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Posts posted by Shelhed

  1. When we get past player 6, the players enter and are at the speeder of a cleared instance instead of at the beginning of eternity vault. We cleared on normal, and with same group leader reset and switched to hard, we entered and it was cleared. Had someone not with us on normal create the group, went in 1 by 1, and 3 times in a row players 7 and 8 entered a cleared instance. We rotated different players, ddn't matter who it was. Another guild was outside the instance also having issues which sounded just like this. All 8 players checked their lockouts and hard mode EV was available. We tried logging out of game and coming back in, no change.


    Methinks when they fixed ops to not allow more than 16 players they f'd something up here. I entered a ticket.


  2. I actually guilted my guildies into MVP voting for me today, i was the only healer for several matches in a row (across both sides in fact). It's not very rewarding, my heal casts are long and people constantly LOS me, in huttbal i swear every game i am missing people from my raid frames, the dps kick me ***** if i don't get to cover double time (and i think they know me as the healer now because its all one server, they know who i am now). And then, the lack of medals for objectives or clutch heals. I respecced into a hybrid gunnery/medic spec and had more fun being able to grav bomb people.
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