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Posts posted by idonotdonot

  1. I have a question on this tactical.

    " Shrap Bomb / Corrosive Grenade spreads Hemorrhaging Blast’s / Weakening Blast’s effect. Dirty Blast / Lethal Shot does splash damage to all targets affected by Shrap Bomb / Corrosive Grenade. "


    For the Weakening Blast effect to kick in, do you have to use corrosive blast after weakening blast or will it kick in if the corrosive grenade DOT is present on the target?

  2. I finally reached 50 and have max reg WZ Comms and Ranked Comms. I really like the idea of tanking in WZ's, but all I see in comments and youtube are TankAssasins in Stalker gear. Is tanking in WZ's not viable or helpful to the group or is it that you can put up much bigger numbers with stalker gear?
  3. I'm a level 48 Tankassasin. I have Synthweaving. I'll have 4k ranked wz commendations, 2k regular wz commendations valor 49, 600 expertise and 600 healing WZ Pots when I hit 50. What sequence should I use for gearing? I'm concerned about not having the mods if I craft the War Hero gear.
  4. I have a small concern about all the new transfers coming into thefatman. We had close to 300 on fleet last night on thefatman and the lag was really bad. I'm glad they are doing the transfers, but the lag situation needs to be addressed before it becomes a bigger issue. Also, on servers like thefatman I hope we don't run into the infamous "instance can't be launched" like we did when WOW first did LFG. With the ease of doing LFG, I can't even imagine what the instance load will be like during prime-time when people try to get their daily heroic done on thefatman.
  5. I wasn't able to get on the PTS. I'm hoping the changes to the Tankassasin PVP and Shadow Tanks PVE aren't as bad as they appear on paper. I'm hoping some of you guys have been able to test it out on the PTS and can provide some feedback. I really like the novelty of Tanking with a force user. I played a Mage and Pally Tank in WOW and always liked the one off fights where my Mage had to tank. I liked Pally tanking, but for me it's really fun to tank as a magic user wearing light armor as opposed to the standard of having to wear plate/heavy armor to tank.
  6. From the patch notes:

    •Teams receive their Team Rating after participating in 10 Ranked Warzone matches. This rating is adjusted at the end of every Team Ranked Warzone match based on win or loss and the ratings of all other matched players.





    A request for clarification on this statment.


    Does this mean that we must keep the same team for 10 straight matches?


    Bumped for a reply from CM's.

  7. What's wrong with testing? They want to get it right and they tell us that it's almost ready. Good news.


    It is funny that no matter what Devs say peolpe will attached to it so many different meanings that it's laughable.


    He didn't say it's almost ready. If he said that I'd be jumping with Joy. He said Development is almost done and they still had to do extensive testing. It's really their own fault that people are hesitant to take them at face value. It would take some time to pull out all the quotes from senior Bioware execs that turned out not to come true.

  8. Yes, "we're about to begin testing" means "testing went badly", very astute of you.


    You are correct. My phrasing and tense were wrong. I guess the fact that they still haven't finished development and the talk about extensive testing (I'm not saying that's bad but it is a time factor) and the variabilities of testing gave me the impression of him not being overly confident that they were going to be ready anytime soon. I hope I'm wrong, but it's the first thing that hit me when I read it.

  9. Just saw this over on Darthhater


    Joveth Gonzalez

    "I know you are all eager for information regarding character transfers and I just wanted to let you all know that this is definitely a studio wide priority. We’ve just about finished up on the development side of things, but in order to ensure a high quality service, the system needs to undergo extensive testing. The testing cycle, as some of you may know, is variable and highly dependent on a number of things. With that being said, as soon as this process is complete and we are confident in the quality of the service, you can expect to hear more detailed information."


    Does these seem to anyone else to be a statement preparing us for an annocement that testing didn't go well and transfers won't be ready for 1.3?

  10. From the Q&A. Halleluah, Hozanna, other Bible sayings.


    "Ranked Warzones is on track for 1.3. All the heavy lifting (ratings, group persistence exiting warzones, etc) is done and right now we are working through some emergent conflicts with Group Finder and the process of queuing for multiple activities at once with multiple temporary groups."


  11. Blizzard has shown in the past that they have impeccable timing when it comes to countering their competition. Bioware, I really hope you are going to surprise us and get everything out early and surprise announce some PVP stuff because I predict Blizzard is going to announce a release date at the end of June to freeze everyone in place who has their 6 months run out in July. They will announce the Pandas for a Sept release date. We will still be waiting on the non-content 1.3 patch and people won't resub. Then blizzard will push back their release date to Nov but the damage will have been done to SWTOR at that point. I really hope Bioware is going to surprise us with something early.
  12. So I just watched the video on the home page about all the wonderful new and exciting things coming up in 1.3. Not ONE word about PVP, Nothing, nada, zilch. They don't even give us any kind of bone by saying we are still working on 8 man ques, Ranked, etc... They give us nothing.
  13. I re-rolled on Fatman over the weekend. It's a night and day difference. My toon is levle 15 now, I'm doing wz dailies to speed up the leveling and the longest I have to wait for ques is 7-10 minutes and getting Quest heroic groups and flashpoints groups is quick. On my old server the wait time for ques had gotten up to 45-90 minutes. I only re-rolled because my sub doesn't run out until July so I figured it was wasted money if I didn't at least give it another try. I'm glad I did. I do miss my 50 Sage with 3 WH pieces, but I am enjoying the game again so it was worth it. Unfortunately for my old server, this means it lost another dedicated PVPer.
  14. I re-rolled on Fatman this weekend as an inquisitor with a plan to be an Assassin Tank. I'd be willing to roll a republic toon as well if there are some good pvp guilds up and running already. I'd probably do a Jedi Guardian.
  15. I have a SAGE DPS with 3 pieces of tier WH Gear. I can tell you that it's fairly easy to be number 1 in damage and not be that useful to the team. I used to be like you and look at that top line DPS number. It was even more impressive pre1.2 and much more useful to the team. Post 1.2 I've found that I can best help the team in a support role. I now focus more on pulling my team members when they are besieged by multiple enemies, using Quake to stop the turning of a node, focusing on identifying, silencing, and killing the opposing healers, CCing/slowing, and throwing heals/shields out when needed. I am spec'd with all the defensive CD's and for maximum force. We are still a valuable member of the team, just not for our one on one killing ability.
  16. Like a lot of people my time in game over the last 4-6 weeks has been going down by a lot. The que times for PVP Matches and the drop off of people in our guild was discouraging. Reading through various blogs and hearing other players talk about how life was better on Fatman, I decided to re-roll on that server. (NOTE- I still have 3 months left on my current subscription. If not for that I would have quit the game and probably just waited for the Panda's this fall to see if anything there caught my interest enough to re-sub.) Even with it's flaws, I generally like the game since I love Star Wars and the RPG element masks a lot of other problems with the game; however, waiting 40 - 90 mins for queues and having less than 30 people on fleet during prime time sucked the fun out of the game. I can tell you that life is much better on Fatman. I was on this morning at about 1:30 am and there were 60+ people on Korriban. There were no issues getting groups for the various group quests there and people were generally helpful to each other. I'm going to log back on to my previous main on Tarro Blood and tell my SWTOR friends they should re-roll. That is a problem for the game. I'm not an uber player, but I'm one of a group of regulars on Tarro Blood who PVP consistently. There are probably about 10-15 of us on the republic side (We had plans to form a Ranked WZ Guild) that have War Hero gear and PVP consistently. When there are at least 4-6 of us grouped together in a WZ we win at least 80% of the time. I'm betting that at least half of them will re-roll on Fatman with me. That's good for us and Fatman, but what does that do to Tarro Blood? It sinks further into Ghost Town territory and the que times go up even higher which then discourages more players on that server. They really need to address this sooner rather than later. I have no data other than my own personal experience, but I don't think I'm the only one in the situation of having months left on my subscription and having a main on a dead server. Not everyone will search out a better server like I did, they will just stop playing and let their sub lapse.
  17. I've heard Fatman is good server with short ques. I thought about server transferring, oh wait... That's not available. I guess I could just quit QQing and re-roll on Fatman thus further lowering the population on my server Tarro Blood.
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