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Posts posted by Ensquire

  1. dont hold your breath.....i SERRRRRIOUSLY DOUBT we will get new voice overs, new class storylines etc.


    they just went f2p, you think they will have the budget, and inclination to spend god knows how much in voice acting ?


    could happen, but more than likely it will not, i expect this game to limp along with mediocre cash store updates until they milk as much as they can to make back their money , then i expect this to go the way of dozens of otehr EA games when they discontinue support 7 months down the line


    They spent your sub money on the tech to make this game Free 2 Play, Expanding to Europe and Asia, and for your $105 (seven months of subs) you got one new flashpoints and an ops and a warzone. That such an incredible value

  2. There are "well over" 500,000 active subscribers right NOW. Most figure that to mean they are down to about 750,000. And it means they've been bleeding subs as badly as many of us thought. My guesses were in the 750,000 in a worse case scenario, and that seems to be the case. And in truth, if that many are subscribed, that many are not still playing, which hints at even more losses over the next four months. If the trend continued, this game would be stuck with numbers tipping into Warhammer territory.


    But we are basically on the same page. The 6 month subs are about to expire. The conversion will let them cover for losing so many people in year 1.


    A loss of 1 million subscribers in Six months... That number is staggering

  3. Really? in lotro as a creep player you can buy all of your skills straight up. That isn't p2w? Really? as a freep player you can buy permanent stat increases and buy damage increase and damage reduction scrolls along with health potions that are far superior to anything obtainable in game. They also started selling stat gear that is better than anything crafted or dropped at an equivalent level. And it isn't pay to win? Lots of people left lotro cause of f2p because the store became the sole focus of the game just like what will happen here. How do you think they are going to make up the lost revenue of people dropping their subs to play for "free"? by getting them to spend as much as possible in their cash shop by any means possible.


    DDO you can buy stat increases as well, it creates huge disadvantage in PvP

  4. Actually I think they hired more as they expanded really fast. We will never see another wow subscriber base.. wow is a once in a life time success.


    Though they did just layoff 600 people even with record profits.. So layoffs are away of life if you work for gaming companies. If we get down to 50 devs then I will worry..


    Look what Vanguard did with a team of 12 people the past 3 years.. Yea nothing every month but they did pretty good with what they had. Currently Vanguard has great pve too.


    Once companies get past the release window and fixing bugs they get more focused, they know what work and can pump out content. I have worked with the hero engine and you can produce stuff fast one you get your pipeline in place and all the bugs out.


    so here's to hoping they are focused and the team starts shining now that they have a direction and know what we want as players.


    I really don't think its a once in a lifetime thing, I think if developers are bold and try new formulas they can hook a player base.


    TOR unforgivably didn't try anything new and didn't learn from other games past mistakes


    Had the endgame been more fleshed out, and the developers tried to implemented new game-play avenues, this game would have been more successful in keeping its player base satisfied.


    Bioware copied a wow formula that been beaten to death and added dialog, expecting the SW IP to do most of the work for them as a result everyone got bored and unsubbed

  5. I agree, also it been 8 months and there is nothing in the vendors that is new for VIP or Collectors edition holder. Bioware are happy to take peoples money but give them nothing in return, people have gone to jail for such scams


    This is so true, and this is one of the many examples this game garnishes resentment from its playerbase

  6. Somebody needs to be held accountable for this failure. F2P is simply an admission of a lack of leadership in my opinion. There are two options to attract new subscriptions: Make the game better or make it free. The first option requires work the other not much at all.


    As a subscriber that anxiously waited for this to drop for years, then relished in the release only to see it turn out like this, I'm disgusted. I'm sick of the lack of communication, the firings, the empty promises, and the overall lack of leadership from a development team that seems to be fleeing or being fired quarterly. Does anybody own this mess? Where are the fingers being pointed? Does anyone feel this is how it should have turned out? 6 months into release and you're giving it away?


    Somebody please stand up and take charge or walk away and let another person do it. This is a mess. How can you destroy something with the SW logo on it?


    The accountability is in EA stock


    EA stock is near rock bottom, this game and its performance has had a direct influence on that drop.

    Before you suggest to me that EA thinks this game is only .5% of its projected profit, guess what If i was in charge and my prize pony was coming in last place, I'd tell you the same thing, that horse was lame and I never expected it to win anyways


    Investors have been following this game and EA knows it, that's why they are trying to play it off like its nothing

  7. is this EA Louse? yeah no...




    not to mention he was still wrong about a great many things about SWTOR.


    Here is a quote from the upper management trashing a laid off employee in your article


    "He also expressed frustration with the way many people in the industry think that their ideas and opinions are better than those of the people who are actually in charge of a project"


    Those guys in charge basically copied wow and threw a Star wars sticker on it, and added some voice overs


    Great ideas :D

  8. Yes i do.i also wonder if they had over 300 staff like swtor did right before release or is it a staff alot smaller in size. Most aaa games up the staff right before release to make deadline.. even if they do they are the 1% that doesnt downsize. But i would put money they will downsize some in 6 months after release. Swtor still has close to 200 pwople on the team. That makes it one of the largest dev team in mmos still.


    People are acting like we are down to 30 developers lol


    I don't think blizzard did any layoff when WoW was launched, at least not less then a year after launch

  9. It makes perfect sense.


    Remember all that Soon garbage they were talking about. The stuff they were working on with your sub money. They held it all back so they can use it to get the F2P players to spend money.


    Basically they used you to make a game for freemiums. The removed stuff from beta should make an appearance again soon also.


    As for the less workers? well they have enough stuff for the freemiums for a while since you paid them to work on it, so now they dont need them because all the new content will be pink saber unicorns and ewok pets.


    Don't forget that your sub money went to expanding into Europe and Asia as well

  10. Not me and anyone who does isn't to smart. They are setting this up like LOTRO did it and it worked great.


    We get more content quicker.. everyone wins..


    They had 1.7 million subscribers and they couldn't get out content at a good speed

    They've laid off half there staff, explain to me how you expect them to come out with content at a faster pace

  11. Please note the fine print for those CE owners (and everything else related to the Cartel it seems). Reading through EA's word-games it seems like you have to be a CE owner and have an active subscription at the time it hits F2P. So those with the CE but who cancelled their subscription prior to this supposed F2P-launch at some undetermined time in a galaxy far far away will get nothing...


    ...kinda like what they gave us in the past... nothing. Empty promises and word-games.


    This is so true, the guys who've been doing the press release's up until now are so full of bantha poodoo, they are full of hype and drop the ball at every moment

  12. But again... you despise "pay2win" over "pay2play"? What's the difference?

    If you are willing to pay to play, why not pay to "have access to all the game" (what you call pay to win over totally non proven facts)


    EA has a track record of p!ssing all over its player base and customers and squeezing them for all they are worth then squeezing that p!ss all over them again. EA is like cancer, i don't think cancer can improve this game overall.

  13. They were after your money when it was P2P as well.


    Except then they could get lazy and not release any content and in effect making it so you are paying for nothing but access to a game that you already bought.


    I agree with you, as Developers go, they were incredibly arrogant and didn't listen to the community at all. They dug their own grave with this. The worst part about this paying customers payed for expansions to europe and asia. As a paying customer you also payed to help Bioware pay for this free 2 play model rather then new content.

  14. This changes nothing for subscribers, besides the fact that this secures more revenues for EA/Bioware.


    So I really don't see why someone whould unsub over that.


    This changes everything... EA will makes this pay 2 win, because bottom line EA about money. Content is not going to come any faster

  15. Not sure if you realize but the report you quoted is from May 7th. So it makes sense for them to report the subscription numbers for the end of April. At 5pm EST today there will be a new quarterly report released that will likely contain more current numbers.


    Ty my bad,I jumped the gun, typically they put a date in italics next to the PDA, this one didn't so I assumed that the one i selected out was current as of today

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