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Posts posted by EcGBorn

  1. The current system is sort of nothing more then an artificial limit that some dummy setup who in all likelihood doesn't have any online gaming experience. The problem with ALL mmo's not just TOR is the pvp rankings isn't changing. In Wow the arena's sort of did it, but it was very watered down. The best pvp ranking system I have ever encountered was in vanilla wow, where you needed to do and achieve x amount of pvp to retain your pvp rank. The flaw in wow's system then was that it was an insane artificial number that you had to reach, it wasn't based on a variable that is driven rather by a third variable.



    So with all the background of what I have seen completed, here is what I suggest developers do to create an ever changing ranking system. Within each side (Imperial | Republic) for each server there be a different ranking system. I'm going to use my server specifically (Saber of Exar Khun) On republic side we have about 100 dedicated level 50 pvpers (I am going to use 250 total pvpers from level 10-50). So based on that we create some kind of simple formula to give us "how many" of each rank we can have. Since War hero is the highest rank achievable this should be the least amount. Peon should be the largest number.


    So here is some idea of what I am saying:

    Rank.................Number of people who can obtain that rank

    War Hero...........................10








    The only way these numbers can be changed is by the server population for that specific alignment (imp or rep).


    Another variable that needs to be taken into affect is valor. On Monday night at 12am there should be a calculation done that computes the total valor earned by all players on the server for that week. Each players valor gained will place them into the different pvp ranks. For example if Sol-geddon pvps everyday for 25 hours per day and earns 100k valor for the week, and the total valor earned by the server is only 250k then he would be a War Hero. It would be solely based on how the entire server did in comparison to you.


    There can be several different ways to add things to this so it isn't so sinusoidal. (War Hero one week, centurion the next). You can add multiple weeks up to get an average over a longer period of time. This will still remove the people who leave the game, and those who have slowed down pvp.


    What we are doing is isolating those people who are the very best on the server, and those who are playing the most

    Gear will be driven based on rank. If you become a war hero you will get rewarded with the best pvp weapon for your class. If you can only get to BM rank then you wont get the best pvp weapon, but you would have the best of everything else and some formidable pvp weapon. The list goes on etc, each rank could get 1 - 2 pieces of better gear then the one before it, making it worth actually going up in rank.


    This is my suggestion to the developers. Is it unfair to those people who have lives? Absolutely, I'm a person with a life, I work over 50 hours a week, 12 hour shifts. But I am sick and tired of just grinding to some artificial number and then having nothing to do when I get there. Will I be upset if I never get war hero, unlikely. I would like to, but with my current skill and compared to the skill on my server I should def be able to make Battlemaster and sustain the rank throughout my time in TOR.


    With this type of ranking it should also be easier to form pugs. It would be simply based on rank, don't throw a bunch of battlemasters in with skimishers, balance it out.

  2. I cancelled but they sent me an email saying I "earned" 30 days of free play time. rofl. They are trying everything to get people to stay around for their screw ups. This game is a disaster and now they realize that.


    Tried logging in last night and I queued twice, both times I quit as soon as my team got roflstomped by 4 man imp premade groups who pretty much 1 shotted half of my team that proceeded to camp outside the spawn area. Don't plan to play at all anymore.

  3. There was no disclaimer in the trailer that they posted on the websites saying that the content in this video can be subject to change. They can be accused of false advertisement. They even said it at the guild summit, so they have said a lot of stuff, but took back a lot of it.


    I don't see this game lasting another year. And I say that because of the Star wars fans who stuck by SWG until the servers were unplugged. This game will no doubt have those people, but this game got a kick in the nuts after 1.1 was released. 1.2 isn't going to bring anyone back. If anything I see 1.2 causing about another 30% of the current population to vacate the game.

  4. So you pay for your car too, go tell the car company the date they are to release a new model


    Give it a rest, pushing against an arbitrary date is what causes problems with games/patches and updates


    Release it when it is ready, not before


    We know the month they come out with new car models. It's always the same. Mute point.

  5. I'd pick any of the links here over what we paid people to design for us. Pretty pathetic. Nice links all. I love the standard brown and tan robes. 1.2 is going to suck. I hope I can remove the mods and throw it in the gear that is pleasing to the eye.
  6. Huttball is impossible with so many assasins / shadows and bounty hunters / commandos. The same can be said about the sages and inquis who can only pull friendlies. Something needs to be adjusted so that we aren't being pulled from one end of the map to the other.


    I'm not saying any class needs a nerf, but there needs to be some tweaking the the mechanism that prevents an imp team with 6 assasins and 2 bh's from owning that warzone.



  7. Doesn't work at all.


    The mirror classes spells dont fill the resolve the same. Its complete bs. Bioware is the worst mmo company to date. The fact that they cant copy and paste is ridiculous.



    Sith whirlwind only fills resolve 3/4 full. Jedi force lift fills resolve completely. Sith whirlwind will not cancel with damage, there is a delay afterwards and you can take almost 5k damage before being able to move again.


    I also know the sleep that assassins do, also does not fill the resolve bar. I can be slept twice in succession and only after the second one will be resolve bar be full. By the time the second one wears off they already have 6 people coming to help the assassin.


    I have been stunned, stunned and then whirlwind all in succession and only after the third is my resolve full, and by that time I'm dead.



    Also why the hell does tracer missile debuff persist after death? Come'on that's mmo 101. Pathetic pvp system at the base, but its star wars so people still play.


    1.2 isn't fixing any of the mirror class problems. Bioware refuses to fix them. Thats why everyone is rerolling imp and the republic sides are almost dead.

  8. http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/5040/screenshot2012032608155.jpg


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us


    This is my server. Granted its at 818am, however I tried the same thing last night at 3pm EST on a Sunday afternoon. I was still the only one in ilum.


    The republic fleet has a maximum of 55 people on it at EST primetime. level 50 pvp queue times are over 30 minutes for republic, where we just get steam rolled because the imperials are outgearing us.


    I can respect the gear to make a difference, but some kind of balance by you guys so us new level 50's don't play against fully geared BM would be beneficial. I don't see any of these changes in 1.2 though.


    I give the game another couple months before the servers are really dead. Mine barely has a pulse anymore.

  9. Why is project still not corrected? I have gotten multiple kills after dying from project not being instant. This is the dumbest thing that you could have fixed but have not.


    Also here are some other problems with your pvp mechanics:


    How can a inquisitor whirlwind me and not fill up my resolve bar? I did a test on another imp player who did not have any resolve and did my force lift, and his bar filled and turned white.


    Why does dmg not immediately break whirlwind? I took over 4k dmg before whirlwind broke.



    All I ask is for some kind of equality. My spells should be the exact same as my mirror class. Last time I checked the alliance paladins were the exact same as the horde paladins. The alliance paladins bubble didn't last 15 minutes longer then the horde paladins. I don't know who was the genius who messed up mirror classes, heck even I can copy and paste.

  10. I spent dkp on the exotech schematics and still nothing from bioware. Pain in the butt if you ask me. This is one of the reasons so many people have their hands up in the air. This game is so broken and they arent fixing it fast enough.


    In today's world you need to work harder and faster then everyone else. I'm giving them a chance, but a large percent have already left and more are heading out. Bioware is just another unsucessful mmo company.

  11. Pvp - No

    Pve - I'm on the edge of the fence looking to jump off to no.


    If they corrected a lot of the bugs with pve I could say yes and forget about pvp. It seems that 30% of the op encounters are based on beating bugs, not fight mechanics. Hardmodes are still a joke. The 4man flashpoints are more difficult then the 8 man ops. (We cleared both hm's in our first night, hardest part was fighting the bugs)


    My reason for no on pvp is there is still the delay between mirror classes. I have a sage and my project still does not do dmg until the stupid droid or rock hits the target. Imps Sorc still get the instant dmg. Ilum needs a lot of work, a lot of work. I think the balance will get there in time. I have faith they will balance the classes. But the ilum crap and the mirror crap, why they haven't even fixed the mirror crap is way beyond me. They admit to it being different but no fix. This is disturbing.

  12. The differences in level is significant, but not enough that there needs to be more tiers. If anything I would have liked to seen a 40 - 50 bracket and then a 1-39 bracket. You cannot make all these brackets and still have pvp.


    I initially rolled a guardian to play and I still play him, for pve only. PVP is a joke with any melee class. Since rolling my sage I have no trouble taking down anyone level 10-35 solo. (I'm currently level 22) Levels 36-49 are a little more difficult but I can normally get them less then 30%. It really depends on the class, another sage/sorc and im pwned, same with a shadow or op. Melee classes other then the shadow/inq stands no chance against me.



    I like the low level brackets. Most of the good imps rerolled rep on my server and we are rocking all of the crappy reps who rerolled imps to try and get an advantage.

  13. It's a little op. I think the initial dot being applied should stop the capturing but after that person dies it shouldn't stop someone from capping. I have rolled a sage and can attest to being able to hold off an entire team from capping one node because of tab targeting and spamming 1. My dot has no cooldown and lasts 20 seconds? maybe 30 seconds.


    Def op, but they have a lot of other tuning to do before they make this a priority.

  14. I'm a sage and I think I need to be nerfed.


    On average I can do the most damage and the most healing in a wz. I just dinged level 19. I have been pvping since level 10.


    As I gain more levels its becoming easier and easier with the new talents. I can pretty much destroy any melee class before they can even destroy my shield. The double project seems to be 60-65% not 45%

  15. Please address the range on Guard.


    I pvp so I understand that this can become an overpowered ability, however I also pve. I find guard is the best asset to allow other guildies to go all out dps wise on bosses and mobs.


    The biggest problem with guard is that its pointless to put on any range class because of the range. Range classes are by far the best sustained dps in the game.


    Please find some way to either buff the range on this ability or give us some other kind of ability that only affects threat so it's not op in pvp.

  16. I can show evidence that republic light side V can obtain a red color crystal light saber. I just recieved one tonight from EV Normal mode from SOA.




    Jedi Guardian on Saber of Exar Khun



    Im still hoping a purple color one drops. Until then I'll be rocking my red as a light jedi :)

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