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Posts posted by FinalFortune

  1. I really dont like the story as a non force user. I wont go into spoilers here, but every story aspect in KOTET is made to cater to a force user. I cant connect to the story as my BH at all, it makes no sence. For my JK it is the opposite, then the story feels right at home. But why make a story, that only really makes sence to force users? and why am I forced to that ending?


    and the new RNG loot system....OMG its bad :eek:

  2. So I´m a bit confused by the new reward system for the next expansion. So what happes to your green, blue and purple data crystals? they get removed? I have a 1000 green data crystals on my newly geared 65 and wont play her for a while. So would it be wise to blow em all on som 208 gear or just wait?


    thanks in advance


  3. Hi


    As the title says, I´m looking for Primary Dark Gray Dye. Been looking at the GTN for 2 weeks now and no luck. So if someone out there has it and would like to sell it, please do so :)


    You can mail me ingame for selling price or just send it COD with a price you find reasonable. If I agree, ill buy it.


    Thanks in advance

    Xolar (indgame name)

  4. I play a Guardian with the Vigilance talent tree. The ability "Vigilant Thrust" makes a very bright white light on the entire monitor when used. I have to either look away or close my eyes because of this. People with epilepsi can get attacks with this ability (I dont have epilepsi though). Is there some way of turning down this flashbang of a skill?


    The Vigilance is my favorite Guardian tree. But I may have to use fokus og just ignore on of the main abilities in that tree.


    Am I the only one that have this problem with that specific skill? :confused:


    Best regards


  5. DPS Sages/Sorcerers have the highest skill cap of all classes, that combined with poor burst and no real defensive CD, it does not change the fact that every other DPS class offer more to the table. PvP is pretty much all about burst dmg. PvE is a whole other senario though.
  6. Hi PvP board


    I´m sure many of you guys have seen Sages/Sorcerers do great dmg on the scoreboard after a WZ, we all have. But that's the biggest illusion of any PvP in any MMORPG. It´s so easy to put dots on everyone and achieve those great dmg numbers. But the truth is that the dmg is almost worthless. Dots ads no pressure what so ever to the enemy team, pressure comes from burst dmg! Sages/Sorcerers don´t have any burst dmg. In ranked WZ you can be sure that there is an operative/smuggler that put Hots on everyone and by far override the dmg of the dots. So basically the vast majority of the Sages/Sorcerers dmg is almost useless.


    Please tell me this dear Devs, why on earth should my team bring a Sages/Sorcerers as DPS, when every other class brings hell of a lot more burst dmg to the table? that combined with Sages/Sorcerers being the most squishy class, it just doesn't make any sense to me.


    It´s normal that glass cannons do great dmg (burst) and the tradeoff is them being squishy. That's something you Devs have completely misunderstood. You made Sages/Sorcerers both lack in burst dmg and gave them no proper defensive CDs.


    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out, that something is terribly wrong here. And for you guys wanting to know, my main is a sawbones smuggler.

  7. This is reminiscent of the Carolina Parakeet spec from pre-1.2. That spec allowed the PT a high amount of burst in Ion Cylinder. That spec was broken, however, when Prototype Power Cylinder required Combustible Gas Cylinder to proc the refresh on Rail Shot.


    With that said, this spec will not work. You will not have the taking benefits from the Shield tree which require Ion Cylinder stance; if you are, you will not have the DPS benefits of the talents from the Pyro tree which require Combustible Gas Cylinder.


    In short, you need to choose which stance to be in: Ion or Combustible and build a tree from there.


    Ok thanks mate for clearing that up :)

  8. 1.4 do help a tiny bit, but not more. yeah we can a little better escape now, but we are still no real threat because lack of burst. And when we get hit for 5k+ dmg, the lower speed CD wont help much. This is not 1vs1, where it indeed is nice. But for group play we still drop like flies and cant be a real threat with no burst dmg :(


    I know Sorcs/sages can get high dmg numbers in total, but putting dots on everyone is not a threat for the enemy team at all.


    Healing sorcs/sages got a nice lillte bufff.....but hey a lot of us want to play dmg, not healing.

  9. Played a WZ and despite my healing and dmg I did not get a single medal.... anyone else experinced that? and no its not because i leeched the WZ.
  10. Edit because of people trying to be cute. With out the starwars name and such is this a good MMO?

    You know wear I am going with this it is a valid question. If this was a MMO with out the star wars franchise on the label would you be playing it.


    I would have to say nope no way.


    Well i have cancelled my sub, but i might come back later and thats only because its a Starwars game

  11. Here's what I don't understand - why has Bioware created a situation on PVP servers where griefing and ganking by level 50s is encouraged, but fair fights against players of relative equal level are not?


    Here's where I'm coming from. I was a Warhammer Online fan for quite some time and loved the system in that game. Higher level characters who tried to sneak into lower level areas were turned into chickens - making it pointless to have fun by being an sociopathic ganker. Meanwhile, quests and objectives were designed to put you straight in the path of enemy players your own level. In other words, open world PVP still offered great fights and challenge because you were rewarded for fair competition and punished for being a rectumclown.



    I now play on Jung Ma and on some planets can't even get out of the spaceport without taking a saber to the back. Meanwhile, I can count the times I've dueled with players my own level. In other words, playing on a PVP server is pointless and aggravating, and the fact that Imperials have the most gankers makes the balance situation even worse.


    Yes, I know I can just quit a PVP server but this is where most of my long-term gaming buddies are playing. Yes, I know I can suck it up. But here's the thing - it's 2012, not the Ultima Online era. Bioware should take what worked from Warhammer and apply it to this game.


    Because the engine can´t handle more than 10 vs 10 in world pvp, with out the game screams "More coffee!, I can´t handle that much"

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