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Posts posted by Ancillary

  1. Thanks for your replies guys!


    Yeah the first thing I noticed when comparing my parses to the top ones is that my heavy hitters are not Crit-ing as much as they should be. So I probably was not doing a good job of keeping Ravage and FS inside the Gore window and I definitely didn't use FS only when Execute proc'd.


    Based on the advice and guides you suggested I will be trying this next (brackets are Gore windows):



    Charge > (BT + Fr) BA > (Rel + Adr + Berserk) [Gore + MAS x3 > VT] > [Gore > Ravage > FS]


    Rage Builder:

    Strike > BA > MAS> Strike > Rupture > Strike > MAS> Strike


    Normal Rotations:

    [Gore + FS > MAS > DST] > Strike > [Gore + VT > MAS > FS] (if no BA is up)

    [Gore+ FS> MAS> MAS]> BA > [Gore+ VT > MAS> FS] (if BA is up)

    [Gore + MAS > (Berserk) Ravage] (whenever Ravage is up)

    DST, Rupture as outside Gore window fillers



    -Use Ravage only within a Gore window.

    -Usa FS only within a Gore window and if Execute is proc’d

    -Keep Rage at a minimum of 6 prior to Gore windows


    Yes that's right. If you do the rotations correctly, you should increase your DPS by alot! Please update with results.

    Here's a parse of mine from a few days ago if you want to compare it to yours.


  2. Hullo!

    There was a few things I noticed you were doing wrong by looking at your dummy parse.

    First of all, these abilities, and only these, should you use in a gore window; Force scream (FS), Vicious throw (VT), Massacre and Ravage. And you must not use FS and/or Ravage OUTSIDE a gore window.


    Carnage revolves around gore, and how much damage you can do in a gore window, this is the main thing you have to keep in mind when playing the spec. You must make sure you have the rage required to burn through your high damaging attacks in a gore window. The time between gore windows is your time to build rage, making sure your ataru form procs both slaughter and execute, and to use lower damaging attacks such as Dual sabre throw (DST) and rupture.


    Although rupture is a very good attack to fill in with, you have to keep in mind that the bleeds are INTERNAL damage. Thus, the bleeds won't be affected by the armor penetration of gore. The initial damage from rupture, and DST for that matter, is lower than the damage from Massacre (with the proc from ataru taken into account). So you should refrain from using these attacks (rupture and DST) inside a gore window, unless completely starved on rage and you have to fill in with DST.


    Now that I've explained the most vital things, I will teach you a very good opening rotation. Although this opening is highly dependant on slaughter proc, it is VERY powerful when it works. Berserk allows you to squeeze in 4 GCD's in a gore window, so when you have built up 30 stacks of fury this is how you start;


    Berserk> [OPTIONAL: Frenzy> Bloodthirst > Adrenal] Force charge > Battering Assault > Gore > Massacre x3 (slaughter proc, hopefully) > VT > Gore > Ravage > FS


    As I said, this rotation is dependant on Slaughter to proc, but it will USUALLY proc after the 2nd or 3rd use of massacre, note that it can proc too early as well, i.e. when using force charge or BA. I've been using this rotation in most fights, and with it, I can reach ~4500 the first 20 seconds of the fight. Of course, there are alternative rotations to use, especially with the alacrity change to ravage, but this opening is fairly trivial. Be careful not to pull aggro from the tank!


    Another thing, you can try to keep track of your slaughter proc to best optimize the use of gore. If gore is about to come off CD, and the force tells you that slaughters internal CD surely must be over at the time, refrain from using Massacre, and use others abilities instead, such as Assault...


    And as Sameria mentioned, your APM should be a bit higher, so keep spamming that berserk!


    I hope this made sense, I'm not the best teacher, but I have a good understanding of the spec. If you like, I can post my AMR profile and one of my recent dummy parses.

  3. we shall spam you as you have been spamming us bioware

    we shall spam you as you have been spamming us bioware

    we shall spam you as you have been spamming us bioware

    we shall spam you as you have been spamming us bioware

    we shall spam you as you have been spamming us bioware

    we shall spam you as you have been spamming us bioware

    we shall spam you as you have been spamming us bioware

    we shall spam you as you have been spamming us bioware

  4. Asphen: Can we get an option to turn off the combat error text in the center of my screen?


    Damion (Principal Lead Systems Designer): We will be looking at adding the ability to move and/or turn off banner text and error text (the two kinds of text that appear in the middle of your screen) as part of the GUI customization system in a future patch. This isn't a trivial issue, however - in some cases, fairly vital information is given to the player here, and we'd need to be sure that in these cases the text gets rerouted someplace for a player to review. So short form, yeah, we're thinking about it, but no ETA for you at this time


    Bioware, I see you made this answer over one year ago. It's about time you do something about it.

  5. Character Name <Guild Name>: Decimús <Stroke my Wookie>

    Character Class: Marauder

    Character Spec: Annihilation 31/3/7

    Torparse Link: http://www.torparse.com/a/125390

    AMR Profile*: None updated at the moment.


    Done without Bloodthirst/Inspiration or adrenals, fully buffed with exotech might stim. I will probably update with a BT + adrenal parse and AMR profile!


    EDIT: Obviously using 31/3/7 spec!

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