current state.

  18. Ok maybe that ability does a little bit more damage than other classes can do. But he seems to overlook the fact THAT'S ALL WE GOT. Other classes have gap closers, and more effective PVP skills in general.


    I wonder if anyone on that team has ever tried playing huttball as an agent? Every other class is pulling targets to them, or jumping up levels ontop of targets, or have AOE knockbacks to knock people down persuing the ball handler. Agents HAD damage, spike damage to eliminate ONE target to try to help keep their ball handler alive. Now that's gone, what's left?


    AMEN bro!


    This has been my point exactly. Peeps whine that we can take them down fast 1v1. That is our job! We have stealth and a knockdown on HB for a reason! Hey Bioware I can't pwn a PowerTech, can you make them wear cloth? BH rockets kill me, can you reduce the damage that does by 20%? According to my Cooeffient Polynomial Transnumeric damage flux compasitor, I show them being ahead of the mean!

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