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Posts posted by bobylon

  1. Aloha,


    So I don't have a NEW ability i'm trying to pitch to sorcs/sins, but I would love to see an existing idea incorporated into the actual gameplay of sorc/sin.


    I have a 60 sorc and I'm currently leveling up my assassin.


    I realized that the storyline arc for the sorc/sin revolves around a unique "gift" that the main character has, the Forcewalker ritual / ability.


    I think being an all powerful Sith it would be fantastic to see the "Forcewalker" ability fleshed out in some way. I have a couple ideas, but all options revolve around an execute.


    Forcewalk Binding - When your target is at 10% HP you enter the Forcewalker trance stunning both players while the binding casts (3 sec cast?). A successful Forcewalking bind immediately absorbs the existing life force of the target into A) A superior shield B) A binded ghost buff that will reanimate the player with x% HP or allow them to survive past their normal HP, C) Dmg Boost for X time.


    A & C

    The buff would be stackable based upon the # of force life essences bound to the user, HOWEVER, with great power comes the detriment. At X number of stacks the overwhelming power begins to take its toll on the Player's body and causes X amount of dmg over time, multiplying per stack.



    Multiple reanimations or survivals would diminish the Player's Force Power by an amount relative to the # of Force ghosts bound.


    However an UNSUCCESSFUL binding would result in the Player having some detrimental effect placed upon them such as a hard stun or a damage reduction or a life reduction. The surviving target will have a bolstered effect due to their strong will, such as a temporary snare immunity / speed boost, or a reverb HP absorption.


    I like the concept of Forcewalking and I would love to see it and other unique Force abilities incorporated into the game especially after playing through a story arc that relies so heavily upon the concept.


    Kind Regards,


  2. I use corrosive dart all the time for the 5% ranged Attack bonus.


    4.) Imperial Targeting: Increases the range of Overload Shot, Flash Bang, and Distraction to 30 meters, and additionally increases the range of all rifle, probe, and dart attacks by 5 meters. In addition, Corrosive Dart marks its target for 45 seconds. Marked targets take 5% more damage from ranged weapons.


    It's a passive.

  3. While I think it would be really cool to have a 4 second Terminate, people would complain that the cast time is too long, and it's bad for PvP, blah blah blah.


    Personally if I could pop entrench and start that countdown, I KNOW my target would be running for the hills, and that's A-OK for me. I always thought it would be fun just for the higher base damage given the longer cast time.


    But I have a temporary big hit combo for you to try out. Easy to setup in PVE vs mobs and such, requires timing/stuns/roots in PVP.


    Pick your target, stationary ideal.


    Cast OS, Ambush, EP, FT.


    If they don't move, you'll hit do a crapton of dmg in like 2 seconds. Maybe even a boatload.


    Anyways it's fun on mobs, harder on players.

  4. I'd first off congratulate you for sticking with Engineering for so long. I'm the same way with MM. Engineering as the devs know, is not a 'fluid' spec, has energy management issues. I have enjoyed the times I do play it in WZ's but the fluidity is why I stay away.


    Juggs have OP def cd's that are being nerfed now, Sin's are always a pain in the *** for Sniper's, especially arena, and Sorc's I'd assume are all madness sorc's which are much stronger, dot and LOS you.


    I'm guessing here, but I'm assuming when you were focused in the past you just entrenched, plasma'd and OS and Fragment naded and rollbanged everything in sight. But you probably stayed put. The target's you're having problems with are forcing you to adapt your playstyle. Juggs can live WAY longer then they should, and so you need to create distance, but they can close gaps & survive. Sorc's can just dot and eat at you and hide and drive you mad. Sin's were always a target I prefered to get away from.


    I don't know what your spec is, but maybe try going deep enough into MM for Imperial Demarcation (reduced leg shot cd) and the Heavy Shot (Ambush knockback). I know other engineer snipers who love to have these tools handy. For now, until dev's focus on Eng, you're going to have to adapt your playstyle to match these target's. Maybe take Calculated pursuit for free Overloads; at least if a sorc is LOS'ing you; you'll have something ticking on him. Pop an IP and maybe a corrosive dart and you'll have some pressure on him even if you're not in LOS. Another possible attack method would be dropping your EP, and chasing with your free overloads and poppin those off one by one.


    Recently I've started using the full range of abilities on my sniper even tho I'm MM, because I figured it makes sense to get used to using abilities when I don't have defensive cd's to get away for an "ideal attack routine". So Shiv and Overload are back on my bar when I have a melee in my face, and I can't get away and I need to move. I hope you figure out how to make Engineering work for you, because playing the spec you love to play is super important to the game being fun.


    Also last note. The change for AOE abilities is SUPER strong. If you doubletap the bound key you have set for your AOE abilities, OS, Plasma Probe, it automatically is cast at your target's location. You can drop an IP and a PP on a target so fast for that timely stun so effectively now.


    This is my imaginary spec for you.



    I left the last 2 points optional, as you see fit, you definitely have more playtime on Engineering then me. Pay attention to your Ballistic Damper charges more too, I recently started doing that and it makes a difference.


    Have fun and Good Luck!


    Egolas / The Bastion

  5. If you have a million damage, 30 kills, and 2 killing blows, and you're dps, you basically fluffed damaged everyone. You did a lot yea, but it wasn't very effective. Tab dot'ing or pointless aoe. I could say in WoW I had 22k DPS in 25 Man Sartharion of OS on my SPriest, but it was just AOE on a ****ton of adds. It was only effective because they didn't have healers healing them and they eventually died with all the other AOE going on. I never MVP those people. It's like trying to kill a WZ dummy for 15 minutes. Yea you'll have a LOT of dmg on your parse and your DPS will be high, but you never killed that dummy.
  6. Aerilas basically is a Prophet of Stealth and helped us take the blindfolds off and see what we're capable of. I routinely use OS to rotate and catch Stealth. Suppresive Fire will work too but it uses a lot of energy UPON cast even if you cancel it. OS doesn't use energy until the cast is finished. Spotter is an amazing ability but it has limitations like when a stealther sprints at you from some random angle to mez you.
  7. I'm looking forward to 2.7!


    Entrench is buffed, Shield Probe is buffed, Smash is nerfed so I may be able to wiggle 2 pts in my MM tree. Flashbang is less powerful yes, just requires more finesse and is still a nice ranged CC.


    Beyond that I'm hoping Engineering receives energy management adjustments and overall is more fluid.


    LOS is mostly a problem for MM, Eng / Lethality have more mobile options. As an MM PvP'er I just switch targets, chasing is situational. Yes the maps can be frustrating, but I don't think those healers would have as much of a chance if every ranged had zero obstacles to work around.


    Just wish these changes happened before they gave Rancor mounts to every smash facerolling fotm ****tard out there.

  8. I play pretty much only MM. I would say I was a mediocre sniper before I took the time to really get to know my class, and the intricacies of my spec. On top of that, I practiced, and practiced and practiced. The more experience you get in WZ's, the more you know about other classes abilities gives the edge for success.


    We are a ranged DPS class that when unchecked can inflict a lot of pain. So we get focused a lot. It's going to happen. So some principles of thought should help be guidelines for making appropriate PvP choices.


    You are a part of a TEAM. Do not charge an enemy team and expect to succeed in any way (Ancient Hypergate; Voidstar Offensive, Civil War Offense). If you are the first respawn of a wave, set up a perimeter, wait for your TEAM, and move in as a TEAM. The obvious exception to this is Node Defense, when you may be the only one to prevent the enemy from capturing your node. Survival is secondary to objective.


    We are a RANGED class. So do everything in your power to STAY at range. Our rifle attacks have a 35m range. Force Leap has a 30m range. I would gamble in a single global you can move at least 5m, so time your cover appropriate when facing melee.


    When I face Melee, I first, set up at range so they cannot Leap to me. When they first come to range, I will Leg Shot, then Shatter Shot. If/when they get to me, I'lll use Cover Pulse first which has a built in root. If the Melee gets back to me I will probably have used my Snipe twice and primed up an Ambush knockback. Leg Shot should be close to being off cd. If the Melee does get to you, you can pop defensive CD's and remain stationary if you are close to a kill (Evasion). If you are running out of options or have multiple Melee on you, I suggest Covered Escape.


    I have Covered Escape on my Cover Hot Bar. I use R to use Covered Escape from Cover when I have melee on top of me. Pick a direction and use Covered Escape, flip your camera back around and use Legshot on the Melee you just rolled away from.


    As a pure DPS role, we have no efficient self heals, only abilities to slow or minimize incoming damage. This was a big "Ah ha" moment for myself as simple as it sounds. When you engage you're in a race, you have no leisure time. You need to end your target and combat as quickly as you can to recover. You're going to take damage. So minimize that damage from the beginning. Use Shield Probe BEFORE you enter range of incoming damage. Pop in and out of cover to regain Ballistic Dampers. Interrupt enemy attacks, or heals.


    I prefer MM because I feel it is the most effective single target damaging spec. It is direct front loaded damage. There is no build up or bleed. Just big hits. I always soften my target with Shatter Shot.


    For my burst, I use EP, Target Acquired, SoS, FT, Sniper Volley, SoS, FT. Use Takedown or Snipe depending on Target HP.


    I like using Target Acquired with SoS twice because the buff lasts ten seconds and you can just fit the two rotations of SoS within the duration of TA. With Shatter Shot up, you have 45% Armor Pen for those 10 seconds in TA's buff.


    Currently I use the Shield Probe 2 Set Bonus and the Takedown Range 2 Set Bonus.


    I hope Engineering and recieves changes to make it as smooth as MM is for me. But for now, it's my favorite spec.

  9. BW 8/8/2013

    "We specifically don’t like that using Orbital Strike and Explosive Probe rotationally as a Lethality Sniper increases your single target damage, but that’s more of a problem with Orbital Strike and Explosive Probe than Lethality."


    BW is honest about upcoming changes, and explains why. 5 months later posts PROPOSED changes (subject to change) and the boards erupt in QQ.


    I love Aerilas, your comment about melee in PvP. I believe that most Sniper's are of the opinion they shouldn't have to run from anything. Which is so wrong.

  10. I more or less don't fret about the changes that will come.


    With the proposed changes to OS, that means a MM Sniper will have OS on a 30 second CD, lasting 12 seconds with 4-Set Bonus.


    So I'm looking forward to be quite annoying at Area Defense in WZ's.


    Cast OS, 30 Second CD begin, 12 Seconds of Cap/Planting Interruption,


    18 Seconds of defending same node, or moving to nearby defense objective (Voidstar),


    Recast OS.


    What I would LOVE to have in OS is a talented slow, or built in slow since we're taking a DPS loss. :)

  11. So far my Solo Ranked experience has been comparable. We're very much a support role. We really depend on our team.


    The best string of wins I noticed I had very aggressive melee. They initiated combat, which makes the opposing team react to the push. It gave me the time to setup safely and contribute and subsequently not be the focus target.


    I'm trying my best to pay close attention to my range, and being in cover when approaching the border of the initial combat.


    I also have been combining my roll with my cover pulse to try to maximize distance between me and the fight. Just make sure to point that roll right :)

  12. As far as resetting, it again becomes situational. If you're not being harassed and you're just using basic cover vs. ranged targets then maybe yea. I like to use entrench as much as MM so moving wastes that. If you're in a 1 vs. 1 situation it would be good for as much damage mitigation. Not something I would be likely to try to keep track of just for the insta shot during a wz.
  13. ZipZep has the correct idea I'll agree.


    PvP is completely situational, very rarely do we get to sit back and use a "rotation".


    "On command" burst & better CC will accomplish what we are there for, ranged killing.


    I have played with the Eng/Leth hybrid spec, and even a MM/eng hybrid similar to yours. What I noticed made the most difference was the timing of my abilities, not anything special about the spec.


    Currently I run 39/5/2.


    The main habit I changed is that I never use Ambush without 2 stacks of Zero'd Shots.


    I will SS, Snipe, Snipe, FT, then if the opportunity is right, EP, TA, Ambush, FT, SoS, FT, Sniper Volley, SoS, FT.


    That's if I have an ideal target. Or if I'm tunneling a healer.


    Parses show what a dead horse is beaten for.

  14. **Update**


    I tried running without Ambush at all in my typical rotation. Just Snipe/SoS/FT. Didn't like it at all, ran into energy issues just emptying my clip with snipe in a burst.


    So I changed my patterns to include Ambush. My opener and rotation goes like this.


    Take Cover, instant Snipe, Snipe, FT, then Ambush, SoS, FT, SV, SoS, FT. The talented Ambush cast only takes 1.5 seconds, which is as long as Snipe. I almost never take a full length Ambush, even if it seems like I have time. My energy issues are still somewhat there, but I think that's due to my rotation then anything else changing.


    On Siege Bunker, I feel like this is extremely strong as I entrench as much as possible, and we have 3 seconds of Entrench at the end of a roll.


    I'm working on a playstyle that uses Roll as my opener to my field advantage.


    Roll in, Entrench begins for 3 seconds. Entrench from roll fades, Entrench CD begins for 23 seconds. As Entrench CD is fading cast Roll, creating distance & beginning 3 Seconds of Entrench from Second Roll. Things to consider that I haven't tested is you may be CC'able mid roll.


    Currently I'm running this, but I may trade my 3% crit for alacrity/accuracy for regen & hits.


    I'm about half Obroan and I am solely geared power/surge/alacrity.

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