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Posts posted by Oldbuster

  1. Please give us the option to skip past the conversations and cutscenes if we have done the story already.


    I would be interested if Bioware were to datamine how many times players mash the spacebar to get through the cutscenes so they can get back to actually playing the game that they paid for!


    Please +1 if you agree.

  2. You are not alone in this. I left the game primarily for that (screen shake) as well as other gameplay issues. Having recently returned I thought this silly screen shake issue was gone until I landed my character on alderan and it all came flooding back.


    I have my doubts whether bioware will act on this until such time as they are subject of a lawsuit, similar to that of the movie houses which caused them to stop using screen shake as a dramatic effect.

  3. 1.2 Patch notes courtesy of your ever so friendly ship droid 2V-R8


    Game Engine Enhancements

    • We cleaned the game engine from stem to stern. You can smell the difference.


    New Armor colors


    • We have applied new colors on your armor. Same colors only fresher.


    Lag Issues


    • We have just finished addressing the lag issues. You should notice a point oh-oh-oh-oh-eight percent performance increase.

  4. I wish you luck my friend:


    My Rig:


    HAF932 Case

    Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD7 Motherboard

    Intel I7 980 O/Clocked to 4GHZ

    12Gig Ram 1600mhz running in triple channel

    2 x Nvidia GTX480 running in SLI and O/clocked

    2 x 120GB SSDs

    120hz Monitor


    On every other game be it Skyrim, Rift etc I can play on ultra settings with 120fps vsinc enabled and my graphic/memory resources are hardly touched.


    On this game, I am lucky to get 60fps with shadows disabled.


    There is something wrong when every other game I have payed on my rig run flawlessly and SWTOR runs like a pig.

  5. Sadly No.




    Wednesday Night is EV and KP normal 7.00pm -10.30pm Both cleared All one shots.

    Thursday Night EV HM 7.00pm - 9.30pm Cleared

    Friday Night KP HM 7.00pm - 9.30 Cleared


    We used to have an original Operations Roster of Wed Thur Fri and Sun. But people slowly stopped logging in and now we are pugging to fill dps slots.


    We tried to recruit people to replace those who quit, but people just don't seem to be interested.


    On my server dps are a minority where everyone is either Tank or Heals. I have never seen the like of it before.


    I have tried to continue playing as I enjoy the company of my guildies, but doing the same Ilum/Belsavis dailies whilst waiting for operations time is mind numbing. As a matter of fact I tried to do some dailies yesterday and just walked away from the PC whilst my character stood in front of a daily questgiver.


    Questing and Alts:


    The journey to 50 the 1st time was exciting and immersive. The second time I noticed I was on the same quests when I was half way through Dromund Kaas. The third time I stopped at Alderaan and gave up. It was ground hog day. Almost exactly the same quests apart from the class specific quests.


    Flashpoints during Leveling:


    I missed a lot of the Flashpoints during the leveling process, as there was no reason for me to do them. They certainly were not in the storyline. And to do them I had to go back to fleet and look in general chat to see if anyone was doing a Flashpoint that was level appropriate. Needless to say it was pretty boring. I tried to form groups from time to time. Me as a tank and grabbing a healer was the easy part. Getting 2 dps was an exercise in futility.


    No solutions just a sad sigh for something I wish and waited for, for 3 years.


    I wish I had an answer as to what would make this game better, but I don't. I took for granted a lot of things that other MMOs had to offer. Now that I look back on them I realise how good they were.


    A user interface I could fiddle with, tweak and adjust to my heart's delight to suit me and only me.


    The LFG tool that would match you with same level players and assign roles that took you to the start of the dungeon/flashpoint.


    Graphics that were highly detailed with max draw distance that didn't make a dent in my SLI Nvidia GTX480s, as opposed to this game having my card fans scream in pain as they try to keep temps below 80 degrees. I am used to my GPU temps sitting at 55-60 degrees with everything on ultra. Not to mention my FPS dipping periodically to 115 from 120 on my 120Hz monitor. This game I am lucky if I climb to 60, and that is after ini tweaking etc. Yes I know what I am doing there. I get paid to do this stuff at work.


    Macros Ohh how I miss them. I want to watch the game itself!!!!, not scan over 35 little squares dotted around the sides of my screen looking for what will come off cool-down next. bit hard with a 26" widescreen. Mind you I never noticed as an issue till i started playing this game.


    Gathering nodes that actually are gatherable as opposed to the 2 in 5 that are bugged.


    Quests that are completable "Defend the Shipment" anyone?


    In the game's defence, they have very very good voice acting. Pity its not what I was looking for in a supposed next generation MMO.:confused:

  6. Want to do dailies as:


    Defend the Shipment is and always has been bugged with no permanent fix on the horizon;

    Sabotage has been bugged for 2 weeks now {mining equipment non-interactive} with no fix on the horizon;


    Scavenging and Bioanalysis nodes either non-existent or non-interactive:


    And there are so many potholes in the environment I now have [/stuck] bound to one of my logitech G-keys.


    Mind you Ilum is fine IF you don't want to do those dailies and you are happy to stick to the main roads and you have no gathering professions.


    I have given up writing bug reports as they move from locked to closed with the reply this has been forwarded etc etc etc.


    Im sure the Fanbois will have some condescending answer as to how this is all owrking as intended and how dare I criticize the unimpeachable demi-god of games Bioware.

  7. I no longer bother hoping for fixes.


    After a minor review of time spent playing vs. typing out bug reports, I am losing the will to continue playing as much as I dearly want to continue.


    Although after Wednesday night clearing EV Thursday night clearing KP there isn't much else to do in this game PvE wise apart from the daily grind.


    Sad to say instead of logging in to do my dailies I just CBF logging on as it is becoming the same old grind.


    I would do the occasional flashpoint but really what is the point given there is nothing left in flashpoints that have any potential upgrade for me.


    and before you say roll an alt. I have 3 other alts spread between 30-46 and I just look at the quest log and think yeah yeah done this go kill x mobs return to questgiver.


    I think my expectations were too high or I was spoilt with other MMOS who had their act together with UI customization, quests that were in a hub with breadcrumb quests leading to the next area that had a distinct story line to them, graphics that were stable and environments where the use of /stuck was non-existent.

  8. Since when did immunity to knockbacks directly cause you to generate threat?


    The 10% reduced damage to soresu form is to balance out that you will be able to use smash more often, this is a fix to the juggernaut AoE threat issue. Additionally, force push is meant to be used as a "peel" much like the death knights death grip from WoW. Many juggernauts use force push as a damage dealer and an excuse to force charge again. Before force push reset the cooldown of Force Charge, no one would have used force push on the target they are attacking.


    Immunity to knockbacks means I am getting off my big hitters as soon as I land after saber throw and force charge.


    Honestly you have no idea of what tanking is about. It appears you run around warfronts dpsing.


    Please just go back to the Troll Rock you crawled out from under.

  9. Vengeance:

    Unstoppable no longer gives us immunity to knockbacks. This allows juggernauts to have enhanced damage and make them much harder to kite (because lets face it, if we are out of 10 meters we are sitting ducks until force charge is off cooldown).


    So those Tanks who use the 14/27 hybrid build are now without one of the defining moves that allow them to immediately start generating threat?



    Have a talent that causes retaliation to reset the cooldown on smash. Have Soresu form reduce all damage done by 10% to make up for this change.


    Edit: Also stop forch push from resetting the cooldown on force charge, absolutely moronic mechanic designed for rage generation and not utility.


    So you wish for Juggernaut 31/10 immortal build to generate less threat as well?

    And you want us to stop force pushing a mob off a party member and then force charging the mob to attack it?


    It appears Sir, a clue just passed you by. Please run and catch it, so you may have one all of your very own!

  10. When I hit 50 it wasn't so bad, I could keep up with the basic geared DPS or fresh 50 undergeared DPS.

    In THIS game there is no necessity to keep up with dps as you say.


    Now when all my DPS are in almost full Columi or higher it is becoming ridiculously difficult to hold threat.


    Exactly what is it you are attempting to do? Tank-em all? If this is the case, I am sorry to say you will need to become accustomed to the game design and mechanics.


    I am running in mostly full Columi or equivalent gear.

    Spec is the cookie cutter 31 / 10 / 0

    My accuracy is ~ 110%


    Now you have the theory crafting down.


    I have played a tank in every MMO since EQ, and multiple tank classes in some of them. I know about tanking and love the role.


    I hate to say it, but your expectations based on your past experience is irrelevant in this game by virtue of direct and purposeful PvE design decision.

    The old send in tank to round-em all up, so dps can furiously spam their one AoE button is not the intent nor the design of this game.

    I will provide a static trash group example. 1 Gold in the middle flanked by 2 Silvers and 4 normals spread further out.

    IF, you are attempting to tank and maintain aggro on all of that, then you are setting yourself up to fail from the start. Moreover I would expect a high level of frustration on your part.

    Your role as an Immortal Juggernaut is to leap in give the gold a big sloppy wet kiss, pinch the two silvers on the backside and let the normals get burnt down by the dps. Normals are not the tank's concern.

    After the normals are down, THEN you should already have the undivided attention of the silvers and Mr Gold firmly in your grasp by using all of that experience you have gained over the years by using your [TAB] button.

    DPS need to focus fire mobs down one by one. If they split dps, tell them. You do not have to put up with that nonsense. There are only 2 of them aren’t there!


    Never have I had such a terrible experience with threat.

    I realize that we are not supposed to be great at AoE tanking, I can accept that as long as single target threat would not be an issue.

    I figured this was a known issue and would be addressed, however I am not seeing anything coming down the pipeline to address this issue.


    The key to this game is communication. DPS have responsibilities in this game and are expected as such to accept those responsibilities.

    Such as:

    Using CC when called for;

    Using threat dumps;

    Following a kill order;

    Do not split dps; and

    Allowing the tank to obtain threat.

    Let your party know your limitations from the outset. Let them know your strengths as well, such as you are almost unkillable with so many “I wish I wore my brown pants” save the party buttons.


    I don't want abilities to do more damage and effect PvP, I simply want proper threat modifiers, possibly tied to talents to make tanking on a Jugg viable threat wise. With tight enrage timers being pretty much the mainstay difference between difficulty modes, it doesn't help to tell my DPS to wait 10 seconds to DPS.


    If your DPS need to wait 10 seconds so be it. My DPS know if they move a muscle before they see 4 sunders on a boss, I will let the boss go straight to them and let them die. I don’t waste my time with stupidity. If I wanted that I would go back to playing another game with oversized belt buckles and pandas.


    It baffles me that this has not been addressed yet. There has to be a large population of Jugg tanks out there experiencing this.

    I have not read a dev post on this issue, if anyone has a link to one, I would appreciate it.



    There was, is and will be Jugg Tanks experiencing this. I know I was one of them, until I recognised this is a new game with new mechanics and gameplay. I simply sucked it up, took what I had learned over the years that was relevant to this game and applied it. The rest I threw out the window, and looked at the whole thing with a fresh set of eyes.


    Do not bemoan about what you cannot do, work out what you can do and then excel at it.;)

  11. Honestly, much of the issues surround the PVE Tanking role.

    Now, before the trolls come out from under their bridge I will place a caveat on my comments, in that, I will make no reference to PVP, as this is not where my experience lays.


    From an Operations and Flashpoint perspective, Juggernauts are heavily reliant on gear. I found when I hit 50 and started tanking BT HM for the 1st time, my HP yoyo'd, my threat was appallling, and it was very hard going.


    As my character gathered armoring, mods and enhancements from dailies, things began to become a little easier. Threat was a little easier to come by as well (with the added strength from daily gear).


    Now with my character in a mix of Rakata and Columi gear, I can make a comment from this standpoint.


    I spend a hell of a lot of time looking at my action bars waiting waiting and yes waiting for abilities to come off cool down. And there are a lot of abilities, some entirely situational and some with overly long cool downs that form an integral part of threat generation.


    One of the key things I have found with FP and OPs groups is communication. Let them know Jugg tanks are limited insofar as multi target threat.


    Jugg Tanks have so much potential with the abilities at hand. Their downside is, they are far from intuitive and require a reasonable level of concentration in order to achieve an optimal result.


    As opposed to my other Sith Assassin Tank (not as geared mind you) where it is akin to driving an automatic compared to a mack truck where you still have to double clutch to change gears.


    For all of it's faults and yes there are quite a few, I will still take our my Jugg Tank in preference even though is a hell of a lot more work to do the same thing a Sith Assassin does with a 1/3 of the keybinds.


    But enough of my ramblings

  12. The only way I have managed to hold aggro in flashpoints and operations is to


    a) ask everyone to sit on their hands for 5 seconds after the pull so I can get 5 sunders up, then everything is ok.


    b) weave taunt into my rotation.


    This appears to work reasonably well unless early in the boss fight someone crits, after the 1st taunt period ends.


    Caveat: This is for guild runs where everyone is understanding and works with our Jugg tanks.


    On the other hand in flashpoints with pugs. My only solution was to stop tanking with pugs as dps just either did not understand/listen.


    I would set CC targets, set kill order: normal mobs 1st. then move to silvers, then dps down the 2 golds I have. I ask for the team not to split dps and to focus fire down the mobs so we work as a team.


    What happens? DPS routinely attack anything and everything at random via AoE attacks and leaving normal mobs up.


    Result, I lose aggro, dps end up taking a dirt nap and the rest you can imagine.


    Personally I quite enjoy the mechanics in this game insofar as we need CC we need to specify targets, set kill orders and work as a team.


    What I do not enjoy, is the fact, there are far too many people in game who are using their experience from other MMOs and attempting to translate it into this game.


    In summary:


    Our threat modifiers, are at best, only just above the dps and healers.

    Our rotations, if you can call it that, require us not to make a mistake ie missing a big hitter that comes off CD.

    Communication is key, unfortunately people will do their own thing and in PUGs the only analogy I can use to equate with this situation is: Most PUGS are like 'Herding Cats'.

    I make no assumption I am a good tank, I consider myself average at best. I simply try my hardest and do my best to work within a team.

    Whilst playing a Juggernaut Tank and working with the mechanics of the game, what I see sadly, is a community who have become accustomed to a number of accepted conventions in other MMOs which have not translated into this game, yet persist in their application. to the detriment of the game play.


    What saddens me, is we may have a situation whereby people will simply stop playing the game largely due to the conventions the game has implemented which have steered away from traditional MMO norms.


    I am sure there will be people who will find fault with my observations. However these comments are anecdotal and subjective, and before my 1st coffee of the day.

  13. I'm not saying there aren't issues. I'm saying it's not as much work or as broken as people claim. There's a lot of exaggeration going on by angry people to bolster their arguments. The delayed action bug which hasn't gone away is still messing with us more than the other tanks. We can't front load a lot of instant threat, so our groups/raids need to give us 5-10 seconds to build a head start. And we don't have a CC or a pull which the Powertechs and Assassins have, so that hurts us bad when there are wandering adds and our GCD is up. I don't have rose colored glasses on, guy, I know there's problems. I also know there are Juggernauts main tanking nightmare mode clears, and Hard mode flashpoints who aren't re-rolling as powertechs because they don't want to and don't need to.


    Sanctified, my post was very unkind to you, and from your post above I see you too are experiencing the same difficulties as the rest of the Juggernaut community.


    I must say, from the outset I am quite fond of my Immortal Jugg. I went into the game with rose colored glasses thinking "aha, Sith Warrior Immortal Juggernaut, now there is a Tank". He is sitting on 18.2k hp 28%def 37% shield and 33% absorb. Yes it is early days for him, but I question why on earth I have to put so much work in just to manage and maintain something as simple as aggro., such as having to weave in taunts into my rotation just to maintain effectiveness.


    I also have leveled a Sith Assassin (darkness) and from a personal perspective the difference is poles apart.


    If I may use an analogy, albeit a poor one and with respect, I am exaggerating the difference, so please accept it is slightly tongue in cheek.


    Juggernaut is like being learning to play a http://www.organfestival.com/organs/harrison-small.jpg


    Sith Assassin is like learning to play a http://www.productwiki.com/upload/images/gibson_les_paul_custom.jpg


    I come away from a flashpoint pug on my assassin ready to do another instance or 3.

    On my loveable Jugg, I am done after one flashpoint from fighting tooth and nail with dps stealing aggro, just to do my job as a tank.


    Yes we can tell them to wait for 3-5 sunders, yes we can tell them to stop dps for 3 seconds, but will they? Not a chance. Its in the dps players mindset to come out of the gate at a million miles an hour and go as hard and as fast as they can.


    How about the best of both worlds let dps do what they want to do and let tank do what they want to do and Tank without this tooing and frowing of aggro between party members.


    I do hope there will be some changes as I have an emotional attachment to the Jugg, but the assassin is so fluid in rotation, CD's etc. Mind you the 12sec CD on interrupt is a bit annoying but I digress.


    In short, I would like everyone to contribute to the forums, in a way that will bring to the attention of the developers that from the PVE Tanking side the class does in fact need help.


    We will not achieve this by whinging moaning and QQing about how poorly done by we are. Let us provide examples of who, when, where, how, why and what is happening that makes the job of a PVE Jugg tank burdensome.

  14. Given that the MMO's genre is not new and Bioware has entered into the world of MMO's with SWTOR as its flagship IP.


    I hear a lot of talk from people making representations on how it's hard to make a MMO and there are always glitches and problems, and the devs will sort it out eventually.


    The computer industry must be the only industry where the customer base accepts faults with products


    I raise this:


    If Bioware was a new car company entering in to the car sales world and SWTOR was its shiny new prestige vehicle, would you buy it, after having test driven it?


    Me: Excuse me the radio doesn't work.

    Salesperson: Oh we have a workaround for that. Please plug in your iphone into the shiny usb port and you will hear your favorite tunes.


    Me: The engine keeps misfiring and making strange noises.

    Salesperson: Please provide our engineering department with a complete engine diagnostic so they may look at it in detail and get back to you some time in the future.


    Me: I hit the Gas Peddle and nothing happens for a good second, same thing with the brakes.


    Saleperson: We are aware of this issue and our engineers are working hard to have a fix for that in the future. May I suggest you plan your acceleration and braking in advance. this would help you a lot.


    Me: The rear vision mirror and instrumentation are blocking my field of view and I cant move it. Other car companies let me move those things.


    Salesperson: We spent years designing the dashboard and the instrumentation. you will get used to it. Trust me:cool:.

  15. I would have to agree with the OP. Waiting for a quest objective item to reset/respawn takes away from the game completely.


    So much for Dynamic Gameplay:mad:.


    Whilst waiting I go and make a cup of tea only to find when I come back items have yet to respawn.


    All other game companies recognised this issue back in 2007/2008.


    I am sure Bioware developers have been living in a timeloop as much of the problems in this game were prevalent in other games 4 years ago.:eek:

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