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Posts posted by DDSilver

  1. I'm hoping IGN catches onto this. Also, what reply did you get?


    After quite clearly stating I had a problem with the romance state of my characters (Since none of them accepts courting gifts anymore, though I learned that was another bug all together later)


    Their reply :

    With Fallen Empire, affection has being changed to influence. Instead of a max of 10,000 affection with your companions, you now have a max influence rank of 50 which requires a total of 250k influence. This may have been the changes you had seen with them, if however the issue is still persisting please get back in touch with us so we can investigate further for you.


    My hunch? They know they messed up big time and perhaps beyond repair. The longer they can keep silent about this, the more money they can milk out of us without people ragequiting over broken storylines of characters that have existed since day one of early launch.

  2. Woohoo!

    Look at what post is back on page one... where it belongs!


    It is absolutely ridiculous and quite frankly a disgrace that a post about a bug affecting and concerning so many gets absolutely no response whatsoever.

    I wonder how many pages/views this bugpost can go before it becomes a good story on Biowares 'amazing' customer care for the likes of IGN and such.


    I have not been playing since I became aware of this bug and am quite frankly losing interest in the game all together. Bioware's silent treatment? Not helping in that department either.

    The only reason for posting this is because I am so angry with Bioware right now. I was looking forward to 4.0 so much. And then they messed it up and to add insult to injury they dont even acknowledge it.

    If you see the reply I got from customer care, acting dumb. It is disgraceful.

  3. Actually you cant call for free, it will use Skypes Land line rates.


    So yes it actually is a valid complaint, as the freaking CS calls often have several hours wait time this becomes more of an issue.


    I think you are right!

    I assumed the VOIP line would still be free as I had to call them a week ago and my Skype account isn't linked to anything chargeable. But I Cannot find it on the website anymore.


    In that case I agree with the complaint.

  4. I'm sure some of you dont believe this after that hilarious post we had a week or two ago. Well, see for yourselves.






    The more EAWare continues it's shenanigans, the more I love my signature. :)


    You would have a point if you could not just use Skype (or a similar program) and call them free of charge anywhere on the world.

    Right now it seems to me as if you are complaining for the sake of having something to complain about.

  5. The logic, or more lack of, that some of the people here display is simply staggering.


    What some people are actually doing is the following :


    They want a Hamburger but the hamburgers are out. So instead they decide to order spaghetti. Now this spaghetti is being advertised as spaghetti, it is obvious its spaghetti and absolutely no-one has ever stated the spaghetti would in fact be a hamburger.

    So according to these people, what is the best thing to do? indeed! complain that the spaghetti doesn't come with a sesame bun.


    You bought an MMO, you cannot solo all content.

    If you wanted a single player game, you should have bought a single player game. If the Single player game you wanted is not available you should not have bought anything at all.


    Want HK-51? Group up for it, as you should.

  6. You play... SWTOR... and you think... TSW... Combat is clunky? At least you're not suffering massive frame rate issues trying to kill bosses.


    A typical fight on my bountyhunter like deck :

    1,1,1,1,1,2,3,1,1,1,1,1,2,3 And victory.

    Against stronger enemies I start off by pressing 4, ill give you that.


    I actually like building my character in TSW a lot more then I like playing it. For me thats an indicator that something is wrong tbh.

    Some characters are designed awesomely (Carter and Kirsten come to mind) while others, well, not so much.

    Same goes for quests. I was surprised about how many people on that zombie island where like : "Yeah, my home got overrun by zombies, my teacher ate my best friends brains but hey, I really want my RC plane back!"


    Its a great game, and I have a lifetime sub at TSW, but for now, SWTOR stays my main game.

  7. You are forgetting an important part : Luke was not a Jedi yet at that point.

    Huh? What?


    Well, what happened earlier in that movie?


    LUKE : "Then I am a Jedi?"


    YODA : "Ohhh. Not yet. One thing remains: Vader. You must confront Vader. Then, only then, a Jedi will you be. And confront him you will."




    That means that Luke was still in training, still in a learning phase. It is here he is reminded about the power of the dark side, and it is here that he casts that power away. Like every Jedi has done before him.

    His fight in the Dark cave and his fight against Darth Vader, those where his failures as a Jedi, not 'successes' as a Sith.

    If that last part where true then Sidious would be a Jedi every time he is not emotional on a subject.

  8. Think that might be due to people playing for free to level 15?


    Its too early to tell, but I agree that the game is shaping up nicely.

    Indeed I have almost all features I wanted when the game launched (where are my extra characterslots grrrrr) and the only way seems up now.

  9. How about a stealth that only happens when a sniper/gunslinger has been in cover for a few seconds without any action that is broken on the first thing they do?


    I don't really think we need it, but I think I would enjoy the ambush element that comes with it...

  10. Sort of. The smuggler is taking down a gangster who fights the Republic and works for the Empire. So yes you are helping the pubs, but no, nothing of galaxy destroying consequences.


    Did not finish the smuggler story did you? ;)

    Act 2 and most of Act 3 are pretty slow, but the speed picks up very drastic near the end. And while I did see SOME of it coming, it was still a nice change of pace.

    And with the right choices very much of 'galaxy destroying consequences' too.

  11. The jedi knight story line has you killing the emperor though....so, if you think about it, shouldn't there not be an emperor since you do kill both revan and malgus in flash points?


    This is the Star Wars universe. No corpse = no kill and in some cases not even the corpse is a guarantee.

    I am fairly sure Malgus and Revan are very much alive, and I am not going to give any spoilers concerning the JK storyline.

  12. Wait? Stimpacks and Medpacks stopped working too?


    Or do Biochems basically still have a once a fight heal skill that other characters have to pay top dime for in consumables?


    Because if that is still the case, would you kindly point me to any other crewskill that has that?

  13. Oh! difficult question.


    I believe that in this Era we are currently in knights/warriors and consulars/inquisitors are fairly evenly matched. But there are also a lot of non-force users that are capable or even pro-efficient in killing jedi/sith.


    Jango Fett did not blink twice when he killed a Jedi, and it took a master to take him down.


    Lore wise a smuggler would probably not even fight a Warrior, Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter or Agent. Even if the Smuggler could kill his opponent easily, it would only attract unwanted attention.

    For the smuggler, lore wise, getting away unscathed is all the victory he/she needs.


    But if it really comes to fighting, it would boil down to individual skill. Any class can take another. Though in general : Force users > non force users.

  14. Well, I know that the smuggler story changes based on your choices.

    And I know that in the Jedi Knight storyline making some choices actually changes the objectives and layout of a later mission, making that instance easier or harder to deal with.


    And I only know about that one because it was explicitly mentioned, so I sought out what would happen if I took the other choice. It was not apparent in game at all that THOSE where the things changed due to my choices.


    So that makes me wonder what else I missed on my characters that I thought would be always the same but where actually influenced by my choices. I'm guessing that some effects can in fact be very drastic, but the notion they are there because of what you did (or not) or said can be very subtle.

  15. And this supposedly OP big, slow pyro, without a gap-closer and with one defensive cooldown cannot be avoided just like ambush?


    Isnt Grapple a gap closer?

  16. He is indeed somewhat of a major character in the EU.


    In KOTOR, A fairly homicidal android appears in a shop on Tatooine and is bought by the player. It turns out it is a one of a kind assassin droid with behavioural issues. This is HK-47. He gets a fairly important plot role but was mainly responsible for comic relief. His absolute disdain for organics (who he called meatbags) and the way he believes most any problem can be solved by explosions gave him some fairly funny dialogue options.


    This HK-51 is a 'copy' of HK-47, including personality.

    So I suppose a lot of players (myself included btw) are really looking forward to adventure once more with our murderous pal.

  17. Important thing to note: A skilled and gifted practitioner, in attempting to absorb a lightsaber, had his heart, a saber's worth of flesh, and part of his spine disintegrated in the process.


    It takes a Mary Sue to turn a "screw you for killing me" technique into "Huh? Oh, yeah, that won't work. Also, unharmed! (But, like, its totally a struggle, so its cool, right?)"


    Not to say that absorbing attacks always (or even necessarily should) hurts you. Corran Horn was mostly unharmed from boiling water and stray blaster bolts (they, if memory served, stung... but left no lasting marks aside from on clothing). Lightsabers are whole other beasts, and should seriously maim or kill anyone who tries to block such a blade with their flesh for ANY appreciable length of time.


    Wait, are we talking about that same cinematic where Malgus got a direct hit from an assault cannon, a grenade and got slammed through a mountain? (And all he got was this lousy respirator?)


    Yeah, I can see how Satele's blocking of a lightsaber is the problem there... :rolleyes:

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