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Posts posted by Outtkast

  1. Battle focus? Really? I don't think I ever used that skill as a tank. Ever. But I'll check and see how it goes!


    I use battle focus on CD always. It is a great threat boost. I find that when I don't pop it is when the DPS creep up on me. I was avoiding taunt because I was unaware that it upped your threat permanently. I will def work that in now.

  2. Tons of that stuff should have been in the game already, like the new legacy system, the UI mods, the appearance mod. but if your happy with them throwing you things that should already be in the game and telling you to wait till april thats fine I will keep laughing at the lack of content the game launched with and the fact people are happy its being added slowly over the course of years


    This makes no sense. A MMO has to launch at a certain level. The product they launched with isn't a flawed or lacking product. Was it 100% ideal for everyone everywhere, no. Nothing will ever be that. I think it's great that they have worked hard to get these features out quickly and I hope they keep this level of dedication to listening to the community and providing fixes that the **majority** of players want.

  3. In this game there are a lot of mobs that can be burned down quickly, standard type, just scream around them, stun them then get the. It ones attention (elite or champion). Use guard on healer or troublesome DPS that keeps pulling.


    Overall know the mechanics of the fight, your job is to help control mobs, keep them in a certain area, not killing healers DPS. One final note, it's ok to let a DPS die, don't always let them die, but if they get stupid let them die and pick them up after. Once you res them, politely remind them what they did wrong then carry on. If it comes down to it always save your healer, they keep you alive.


    Remember it's a group work together and talk to each other, especially your healer. Have them let you know I your taking too much damage, that lets you know to use CD more.



    Last piece of advice, if you die with a CD available you aren't doing your job. Remember CD are to save your hide, use them. Have fun!

  4. Don't force leap in, run in. You'll focus starved for a second, but he always throws you out before his super charge ability. force leap interrupts all actions, it will interrupt the. Cast, that saves your kick or surpress to stop anything else. It might be close a time or two, but force leap was always available as long as I didn't open with it.


    Watching interrupts I didn't even have to use call on the force or a med pack. Just watch the interrupts and should be good.

  5. Somehow makes me feel better to know that I'm not alone in the ordered on 7/21 and didn't get in on 1st wave.


    Would be awesome of BioWare to say "Hey we'll do the next wave between 2-5 hours from now, nothing definate, but that's the plan." Right now we're all just waiting and hoping something happens. I feel like they are stringing us along. I really wish they would have sent out the 1st wave emails last night. like they didn't know the numbers getting in this morning at 7AM.

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