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Posts posted by drewtheacedrew

  1. I think the most surprising part of the post is the claim the Bounty Hunter storyline was better in chapter 1. I thought it was the weakest by far. It's just finding random people and hunting them down while a scrawny teenage girl keeps getting mad at you and is continuously shocked that matters sometimes are resolved with violence. Seriously, if Mako had her way you'd let everyone go and have zero rep in the underworld.
  2. Was my agent the only one who was terrified of her? She always had corpses around her but she just giggled and greeted you cheerily like you arrived just in time for the most splendid tea party.


    When she came back from being slapped around by the council and started telling my agent her sob story, he pretty much kept saying: "You really shouldn't be telling me this..." Because he didn't want to be any closer to her than he already was.

  3. Oddly enough, my agent largely got along well with all his companions.


    Kaliyo liked (and eventually loved) my agent because he had no aversion to killing. Of course, she would have liked to see him kill even more, but he was pretty much a "no loose ends/no witnesses" type of guy. If a person was of more value to be taken in alive, he went with that. Kaliyo rarely approved of that. He also wasn't fond of volunteering for suicide missions, which she enjoyed doing.


    Vector liked my agent because he was so formal and polite in conversations with everyone and often opted to use the more clever solutions to solve his problems. He had major issues with my agent eliminating loose ends, though.


    Lokin liked my agent for pretty much the same reason as Vector and had less of an issue with him murdering witnesses and loose ends. Unfortunately, my agent was a healing operative so they barely adventured together.


    Temple admired my agent to the point of near idolization. He was very patriotic, polite and efficient and so was she. She did sometimes have major issues with his killings, though. But he seemed to eventually weed that annoying trait out of her during the course of her personal storyline. I won't go further into it so I don't spoil it for anyone.


    SCORPIO was typically neutral to mildly-accepting of my agent. It never had a problem with any of his actions and pretty much always approved of him snuffing people out. Since it's an assassin droid, I guess this shouldn't be too surprising. SCORPIO also actually appreciated the occasional idle flirt he tossed its way, so that was pretty fun, too.


    Overall, I preferred Temple from a storyline standpoint. She was basically my agent's apprentice and it was fun showing her the ropes when working in the field. It's the closest thing an agent will get to having a padawan. She eventually developed a crush on my guy, though, so he had to kindly let her down. Otherwise, they were a great duo.


    From a survival standpoint, I preferred SCORPIO. I found it the best-equipped to keep my agent alive when facing tough groups.

  4. Yeah! How dare those cowardly Pubs not run out into a battlefield where they are consistently outnumbered 2 or 3:1!


    What do they want? A fair fight? Pssh...

  5. I completed it solo at level 47 with Guss after two tries. I started the fight with the armor debuff shot, then immediately followed with a Flash Bang. I then used Aimed Shot, and then the bleed shot.


    This part was important because it ensured I kept aggro for the rest of the fight.


    I then pillar-humped like crazy. There are columns in the back of the room. Voidwolf is ranged, too, so he gets messed up easily with line of sight issues. Just keep up your armor debuff, bleed and toss in some of your instant shots when you can. You will get hit on occasion, too, but that's why Guss is there.

  6. This may have been brought up before, and if it has, please excuse me.


    I was thinking an interesting addition for armor and weapon crafters would be a new ability to outright redesign the way an existing weapon or piece of armor looks. They could also create a "skin" that others could equip that changes the look of an item.


    I know you can rip mods out and place them in other moddable pieces, but the current choices are very limited and incredibly expensive. So, why not instead have the ability to redesign existing items into patterns you've learned instead?


    Mods would still be useful, too, since people will still need them to replace the poorly itemized ones.

  7. Use your Relic (I use the Crit + Surge), Adrenal (450 Power), and the Cunning stim to help out. Also use Flourish Shot followed by Aimed shot to get 40% armor bypass.


    Thanks. I have been doing close to that (minus using an adrenal). Aimed Shot, so far, is the only ability I have managed to hit 5k with. Usually, it's the only one that can hit 2.5k with.


    And thanks, all, for the responses. While it's disappointing a pure damage dealing advanced class isn't able to hit 5k/300k without a lot of conditions being met, it's comforting to know I'm not the only one with this issue. :)

  8. My Sharpshooter Gunslinger almost never gets the 5k Damage in a Single Blow medal in warzones. He's in half-Champion and half-Centurion PvP gear with 600 Expertise. And unless I am guarding a turret that is constantly under attack, I rarely see the 300k Damage medal, either.


    Am I doing something wrong or have the wrong spec? Or is this common? I certainly don't have to get the biggest numbers in a warzone, but when I see others classes achieving it, I start to think I must be doing something wrong.


    Thanks for your input!

  9. On Dark Reaper it's starting to even out, finally. The population is still about 2 or 3:1 Empire, but the talent migration is becoming more and more noticeable and the Republic is really starting to push back.


    I agree, though, playing on the Republic side reminds me of playing on the Horde in the early days of WoW back when the Horde really was the underdog faction. Then it got extremely bloated. The Empire reminds me a lot of the post-BC Horde.

  10. Yeah, I have a 50 on Imperial and Republic side on the same server. Just got my smuggler to max this past weekend.


    I play on a PvP server and I couldn't help but feel like a giant bully any time I killed someone on my Imp because there's such a significant server imbalance. So, I decided to play on the on the underdog side some.


    It's definitely a noticeable difference between the two factions. On the Pub side it's harder to get groups going as there is at least half as many players at all times and the GTN has way less in stock.


    And participating in Ilum is pretty much a masochistic endeavor. With the new daily and weekly quests, all you do is stay pinned at your base of maybe 12 other players as a sea of red names huddle just outside tossing emotes at you. Occasionally, a Bounty Hunter or an Inquisitor will snag an ally and then the pack of 30 or so Imps will swarm him and tear him to pieces like they do in zombie movies. The uniform Sith corruption they all show only helps complete the horrific imagery.


    Still, it's all the more satisfying scoring open world kills when you feel like your back is constantly at the wall. Also, tracking down your guildies and killing them is always good for a chuckle.

  11. Without a doubt, Guss Tuno.


    For one, he's our only healer.


    Secondly, he's the only male companion that actually gets the fact that smugglers are criminals and appreciates the lifestyle, so you don't have to deal with him disapproving of everything you say. And he doesn't disapprove of you flirting with the ladies.


    And thirdly, he has the best lines with my favorite being: "You've never known true rage until you've been lectured about emotional control by a four-year-old in a robe."


    Classic Guss.

  12. Yeah, I can't stand the guy, either. His insistence that I let every female off the hook no matter what they do annoys me to no end. The fact that we're outlaws doesn't ever seem to register, either, and he continues to think my drug-smuggling killer is somehow a true patriot underneath it all. I guess he is supposed to be the angel on the smuggler's shoulder, but he comes across as sanctimonious, holier-than-thou and I keep waiting for the option to shoot the hayseed in the foot in the middle of our companion conversations.


    I've now been giving Corso gifts so my smuggler can go on his storylines and ruin his life.



    So far, I have Corso's "sweetheart" cousin peddling drugs for me and have his old friend working as my personal slicer/indentured servant.


  13. I have officially reached the 50th attempt on reverse engineering a green Watchful Blade's Vibroknife. Still no proc.


    Am I super unlucky or is there something about vibroknives being unable to proc a discovery on reverse engineering?



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