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Posts posted by Stretchie

  1. I seem to have lost my toons on the Star Forge server, (I had toons on the Shadowlands before the merger). I had multiple high level toons that now don't show up anymore. I've been away from the game for a while. Is there a way to get these toons back?
  2. I did this yesterday and I agree with the view of my group mates. Shouldn't the light side and dark side choices be reversed in the one conversation at the inner door of the temple? It should be light side to kill the dudes in their chambers and lose the data that would help the empire, and dark side to have to fight them all and keep the data intact. Just an opinion, but makes sense to me.
  3. A lot of effort has gone into rounding up those walking carpets called Wookiees so they can utter their growls and barks of what they call cheer for the holiday they call "Life Day" Rest assured citizens of the Empire, that there will be a new holiday soon, "Death Day". Death to the Republic and all the enemies of the Empire.


    That being said, I am extremely annoyed at getting pelted repeatedly by snowballs as I walk the spacedock. I swear that the next snowball thrown my way will see it's owner getting blasted with lightning until they beg for mercy. Feel free to pelt Darth Ravage as much as you want. He is still in punishment, cleaning the dung left by the various vermin.


    Enjoy the holidays everyone. Long live the Empire.


    Darth Knox of the Kallig line.

    Dark Council Member

  4. The following is a statement from Darth Nox:


    Citizens of the Empire,

    Our glorious Vaiken Spacedock, once a beautiful place of sanctuary and commerce, has become a dungheap. Those foul beasts, tauntauns and veractyls, have fouled up our hallways with their dung. The dark council has taken upon themselves to provide someone to clean up. Since Darth Ravage was a supporter of Baras, the so-called emperor's voice who failed to kill the wrath, he will be the one to clean up the mess. Baras was a supporter of the bill that allowed those beasts into he empire in the first place. Thus, we see this as a fitting punishment. Please note, Ravage has a temper. If you see him, give him a wide berth as he may kill you just out of his own pity anger. Consider this your only warning.


    Darth Nox of the legacy of Kallig.



    You were voted by all but yourself, to be the unlucky one to clean up all of the creature droppings on Vaiken Spacedock. Feel free to conscript the services of the jawas to help. They can be see flying around other imperials hanging on to balloons, wearing a small jet pack that shoots out confetti. THEY ARE NOT TO DO IT ALL RAVAGE. You were chosen due to your belief in that fool Baras. When we feel you have made amends with your duties, you can return to the council. Until then......happy cleaning. *evil cackle*



    Acting head of Dark Council



    Due to the mess made by Tauntauns and Varactyls that members of the Imperial Military, various mercenary elements, and the Sith overlords, the Dark Council has deemed this a biological hazard and will take steps to rid ourselves of this mess. Darth Ravage has been volunteered by a 11 to 1 vote by the Dark Council to lead a chain gang of Jawas eradicate this waste.


    We are appropriating part of Cipher Nines overly large per diem to help cover the cost of this project.(Don't act suprised Cipher, we saw the pictures of your last sniper blind on Corellia that you posted up on the Holonet, it was fit for Alderaanian royalty.)


    Any and all inhabitants of Vaiken Spacedock are to not look at, feed, talk to, or help Darth Ravage in anyway. A stolen stealth freighter will be moving the waste to Carrick Station to let the Jedi fester in it. The Dark Council thanks you for your cooperation.


    -Darth Marr


    P.S, When the project is complete all Jawas will be jettisoned from all airlocks. Mandatory ship weapons calibrations and test fires will commence during this time.


    I LOVE it. LOL

  7. My veractyl seems to have a problem with gas. When viewed from behind, it looks like (when not moving) that it constantly has it's rear right leg up like it's passing gas. Either it has no smell, or my fellow imps are too polite and haven't said anything. Or maybe it smells just like all the sweat inside the suits of armoring we wear.
  8. To piggyback off that:


    "The Exhausted" Earned with 5 or more deaths by accidentally running into exhaustion zones.


    or not so accidentally as the case would be.


    Favorite - Earned by rolling multiple toons of the same class and advanced class

    The Stuck - Earned by getting "stuck" X number of times

    The Mysterious - not sure what it could be given for, but sounds cool

    NPC Hater - Earned by getting to level 55 without completing past the prologue part of a toon's storyline. (for PVP only toons)

    Completeist (spelling?) - Earned by doing every planetary story quest, heroic quest, and flashpoint for all planets and levels in your faction.

    The Provoker - Earned by healing an NPC that an opposing faction player is trying to kill.

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