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Posts posted by georgemcfly

  1. Fact: Lots of people do not think SWTOR is a proper MMO


    Fact: SWTOR has 8 different stories, well worth the 60 dollar box


    Okay, so let's not argue about weather or not SWTOR is an MMORPG, a Co-Op Game, a Single Player game, etc.; let's just face the facts, that SWTOR feels like different genres, to different people. I ask that you respect the opinion, and perspective of all parties involved, if you post in this Thread


    With that in mind, let's consider what's realistic in terms of payment options. Most people aren't going to pay 15 dollars a month for something they consider to be a Single Player game. The rest, who consider this game an MMO, probably don't mind the pay-to-play model. That's why I think SWTOR should have different payment models:


    Plan A (The new one) — 60 Dollars for the box/CD Key, and you can play the game to your heart's content, on a PvE Server; but you cannot join or create groups, participate in PvP - Warzones or otherwise, and just in general, be excluded from all of SWTOR's "MMO Features". But you can play through every Story that interests you


    Plan B (The current one) — 60 Dollars for the box/CD Key, plus 15 Dollars a month, and you can play the game to your heart's content; in the same exact way as we all can right now


    This is a win/win situation, for everyone. I don't think SWTOR is an MMO, so I won't pay 15 dollars a month for it, unless major changes are made; but I still like the stories, just like most other BioWare stories, and I consider that content worth the 60 dollar box. Those of you who do think SWTOR is an MMO can keep paying 15 dollars a month, for all of the game's "MMO Features".


    TL;DR, I think this game should be free to play for the stories, but pay to play for MMO Features; what do you think?


    Dude, can you tell me next weeks lottery numbers?


    This guy hit it spot on.

  2. First off -


    Being in the lowbie bracket, make sure that you gear is fairly up to par. Bolstering depends on gear.


    Second, could you explain how you are healing? I realize you are still a relatively low level, so you might not have all of your spells yet. How are your points distributed within the seer tree? Give some details and hopefully I can help.


    Your tree should look something like:



    Since you are mainly playing PVP you might want to wait to put the 2 points into telekinetic tree until you get Salvation, and put those 2 points into resplendence. Then at level 40 put that point into salvation, and you are money.


    Salvation is HUGE in pvp and you should probably wait a few levels before you get discouraged.

  3. Why is it when anyone suggests they might unsubscribe, everyone calls it a rage quit? If I decided to cancel my cable because they service sucked, no one would accuse me of rage quitting. It's like this weird MMO cult where anyone who suggests they might leave is shamed and insulted.


    I did unsubscribe, and this was one of my issues. I have several others, primarily the lack of communication and explanation from the developers over what they've done and not done with our class. Everyone else gets these answers.


    But I have 95 days of play time left. It's not rage quitting. It's sending them a message. They have to earn my money back.


    Your analogy isnt even an analogy. People aren't making forum rants or public displays when they switch from cable to dsl. They just do it.


    It seems like this whole thing is crazy. I don't see how someone could spend so much effort on their characters looks, but probably only spends 15 minutes getting dressed in real life.

  4. No kidding. Why aren't there more threads about the need to support developing economies, dissipating clean water supplies, or the absence of basic medical care in many parts of the world? Oh right, this is a PvP forum about a video game.


    I know this will show that my life is dull, but dude, you just made my day.

  5. I think the problem the OP is posting has to do with a lack of monetary policy. Since there is essentially an infinite money supply, it will be quite inflationary. The rarer credits are, the more they are worth. Since there will be an infinite amount of credits, they lose their value. It is simple macroeconomics.


    Their in-game solutions to take money out of the money supply usually are bunk (mounts, repairs, etc) as by end game those only usually take small percentages out.


    There is no real way around it unless the devs state that (random figure) 50,000,000 credits are in the money supply per server..then you would probably run into welfare/redistribution of wealth arguments.

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