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Posts posted by Gregthegen

  1. Ill be honest, valkorian dying actually made me tear up a bit, let me explain why. I spent the past 25 episodes building up my character as one who thought Valkorian as truely having changed since Ziost, an unexpected side effect with huge moral ramifications. That we couldnt convince him to *not* betray us let me feeling a little stale. Especially since his character brought powerful themes of Death and the nature of ones existence to an otherwise lackluster story pre KOTET (expect for warrior LS/DS and agent LS/DS). They didnt even explain if me still having his power but not having his spirit made my char immortal or not.


    Now my knight/agent could give a rats *** about valkorions life death ruminations as both those characters despised valkorion for different means in my playthrough. But still. it WAS a powerful sendoff for the character, but some remote part of my Lightside Warriors mind wished that he could have saved valkorion from himself as my warrior did to his own self.

  2. Am I the only one who wishes that I can rule along side Valkorian and fight against the Sith Empire and Galactic Republic after I choose the

    "kneel choice?: because In the Chapter 3 Preview they showed sky troopers saying Valkorian was dead (Im guessing went to another host body or killed by Arcann)


    And if they saved so much cash by focusing on one story instead of 7 more new ones then maybe we can play an alternate pro Eternal Empire story Post Chapter 2? Anyone think they went that route or that something is going to get effed up wither way and we end up frozen for 5 years? Anyway, this explains Vitiates disappearance for lengthy times being mentioned so promenantly in the pre SWTOR release Journals of master Gnost Dural.



    Anyway, finished the Warrior, Inquis Knight and Agent storylines, but going to have to reroll the Inquis and Knight bc I deleted them three years ago, kinda torn on the other classes, from what Ive heard Ive taken the best story classes in game already so...

  3. As far as cross faction outfits, I'd love to see the empire version of the [Prototype] Ancient Paragon's Body Armor made cross-faction so my Jedi Knight can look lightside but also look like the son of my empire main.


    One more sub-class armor added to the gtn and made cross-faction, not enough to throw off the balance of armor progression asthetics per faction, but enough to dress our former imperial/republic companions and our legacy children of different factions in their parents/home armor. Would make Lord Scourge look nicer anyway :-p

  4. Notices Sith Inquisitor-esque armor is avaliable for my Sith Jedi Knight that I've RPed as an Imperial Defector....




    Words cannot express how much this armor avaliability will enhance my Characters RP within my guild. Now I can finally look like that sith defector that Ive always wanted my character to look like! That and I can now make my trooper have Jedi gear from her Jedi father, only gripe is that this should have been what Inheritance gear was, atleast this system finally does it right. Enough said.:rak_03:

  5. This game had better last long enough for me to finish those 3 rep side stories I haven't even started yet or else I will be pissed. Daniel Ericson leaving? He helped make Dragon Age and Mass Effect the epics that they were!


    Sigh, praying that his departure doesnt mean a cancellation of the Futher Story Chapters we were promised in an eventual expansion. As long as the VO actors are still hired that is what counts. When they leave, then we know that TOR has shifted its dev focus from STORY to FTP leveling, gear and raids. Which, while enough to keep me visiting from time to time in FTP taking screens and occasionaly doing my old bioware MUSTREPLAYSTORYANJOTHERWAY disease that I caught in KOTOR and have been an unfortunate victim of ever since :-p


    If the above is the case, I won't keep my sub after I finish the other class stories.. (still will play from time to time though) However I encourage others who do love the wz/ops side of the game to keep their subs running, the more subs this game can sustain the more likely that there will be a big story expansion upcoming and it drawing back Biowares long time RP IP fans.

  6. Hey everyone! Just wanted to show my appreciation for the Music in TOR! Ever since the first day I played in Beta I happened to be grabbed my many tune in game! Does anyone else have a favorite piece of music in an area or quest in the game? FYI Mine happens to be the Music on Korriban, and the Music in the mid-fp fight against our favorite Sith turned Jedi,


    This is the only sticking point for me in tors music is that there is no toggable in-game music selection, I hate having to either wait 30 minutes for a new piece of epic music to come my way or co-stream it from my computer while waiting for the alt-tabbing to reload SWTOR and praying it doesn't overwrite some piece of music in the game. If any devs happen to read this, please consider an in-game music playlist. Personally I'd love to be able to select "kotor" battle music to play while I pvp but I digress :-p

  7. Been looking forward to legacy, got around to leveling my main to 50 while missing a bit of sleep between playing and work, ended up missing the free month window by five or so hours however I cant complain.


    I understand why Bioware made it 50's only, though story/alt lovers have gotten the shaft to be honest. By saying this I dont mean "I want a free month" actually I dont because I like PAYING for the game because it assists on DEVELOPMENT of future content and patch 1.3 etc, however I know for a fact that alot of people play this game for story and they have gotten the shaft. Myself included but that doesnt upset me because I understand Biowares intent.




    Every game has its glitches, these men and women love their Jobs, Star Wars, and Legacy.


    They wanted a smooth 1.2 launch, smiling faces and people sipping beers while running the new WZ's and ops and got this, for everyone working at Bioware, I am sorry that this was a rough launch of 1.2, though I think you should consider 1.2 itself to be a success.

    I am quite happy playing my Purblood Consular, and will most likely make her my next main.

  8. Loving the Legacy system! I always wanted to RP as a Sith Pureblood Jedi Knight after I had my Sith Inquisitor, and now I can! Having this as an unlockable on the legacy system. (well that and the Legacy abilities) has me floored! :D Thanks for making my SW and SI have more influance when I reroll, it makes the game seem more complete :)
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