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Posts posted by aryouStupid

  1. I'm looking for this info, too. Being a late night player, I like to know more than 15 minutes before.


    When you load your launcher it always tells you when their is maintenance that day. So if you just login and hit play without reading you will only have a 15 minute notice. But if you read the maintenance report you will see when they will be shutting down the servers.

  2. It depends on how much time you spend on it and with how many characters. If you complete all the missions and Operation Boss (Xenoanalyst II) with about 3-4 characters you can get enough reputation items to get to Legend rank in about 5 days. If you only have one character, you may need to join the event twice or thrice (you'd need 2-3 weeks). Of course, a completely different matter is the acquisition of the reputation items, some of which (weapons and the vehicle) require a special currency you obtain from some of the missions and by killing the Xenoanalyst II: depending on how many of those you want to purchase, you'd have to play more or less.


    No you can't get to Legend in 5 days. You can only get 12000 (13410 if you use items correctly) rep points a week. So if you are just starting you can't even get to Friend in the first week. It takes 6 weeks of the event to get to Legend no matter how many characters you use to get there.

  3. Not an exploit. Please refer to the other 3,000 times that has been pointed out.


    You know why they said it wasn't an exploit? Because they would have had to ban over 50% of the game population for exploiting the game. And they were not willing to do that so they said it wasn't an exploit and just removed the bolster this weekend instead.

  4. I just really wish BioWare would really tell us why they are taking out the bolster so everyone can stop whining why it went away. It sucks that I cannot level my toons on Ilum anymore but I will just get the exp from somewhere else. IMO I don't believe it was because of the whiners. People cry about this game all the time and BioWare does nothing about it. I think it was because BioWare didn't want 500 people on Ilum sitting at a pylon farming all day in groups of 24. They actually want you to experience the game and actually go from planet to planet doing missions. But for what ever reason they did change it everyone needs to stop whining about it because there is nothing we can do about it now.
  5. One question I did not find answer for: is BW guaranteeing that all people from origin servers will be able to move to the same destination server? Destination server has its maximum capacity, so in theory it may happen that for example after a week of transfers it gets full, with some people (lets say the unlucky half of the guild :) still waiting to transfer. Then the real *****storm will start :)


    If BW is smart they do 1-2 servers at a time. Cause then if even every character transfers to the same server most likely it will not be full, especially since over half of the people on your server are probably unsubbed anway and most servers dont have enough active accounts to overpopulate 1 server.

  6. Its completely unequal treatment that only one portion of the community is gaurenteed to get a free transfer. Please learn to read.


    There only doing server transfers to boost population not to accommodate someone who chose to to play on a server type they no longer like. So if you want to change server types you do the same thing everyone will have to do, pay to transfer servers or start new characters on the server type you want and please suck it up since you made the bad decision to get on a server type you don't like anymore.

  7. If you read what bio-ware stated about the free transfers in early summer it will be only to specific servers. And if you want to go to any other servers you will have to pay for it. So you will get a selection of X amount of servers to choose from and hopefully one will work out for you. In the mean time early summer is still a month and a half away. How many people does the game lose until then? The game is already pretty much dead on my server, 52 people on the fleet at 6:00 pm on a Saturday. My guild tried to get 1 healer to run an 8 man HM Op and were unsuccessful for 45 minutes to even get a response from anyone. I constantly see people spamming for 30 minutes to an hour for people they need for FP/Ops and usually come up unsuccessful. IMO this free transfer is going to just make people rage quit the game forever and they are going to end up killing the game completely (if they haven't already.) I vote for a complete restructure of the Bio-Ware staff because they have done nothing but make bad decisions since the release of the game.
  8. From what i gather you sit on your *** all day at a 9-5 job so you can stay up till midnight playing video games....some of us do real work and need rest.


    Haha. You make me laugh with your real work. Cause you know what my job is and it is obviously not real work. I bet you gave yourself a pat on the back after posting this!


    And by the way I get 7 hours of sleep a night for my "not-real" job as you call it.

  9. Seeing some binary thinking here. Either you're took it easy, or you rushed and have a level 50. Getting to level 50 is just something that happens mid-way through act 3, assuming you've been going steadily. Simply sticking to a character is all it takes, and although SWTOR might have a lot of incentives for alts, I'm fairly sure playing characters through to the end of their story was something the devs wanted folk to do.


    Agreed. I too think they wanted you to finish a storyline before going on to the next. And to all those who paid for a 6-month sub before knowing what the game was like just astonishes me. It's like paying for a car before test driving it.

  10. As long as we are making sweeping generalization based on one forum post, I say that if you work 40 hours a week and have a 1 year old son but still have 3 hours every weekday to play and 8 hours on the weekend, your house is probably a disaster and you aren't the one "taking care" of your son. :) I play as often as I can, between my job and my real life duties, which include helping out with a baby, which takes up enough time just helping that I don't have ANY time on the weekend to play. Also, I play on alts because I am interested in all the different stories, I craft and play with the market, and I play on the test server a great deal of time.


    I am home from work at 5 pm. I take care of my son until 8:30 pm - 9:00 pm when he goes to bed. and then I play afterwards. I am usually on from 9pm till midnight playing. And if you don't destroy your house in the first place it wont be a disaster. I can clean up my son's mess in about 20 minutes and if you can read you would see the part where I said if I am lucky I get 6-8 hours on Saturday or Sunday to play.


    So what I gather from your post is you treat your house like crap, your kids are up till midnight and you never have time away from them, and if you have more than 1 hour a day to play you dont take care of your kids.

  11. If you don't have a level 50 by now you haven't been playing very often. I have 2 level 50s that took me 3 weeks each to get to 50 and 3-4 more alts to 30+. And dont say its because I dont have a life. I worked 40 hours a week monday through friday and have a 1 year old son I take care of too. I get about 2-3 hours monday through friday to play and if i am lucky i get 6-8 hours either saturday or sunday to play. Most likely you paid for 6 months in advance and stopped playing like everyone else and that is why you arent 50 yet.


    Man I cant stand leveling my alts because you end up doing the same dang quests over and over again. It is so boring. The only reason I do is because of the thought of having that character level 50 would be awesome.

  12. no cross server pvp

    no server merges

    no char transfers



    -officially unsubbed praying GW2 will be pvp based game instead of an RP game


    All of these points are great and need to be top priority for Bio-Ware to keep subscribers, but it is not worth quitting over. 1.2 was the patch to bring the game up to where it should have been at launch. The next patches are the ones to be watching for.


    BW is hoping that with 1.2 being released it will populate the servers enough where they wont have to touch on any of the subjects for a while. But when people start leaving again they will have to start merging servers and set up cross server queuing for PVP.

  13. You realize the longer they take the more people lost? Majority of the servers lost 50%+ of their population or people re-rolled fatman. So, I hope they don't take as long as they want because I don't want to play alone.


    What is eventually going to happen is the servers are going to get so unpopulated or never go up the way they plan and they will be forced to lose everyone or merge servers. And I don't think they are willing to lose everyone. So watch for server merges in the future because even with the few people 1.2 will bring back it still won't bring enough back to make much of a difference. Most people who come back are gonna find the one or two flaws with the new patch and just turn around and leave again. People expected this game to be better than WoW on release and it will never live up to their expectations until it is. They don't want to wait it out for the developers to do what they can do to bring more content and fix bugs. They want it now or they will just leave and play something else.

  14. For FREE? How about for 15 bux a month. None of this is free. It costs time, it costs money, I have hours invested I'll never get back, and I'm paying them for the privilege. I have EVERY right as a consumer to complain when they let me down, and yes, I'll still have that right after the patch comes out and I want more. That's how it works.


    Nobody here is stupid just because you disagree with their opinion. Gaming is a business. They produce a product, we give them money for it. They're still getting our money, we're not getting the product. This is a broken model and everyone complaining has every right to complain.




    You know what other right you have as a consumer. To stop paying for something that doesn't meet your standards and expectations. No one is forcing you to pay $15 a month. Would you continue going to a restaurant that doesn't meet your standards and serves bad food? No you would go to another one. So if you are never gonna be happy with this game please leave and play another one. We don't want whiners like you around here. And if you are gonna stay then please be quiet and let the company run their business the way they want.

  15. This is exactly the problem. Exactly *** does close mean? Instead of just giving us a date, they give us "close" which means they pretty much have as much wiggle room as they want. Just the same **** wrapped differently.


    Close means stop worrying about it and play the game. Everyone is so uptight about when 1.2 is going to be released. It will be released when they think it is ready to be released with the fewest bugs as possible. They aren't going to release the patch if nothing works. That would make them lose more people than they already have. Bioware needs this patch to be damn near perfect on release so they can bring people back to the game. Not lose more. And they are never going to give a release date until they are 99.9% the patch is ready. Most likely it will be 3-4 days before it goes live.


    If you are still complaining that they haven't given us a release date must have never played any MMOs because most major patches like this don't get release dates till they are ready for release because if they say "1.2 release date is April 17, 2012" and then it isn't ready for release April 17, 2012 they look like idiots and continue to lose more people because it looks like they can't deliver on what they promise.


    I am personally glad they aren't caving in and giving a release date because they caved in and released the game way before they should have because of all the whining about when the game would be released. And look what happened there! In just under 4 months of release they lost over 50% of their server traffic because of poor design and structure. So I hope they take as long as they need to make this release the best possible release they can.

  16. haha good one man but wow is just too complex and a pure work of art to ever be killed by a fundamentally flawed game like this. story is nice and all but bioware focused too much on that and not enough on combat or what PLAYERS want and they can and will NOT ever admit they failed on this game.

    WoW is simply too well connected to its gamers and they are honest with us about there mistakes as ghostcrawler ofter admits and owns up to things.

    bioware simply does not know what they are doing and have never proven themselves. they would have been better off copying everything that WoW did lol.

    just look how low the server numbers are at peak times. the combat is simply boring, and after you play through all the stories that is all you have.


    WoW was the exact same way with content when it first came out. I do believe this is a desperate attempt on their part to get more active players since they lost so many from the beginning, but the game hasnt even been out a year yet and everyone wants it to be as good as WoW is 8 years later. Give it time people. Yes there are a lot of flaws to the game, but every MMO starts off with them. We will just have to wait and see where it goes from here. I hope for the best everyday.


    It would be nice to see Bioware stop trying to get new players to join and just fix the game for the loyal ones who are still playing.

  17. How it this any different than having a Razor Naga mouse with 14 additional mouse buttons? Left click on the frame, thumb button your heal. Either way, it's 1-handed healing.




    The whole charm of clicking then healing is mistargeting? Really? In that case, I guess we should remove tab targeting from the game and force DPS to click on their desired target and also make them lose their target after every ability used. That would introduce the charm of mistargeting to DPS; sounds charming, right?




    Cause auto-targeting is really what people are asking for, amirite? Hell, I'm sure most people in support of mouseover healing would be against auto-targeting. That would be the most boring gameplay I could ever imagine...




    There's no reason why click-to-cast has to be designed through macros. There could easily be a feature within the UI to toggle click-to-cast for individual abilities on the action bar, no macros required.




    Yeah, I responded to an old post, but this post annoyed me each time I opened this thread.


    You don't lose your target after every cast. You just have to select another player from your ops list or party list and cast on them if they need a heal. And when you are healing in a group you have a list of players you can click on. When you are DPS and there are 20 creatures surrounding you good luck trying to find out which one has the lowest health so you don't split the DPS. Try tab targeting players and healing at the same time.


    I get that Mouse over healing would be great for healers because it makes their lives easier, but this is not a necessity. All it does it save you from clicking every 2 seconds and your finger getting burnt out from clicking so much.


    Don't get me wrong this is something I would like to see down the line, but I think there are way more important things they need fix and update before they even touch on this subject.

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