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Posts posted by Borkoo

  1. "Hi everyone,


    I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary."



    Not good enough.

  2. you don't run out of force with 7/18/16


    you have both sith efficacy and lightning effusion.


    force/mobility? what mobility, the only thing 18 give you is an instant cast whirlwind.


    here a picture of my first 12 medal http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v203/idris/?action=view&current=12medals.png


    that was like a week or so ago, now 12 medal every game is the normal and 500k damage a game isn't even a problem. the only problem now is winning hutta bowl in 3 minutes.


    so far the only thing you basically said is I do ok with 0/23/18 build and except when you do the number crunching any point above 18 in lightning build is pretty damn pointless.


    also the 10% aoe damage from corruption actually let a sorc get the 5k medal which you 23/18 will probably never get.


    You get 20 sec sprint, blind bubble, and root on knockback... Those are much better for surviving and completing objectives. Admittedly you can get a bigger scoreboard damage number with some corruption, but some people care about winning and play on servers where they actually get attacked.

  3. Yeah, it's not OP now and it definitely won't be tomorrow. Still I can currently do 20K-30K damage in 2 globals. All you do is wait for wrath proc, pop recklessness, pop relic, adrenal, +expertise pot if you want 30K. Then watch all the big numbers from chainlightning and death field. It's odd that so many people (even good players) haven't realized that wrath+ CL variants are the best non-healing pvp specs.
  4. Or you could just do it in one global with Force Sweep.


    If I am to understand this complaint properly, you are complaining that 3 sages/sorc working together can AoE a group of three players to death, if those five players begin clumped together, if they fail to notice the three sages casting on them, and if they don't move out of the way of the second set of AoE.



    Such a fail thread...



    sorry you don't know what he is talking about

  5. considering the vast majority of sorcs go with a creeping terror build, over the chain lightning build (which is generally considered a levelling spec) this is a very odd thing to be complaining about.



    and as for getting people to 40% in two globals with death field and chain lightning, if you're talking about a hybrid build you won't be able to get the two very deep talents that increase the critical damage of either of those abilities.


    And even then as a pure lightning spec with about 1/2 pvp gear i've never had it crit for over 3.2k, even on people with levelling gear.


    I would say that without the talents adding 30% or 50% to the critical damage the max you could crit with chain lightning is about 2.5k on equally geared players, and the max you could crit with with death field is also about 2.5k.


    5k damage, assuming everything crits in 2 globals is hardly overpowered, especially considering one attack has a long cast time and the other has a 15 second cooldown.





    Edit: And going a hybrid spec to do AoE burst means you give up all of those nice CC abilities you get deep in the madness tree, like instant cyclone and creeping terror.



    actually you only give up creeping terror but you can gain root on knockback and blind on shield and 20 sec sprint, which are better. try this one on for size:




    the corruption variant is ok too, but you lose out on some cc/utility

  6. it doesn't crit for 4k LOL


    it crits for like 3k and is effected by armor and requires you to use 1 of 2 TERRIBLE spells for it to proc (disturbance/force quake)


    you also have to be 30 points in telekinetics which is basically a horrible spec all around


    having 1 gimmick spell in a spec that otherwise just throws out 800 damage disturbances is hardly nerf worthy


    mine crits for 4k but im not an inferior spec like yours. (hint you should use the talent that adds 20% damage and makes it instant)

  7. probably at about 10 bags:


    2 main hand lightsabers

    one off hand

    one helmet


    then the 3 items you can buy = 7/12 pieces..


    and they are nerfing it to make it even easier? I am looking at fully geared and done in 2 weeks. awesome. (I mean replacing mods from duplicates and everything)


    I guess the casuals need to eventually catch up though right?


    You realize that you getting very lucky doesn't mean it will be near the same for everyone right?

  8. It was already announced (don't ask me to post a link because I don't remember the thread name, and I don't feel like searching all through every post on the forum), that each piece of battlemaster gear will cost 1 Battlemaster Comm, it is essentially a token.


    Effectually, nothing has changed, except that you don't get a piece specific token, you get a universal one. In every battlemaster gear bag you will either get 3 Champion comms, or 1 Champion comm and 1 Battlemaster comm which can be traded for any piece.


    /end thread


    I hope this is correct, but I haven't seen a dev announcement about it.

  9. So just quit already, boo friggin hoo. They took something and made it harder to slow down the progress rate. Players can still get a full set of the tier 2 gear and compete while they work on thier battle master gear.


    Once they have the set the concept of working towards a goal is gone, which is what MMO's are all about. Heaven forbid they don't keep everything you want locked in stone forever. The game is less then a month old and they make adjustments on a reward system they find to be to easy/quick.


    If this is all it takes to get you to quit AND spam this thread for 10 pages then your never gonna be happy anyway.


    If this thread is 10 pages for you then you are inept. It's already a pretty long grind to get battlemaster and if that wasn't enough for them, then they are terrible at judging what will be fun and challenging for players. Waiting for months of dailies to reset is not a fun or challenging way to earn gear. I was actually fairly content with the game and its progress before this step backwards.

  10. I hope all of these "I QUIT because you didn't fix what I want right NOW" people actually do follow up on their word.


    Anybody w/o the resolve to stick out the first couple months of a MMO that is 25GB in size is better off doing something else that doesn't piss off all of the mature ppl


    I'm quitting because they are actively breaking something. Also, it shouldn't take "resolve" to continue to enjoy a paid service. Lastly, how have I "pissed of all of the mature ppl?" Do "mature ppl" get really mad when people complain on the forums? Is that the hallmark of mature ppls?

  11. Wut ?!? you mean 3 or 4 lazy AFkers got some stuff, so BioWare modified the game so this doesn't happen again less than a month after release, so these 3 or 4 losers doesn't multiply... and you're not happy ?!?


    You don't understand the thread or the way the system works. I'd suggest getting an adult to help you browse the forums.

  12. Every afker we've seen on my server has been reported by multiple people and not seen again a few days later.


    If you got afkers hanging around after reporting them i'm very sad to hear it, if you haven't tried reporting them though you really should.


    This is beside the point, but afkers on my server are definitely not getting punished.

  13. Serious PvPers will do what we have always done: grind it out.


    The difference here is that once we're done we're actually done. There's no "next season" and at that juncture hopefully it'll just be warzones against evenly geared 50s or 50s with bolstered Expertise.


    The only way to get BM bags is to do your dailies/weeklies so you cannot grind it beyond 3 WZ/day. You will just have to wait a few months to catch up.

  14. Short note: If you read the update correctly, Battlemaster Bags have never actually given "Battlemaster Commendations" i.e. as a currency that costs 50-70 to buy something, they gave Champion commendations and a chance to get a piece of battlemaster loot.


    Now what they're doing instead is giving you a chance to get a "Battlemaster Commendation" which is a token that can be turned in for ANY piece of Battlemaster loot.


    Mostly because some people were getting multiple battlemaster legs for instance, which they can't use more than 2 pairs of battlemaster legs even if they run multiple specs really.


    If that is the case then Bioware is actually doing something that improves the game. More likely, the items cost many many comms.

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