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Posts posted by Murkethdum

  1. I agree having healed on my sorc from level 10 back in early access I was utterly bewildered with the changes made to an already medium par healing class yet again it seems the cries from pvp were heard having luckily had an ia level 50 im currently healing for my guild on the new op on that but having sat my sorc on a shelf until the day something is done is not what i first played the game for theres nerfing and then theres a massacre.


    But as they say or im sure the trollers will "deal with it"

  2. Have to sadly agree with all of the above theres nerfing things and then theres 1.2 - as im mainly pve biased and being the strongest healer in our guild I was aware of the situation being brought but putting it into practice is a whole new ball game as mentioned above dark infusion now back above 2 secs no free consumption without losing health and dark heal that just makes me laugh as GM of our guild I have to now consider whether I want to invest more time in re-rolling or seriously think of calling it a day.


    With the constant nerf of classes to supposedly "balance" pvp and admitting it isnt working it would suggest in all fairness the majority of your developers clearly dont know what they are doing and Im not one to rant but for the time and money the "subscriber" puts in you guys at bioware need to take a reality check and stop lining your pockets.

  3. Yeah whine whine, i got my codes last week for the pre order because the CE codes could not be send anyfaster, although i placed the order on day 1.


    150 Euro and i get to wait another couple of days.


    Thx EA for also screwing Bioware, after you Took Westwood, Bullfrog and Mythic to screw them up.


    Its early access not release if and when you get in feel priveleged for once in your life ordering CE edition doesnt put you above the rest of the people here I myself got collectors edition on aug 8th when i get in I get in in the mean time i speak to ppl on forums about their expectations and goals.

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