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Posts posted by Seethreepeo

  1. Im getting sick to the back teeth of this appalling queueing system, almost every game now at the point the game starts we have 5 players, they always have 8.


    Its ruining the game, havent they learnt anything from other mmos?

    Its just as easy to implement the 1in 1in system so your never more than 1 man disadvantage, wow had eventually as it ruined bgs for some servers.


    If this doesnt affect you then please dont bother responding.

    If it does, then bump!

  2. Ok,

    I raised 2 tickets and both have said to do this so im doing it.


    Problem : Entering a new game with 5 players, game then actually starts with 5 players, oponents clearly have a full team of 8.

    What? Yes, the game appears to have this flaw, and its regular as well, the game goes 5 muintes before we get our 8th member.

    What makes this even worse is at the end of the game you see they had 9 members, all having contributed plenty so its ot even as though they arrived at the end.

    9-7... im amazed this is a happening.


    Answer : Its incredible i even need to raise this but as the Drone that replied to my ticket said to do it. Either, make the queue longer, which i dont mind waiting for as all i want is a fair game, 8vs8 or 5vs 5 whatever. If only 5 have queued on one side then still pop the Queue but just allow 5 from the other team too, then trickle 1 in on each time as people are queueing, this way you never have more than 1 more player on each side and stop this game ruining experience.

    That other welll known MMO has this type of queuing system, but it took them about 5years to introduce. Ive got 50 or so days left of my sub, its cancelled, but i will renew if they fix this. i can put up with the other annoying things i find in this game, but 5vs8 is pointless for both sides in all honesty.



  3. Ok,

    I raised 2 tickets and both have said to do this so im doing it.


    Problem : Entering a new game with 5 players, game then actually starts with 5 players, oponents clearly have a full team of 8.

    What? Yes, the game appears to have this flaw, and its regular as well, the game goes 5 muintes before we get our 8th member.

    What makes this even worse is at the end of the game you see they had 9 members, all having contributed plenty so its ot even as though they arrived at the end.

    9-7... im amazed this is a happening.


    Answer : Its incredible i even need to raise this but as the Drone that replied to my ticket said to do it. Either, make the queue longer, which i dont mind waiting for as all i want is a fair game, 8vs8 or 5vs 5 whatever. If only 5 have queued on one side then still pop the Queue but just allow 5 from the other team too, then trickle 1 in on each time as people are queueing, this way you never have more than 1 more player on each side and stop this game ruining experience.

    That other welll known MMO has this type of queuing system, but it took them about 5years to introduce. Ive got 50 or so days left of my sub, its cancelled, but i will renew if they fix this. i can put up with the other annoying things i find in this game, but 5vs8 is pointless for both sides in all honesty.



  4. I feel sorry for you guys who cant play as much who have it 50.


    I for one, as with most still support the 50 bracket as i think it was a great inception.


    Perhaps what they should do is identify those servers that still havelong queue times and set them back to 1 pool still, surely thats not too bigger deal for them to do.

  5. Did you know that are 8vs8 most of the time? Where does this faction imbalance come into account?


    Are you really this naive?


    What do imps moan about so much? hutball, so you already getting more medals in all these games therefore leveling quicker and gettnig gear quicker whether u win or lose.


    You have a bigger popoluation and therefore based on pure maths you will have more geared players.


    I get the impression most imps say 2 in 3 warzones is huttball (sometimes more sometimes less) therefore on the 3rd game youll be playing republic. X this by 100 and you guys are getting way more tokens than republic.


    Are you really this naive.......

  6. Also there is a problem with Troopers Full Auto where when activated it has a .5 sec delay then fires a single shot, then a .7 second delay then goes into full auto mode. but the mobs begin attacking immediately upon activation meaning Full Auto will never go through its full timer without a setback.


    The Full Auto difference is a bigger issue IMO, in pvp its used more than MV, your enemys have at least 1.5 seconds to interupt while your animation gets ready to fire, the Unload fires instantly. Im not disputing they do the same damage or the same amount of hits.


    Unload hits earlier and is much less suceptable to interupts\pushback.

  7. Death From Above from Bounty Hunters isn't instant. Please stop posting misinformation at an attempt to nerf a class you don't play.



    Ok, yes you are correct however you clearly havent seen the stats and differences, go to the trooper forum there is a 20+ page on this topic the majority of which is mature, technical discussion and illustrates how both Full Auto and Mortar volley are not as effective as the BH equivalents. Animation/Time it takes for damage to start are both differnt and in PVP these a big things.


    These are the facts and are undisputed. Not even up for debate im afraid.

  8. I can suggest a great place to start balancing.

    Fix the Full Auto\UNload differences between Trooper and BH

    Fix the Mortal Volley\DFA differences, not as bad though

    Fix the fact that in the Civil War warzone have the imps turrets tick the same as the republic ones and have them facing a nuetral direction at start.


    There are way more to even list here, but considering its heavy imperial now all these imp friendly errors in the game make things worse.

  9. This is hilarious,

    I just came onto the PVP forum and scanned down the threads, on this particular occasion, on the first page it had threads calling for nerfs on all 4 of the base classes!


    For those of you moaning, get a grip, all classes have some cool stuff which leaves you sometimes thinking thery are OP. I think for such a young game it seems fairly well balanced i think theyve done a good job. Yes there is massive work ahead and they are looking forward to doing it but please, people need to be more objective when calling for the nerfs as 80% of what i read is just rubbish and either skill-less or ill informed people.


    Lets nerf every class but our own then we will all be happy.... o wait that wont work.


    Post inforemd, well rounded arguments and you get taken seriesly, otherwise BW just ignore the posts.

  10. Vlaid,Yes Gunnery does more damage, but you must remember where this game is going, people are only gooing to get better and be more aware of classes.

    In rated games gunnery wont stand a chance, you need ot be so mobile in PVP gunnery would be a sitting duck, use the environment to LOS etc. so you make the nerfs you want then it completely ruins the class in the top end aspect of the game.


    What needs to happen is no nerf, people need t owise up about beating gunnerym if peopel are stupid enough to let them stand there and turret away then its their fault, its like HUnters in wow, in the first season of rated bgs, if the opposing team had hunters our offensive team always cleared hunters out first, its about palying smarter.

  11. I'm a fully PVP geared DPS specced Sorc and when a Commando can not only outheal my DPS 1v1 but ALSO do 5k nukes to me there is something seriously wrong. Why in the world have you NOT already nerfed this OP class? I'm honestly considering canceling my sub because this is so out of hand. I have a lowbie commando btw that I routinely wreck lvl 50 players in PVP gear with and from first hand experience I know this class is extremely off-balanced.


    Im actually laughing out loud reading this, one of the funniest posts of read on these forums. Mate get a grip of yourself. Every class is getting screamed at for being OP, its nice, every one has cool stuff and every it seems can be strong in situations. I am acutalyl quite happy with balance in the game, its better than wow managed imo.


    We shall see how it ages though i guess.

  12. MM so i can tell you play alone, and play melee

    Why is that obvious?


    I think they should remove stealth and give my class my root abilities as if they nerf knocbacks it would render my class pretty useless in PVP.


    Hell why not just gimp all the classes except mine, or just make every class exactly the same.


    Leave the damn autoface and knockbacks alone, this game is doing somethign different, thank god!

    It sounds like you just want to play WoW, this isnt wow so leave here and go play there.


    I agree on one aspect, premades, they should be put int he same pot as other grouped ppl and solo queueing people should pool with solo.


    Everything else was rubbish mate.

  13. There must be 50+ posts about full auto and mortar volley not working at all well, its very gimping in pvp and yes the BH, which is our mirror.... ahh the irony... they claim isnt perfect but it performs way better than our 2 abilities. it doesnt start even doing anything until at least 50% of the way through the cast...
  14. 47% vs. 53% surprisingly close. Just hope they dont make any too hasty decisions based on this 3% difference. I mean obviously they need to fix the animation lag for some combat moves to put them in balance with Imp side. Just hope this does not mean any nasty nerfs for imps...


    Sort of...

    Remeber thats 53% of only 60% of total games as 40% has been hutball. The number cold actually be more like 6% if we only had pure Imp vs Rep.


    In response to the guy earlier who said about people rolling Imp : I can totally see why most kids have rolled imp, being able to fire lightning from your hands?!? Its considered cooler to be a baddy anyway. Pretty much every warzone i play will have T least 4 sorc in, they are as common as muck.


    TO address the faction imbalance i thikn they need to make some cosmetic buffs to the republic, give them better looking gear\more mounts better animations. Whatever really to make it more appealing, because ultimately both sides gain from a healthy balance. So dont QQ about it not being fair they have better looking mounts.

  15. I think the numbers feel about right for my server, but like i said i would have guessed that imps were winning more based on the rush to 50 scenario and being more, the fact that there is a 3% diference and over 1 million games does mean that imps have won 3000 more, so there is slight issue there, and it could only get worse.


    Yes worse does mean for both factions, because if ur winning all the time (forgetting rateds as there arent any yet, that means there is something wrong with balance, i personally thing if 50s where in their own barckets this number would be even closer to 50-50

  16. From the Official Post earlier

    "Bad news for Republic players, though - the Empire currently leads overall, having won 53% of all Alderaan Civil War and Voidstar matches (across all servers). Huttball has been played the most, accounting for 39% of all matches – and yes, we’ll be adding a new same faction vs. same faction enabled Warzone in the future."


    Surely this cannot be a suprise to anyone?? Tbh i thought it would be even more in our favour, we have generally speaking at least 70% of the population on every server thus have more lvl 50s to enter the PVP warzone and faceroll with the significant effect expertise has.


    They havent Acknowledged this though as it would be admiting the system is flawed at the mo.

  17. I must say i tihnk your pathetic, the game has been out a couple of weeks and your unhappy that its a takes a bit of time to get to top rank?


    Woud you rather it took you 1 week, then youll just have nohting else to do, whats is the harm in it taking a while.


    You must be young or just have a poor attitude in general, for some reason society has bred pepole want things easy and quick these days.


    your not going to get any sympathy here.

  18. There is plenty of reasonable posts on this board, many from Operatives & Scoundrels who care more about fun PvP than being the pwning OP FLOTM class. Here's a video worth a 1,000 words.



    You talking tubbish, this is a great video illustrating why 10-49 bracket is needed and 50s on their own.

  19. What's that I hear from the future?


    "Level 49s are ruining war zones now!"


    You might as well as bracket the entire level range, would be more effective.


    It wont be anywhere near as bad though, this isnt a dig, but you obviously dont know how good expertise is in PVP.


    a 1-49 bracket will make things way way better and should be done quickly.

  20. Yea Roll republic, instant queues, i must say i get huttball the least i think. I love Voidstar.


    I rolled rep to avoid the kids, but im glad i rolled this side anyway now as insta queues is great.


    If you dont want to re roll then dont moan, everyone knows this is the case.

  21. NOTE: Instead of addressing the fact that he is wrong, he simply continues to post made up, ignorant misinformation when anyone with half a brain could see the delay on unload.


    Strong stuff, i Cannot wait to see the sidebyside on this, but i will not say i told you so. So you are also saying all the other ppl who report this are talking rubbish as well, your in the minority on this one, lets just see what BW do to address.

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