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Posts posted by Seyyah



    ?? Slingers?? Oper?? Merc?? All tech classes have the same energy management. And AP energy management is currently faceroll easy. Add two more drifting filler and you will have a much harder time... But i guess reducing Explosive Dart cost to 10 or 7 would be needed to make it work.


    i have one of each at max level... given the fact that each one of them is dependant on energy management they are NO WAY near as challenging as a PT...


    Dont get me wrong i am not saying PT is extra hard... its just with the classes you mentioned i NEVER EVER EVER run into heat/energy issues whereas my PT CAN run into it if the fight extends for too long...


    making heat management any harder will also have a very negative impact on PvE side of the game which will be an unpleasent experience.


    just my 2 cents...

  2. not that i am saying PTs are bad... or Juggernaut... or even marauder (to some extent)


    But while talking of MOBILITY and HUGE burst... have you ever seen a concealment operative? Deception assassin? bursting you down with like 3 buttons? and rolling/phasing away like nothing happened?


    Yes there is a huge class balance issue in this game... thats a given...


    But the main problem is not the dps burst or mobility actually (yes there are some skills in some classes that do astonishing amount of damage)... with the latest state of healers the brokenly OP classes became even more unbareable...


    (not to mention two of those broken op classes are healers themselves as well)

  3. Well here is a feedback...


    I have 14 60+ characters, most of them already 65 and reasonably geared...so i have all the buffs... have most of the datacrons... fully augmented gear etc...


    I am first and foremost a PvPer... and i enjoy occasional PvE...


    Now most of the things people claim undoable i can do it... For the simple fact that i have the muscle memory (if not the reflexes due to my age) for intense fights, depending only on my own skill, due to constant PvP (you dont get to have a pocket healer or a tank in there everytime you want to)... So even when i dont need to, i use taunts or defensive cooldowns in fights, try to stay always mobile, even when i dont neccesarily need to... Because that is imprinted on my muscle memory...


    So the latest patch did not change much in my life...


    it just made PvE a more futile effort and a huge senseless time sink... with minimal rewards in return... so why bother?


    THIS is the only feedback you need... if this makes me uncomfortable, imagine how it would effect people who casually play this game focused on PvE content and storyline feel... How would a new player feel not having all the legacy unlocks and other bonuses that i have accumulated in years?


    I do not log in to game since the day you dropped the patch or will not resub for the simple fact that.; if you guys did pull a knee jerk stunt like this in an area i participate seldomly, there is a strong chance that you WILL do it in an area i spend most of my time in the future...


    So i decided to support the players who play the game different than i do... and will stand by them...


    All and all i think this was a poorly coordinated failure in so many levels on your part... If they were so OP you shouldnt have released them... If you wanted a challenge you could cancel few abilities or passive the companion... if you think they were breaking the OWPvP you could have implemented a failsafe that unsommons the companion as soon as you engage OWPvP / Duel (like we have in FPs)...


    You just twisted the arm of many people for a non existent issue, instead of trying to fix actual and more urgent bugs...


    As a resume, all the feedback you need is out there... IF you want to see it...

  4. They probably didn't think about it to be honest. This is an amateur developer with MMO's, that is pretty apparent. They may now be thinking of it, but like you said, the damage is already done.


    Being new to a genre is no excuse after having done the job for over 3 years, and especially if you get paid for your product... in a monthly basis...


    It can be a little bit harsh but well... i wouldnt keep my own job if i hadnt learnt at least the fundementals of it after 3 years...


    would you?

  5. i too, can do people claim to be undoable with almost all my chars...


    But that does not change the fact that this is a poor execution on Bioware!s part on ALL levels... Because all this was done to balance out the negative effect of "level sync"... which is by nature is cancelling someones "entitlement" of being better than the environment...


    The herdest thing to do in every business model (or even life) is taking back the rights you ve given to the people...


    And 1 month later you just went ahead and do the same to fix the previous one...


    So that tells me you have no testers, and no appreciation to your customers/playerbase...


    So even tho you (or maybe even I) find a companion nerf is in order, this kind of execution is going to take its toll on this game...


    As i see it this nerf came down mainly because people were not able to kill each other in PvP servers when they are engaging in open world PvP right? I am a PVPer... i do PvP with most of my time in game and frankly i would like to be judged by my own performance... That is given...


    So was it so hard to make a failsafe switch like dismissing your companion when you engage a pvp duel / skirmish etc... as soon as you attack someone yours and his companion switches off... like in a 4 man flashpoint... when you have 4th person in your group the companion goes away...


    Was it so hard to do? Wouldnt it be more middle ground for everyone?


    but oh no... nerfing something by an extreme measure is much more fun or something right Bioware?

  6. The fact that you are completely ignoring the other thread out there wityh 100+ pages and more than 1370+ posts and see your own creation as a "replacement official feedback" thread is baffling...


    Apart from that i respect your experience... i too, can do people claim to be undoable with almost all my chars...


    But that does not change the fact that this is a poor execution on Bioware!s part on ALL levels... Because all this was done to balance out the negative effect of "level sync"... which is by nature is cancelling someones "entitlement" of being better than the environment...


    The herdest thing to do in every business model (or even life) is taking back the rights you ve given to the people...


    And 1 month later you just went ahead and do the same to fix the previous one...


    So that tells me you have no testers, and no appreciation to your customers/playerbase...


    So even tho you (or maybe even I) find a companion nerf is in order, this kind of execution is going to take its toll on this game...

  7. i made a video during those times, where i place first in damage and KB's (last in objectives) where I replaced every single ability and i mean ALL OF THEM with tracer missile. 0 deaths, 19 kbs. T-T-T-TRACER MISSILE!


    Aaah... i remember you... you re that delusional guy who every now and then comes here and insult people with your "l2p" posts...


    well i could kill mercs/mandos back when you did that video easily... its a tad bit easier now...

  8. Next patch please give operatives an interplanetary / crossinstance roll....


    roll... yep i am in Yavin 4... sod it roll... fleet... roll "ancient Hypergate" bleeeh i hate this wz... roll... hutball... ooo thas more like it.... pass mee!!!


    while you re at it, give a "mercenary only" "suck thumb" emote....


    Thanking you in advance,


    Best regards

  9. I personally want to know some thinghs...


    Yes as Arsenal/Gunnery people we are more mobile... at the expense of the pityful defenses that we have...


    But how come;


    - we dont have a target switcher? Every other class and their dogs and distant relatives have it... Sorcs have shield (that absorbs first 3 attacks COMPLETELY) and a bubble... juggs have reflect... operatives and sins have stealth and dodge shields... maras have stealth and cantouchthis shield... even snipers have the cover cover cover thingy along with evasion... I can hear you say "oo PTs dun have anything... did you ever try to stunlock a PT and get pounded by 15k+ shoulder cannon?


    - i get my electronet "resisted" constantly?


    - i get my electro dart resisted even when the target has no resolve at all whatsoever?


    The list goes on but wont repeat stuff that already been said here...


    Instead i want a "hakka dance" emote... since BW is awesome at implementing trivial stuff in game instead of adressing real issues, somehow i am confident that my wish will be granted this time!



  10. if the FOTM class system is not fixed and the winning decided on


    class-spec-gear-skill in that order, pvp and hence ranked pvp will first be monopolized by the FOTM classes and eventually consume itself and die out...


    its not the ranked system that is the ONLY broken thing... and fixing ONLY that will not solve anything...



  11. That astonishing team is actually the astonishing team (more or less) who made the warhammer PvP to its current state correct?


    /sarcasm off

  12. My gunslinger friend definitely hit someone for 11k last WZ (it was an ungeared, squishy, level 50 sage). Just fyi.


    your gunslinger friend do not know how to read...


    i am a well geared WH sniper and have never seen 11k hit in one shot... even to the squishies...

  13. some background : i have two 50's. one deception spec'd assassin, and one engineering spec'd sniper. also have level 32 merc, but i havent been able to fully explore her abilities, so for this arguement i will leave that one out. i hate pvp, so i never do it at all, literally not one match/warzone/whatever you call it. i enjoy these games for the function of working with other people as a team.


    i have a heck of a time getting my main toon, which is my assassin, into groups outside of my guild. blame low server population, or blame whatever you want. if i don't have any guildies on, i can basically forget about getting into a group because most people just want ranged dps because ranged dps is easier to play, it's easier to heal (due to heavy aoe's many pve bosses have), and in many cases, they can straight up out dps most melee classes. in truth, playing melee is much more difficult than playing the easy no-brainer rinse and repeat style of all ranged classes.


    so i get my main alt, a sniper, to 50, before i even get her geared with the lousy daily reward armor/mod/enhancements, she already has more cunning than my 100% fully columni geared assassin has willpower. when i use ambush (15 second CD), she crit's at 4.6k with most of my a/m/e slots still being occupied with blues, whereas my main toon in full columni can only crit that high IF and ONLY IF i build 5 stacks of surging charge, and pray that it crits after spending almost a good 30-45 seconds building those 5 stacks. (crit chance w/ legacy agent buff being 40%, surge at 78%)


    add to that the defensive cd's an engineering spec'd sniper has (shield probe, adrenaline probe, the bubble shield thingy, countermeasures, entrench, and the ability to instantly cooldown shield/adrenaline probe by exploding your interrogation probe) which are almost all on a less than one minute CD, versus the 1 minute CD for 3 seconds worth of invulnerability (force shroud) an assassin has and 12 measly seconds worth of +50% to your defense on a two minute CD, and the agent is even more survivable, taking less damage, while dealing WAY more damage, and in general staying far far away from any danger the boss might present to melee classes.


    my point is this: i've played both sides, i see both arguements. and i can say NERF MY CLASS. it is absolutely outrageous that my main character is as (if not less) survivable with less dps than my wimpy little agent who has one single piece of tionese gear, who never has to even get close to danger. one big reason i call for a nerf is the absurd spike i've seen recently in BH and agents (and groups only willing to bring in rdps to their group) as people start to realize that bioware apparently hates melee classes (try doing lost island with a jugg tank, marauader and assassin dps, i guarantee 90% of you can't do it). and what i ask is not to necessarily nerf ranged dps, but they should be MUCH MUCH MUCH squishier. it's a balance issue, super high dps should mean super high smashability, otherwise why doesn't eveyone who want to dps roll an agent or merc?


    not to mention the glaring obvious fault in the logic of a force-using lightsaber-wielding sith SHOULD be able to kick the you-know-what out of any blaster wielding goober they come across. but that is mostly an RP POV, which i dont particularly care for, but felt it should be pointed out.


    it just really sucks having spent so much time on my assassin, reading on every forum and website out there that melee is almost useless, and ignoring those people thinking that straight up skill could always overcome my class's inherent difficulties (which it can), only to find out that just hitting the same 6 or 7 buttons on rotation while literally never moving, i can out dps my assassin with gear 3 tiers below what that toon has, and never even really have to worry about damage.


    basically what i call for is to make ranged squishier in general, take away some of their defensive cd's, something. i'm sick of rolling with nothing but bounty hunters.... this IS a star wars game, lightsabers and stuff. why oh why bioware, are you punishing melee classes so hard and buffing ranged so much? it makes no sense. i know nerfing one class is easier than buffing all others, (and apaarently you can't even handle fixing one bug within 6 months, i.e. foundry: hk still glitches inbetween phases OFTEN) and i'd hate to add to your already tremendous workload of adding horrifying UGLY endgame gear that everyone hates, but please will someone just think about this.


    mercs, agents (which i am) and trolls, fire away. idc what you think. ranged dps is easy, brain dead, and overpowered at the moment. end of story.


    ignorance is a bliss....



  14. this game is not done... not finished... even for a single player game... to put mildly...


    to put more accurately is broken...


    and the community is even worse...




    ok flame on... starting with "of course the community sucks because we have you!" oriented intelligent insults...



  15. Something I have been noticing for a while in WZs. A Sith Warrior(Jedi Knight) could be in the front arc and they could leap to me, even though I had the cover screen up or behind hard cover. It is especially noticeable when I am on a different elevation than them. The only time it seems they can't jump to me is when I have Hunker Down active.


    i dont want to sound arrogant or "know it all" like but are you sure they are not using their "leap on designed spot" ability? (dont remember the name)...


    When they jump ON you they have a shield icon popping on them saying you can not cc them... if they leap on a spot just in front or beside you, they wont have that as far as i know. so you can tell the difference.




    EDIT: flame me all you want when i say their ignorance and incompetence baffles me... but seeing this bug/flaw etc... havent been hotfixed already... well... baffles me :(

  16. i know it can be frustrating... i myself am a merc trying to adapt...


    but it will happen in every MMO no matter what...


    In the end when you signed the blasted one sided EULA, you have agreed that the game maker / publisher (BIOWARE/EA in this case) can do whatever changes they see fit in the classes, game itself and everything related to it.


    almost every mmo at some point down the road has given the option to some sort of a class change etc... on the other hand it has always been (to my experience) the last resort to usually save a game that is dieing or heavily bleeding in the subscriptions. And at that point you would not want to change your AC anyways IMO.



  17. that work around they suggested is an insult to my (and all snipers) intelligence. Like we did not or can not realize that ourselves... we did...


    but i am sick and tired to play my main class with work arounds to THEIR failure...



  18. I ve tried both with my GS and Sniper. Both sides suffer from the "not being able to drop down to cover" bug. We can roll into cover but effective snipers/slingers use that only situationaly. So we use cover on the spot. wait... no we cant...


    for a class that relies heavily on the cover system, this bug is game breaking.


    If you are especially trying to PvP and say prefer to win (or be at least effective), this is game breaking.


    i do not give rats bottom if you have (which you did) acknowledged the bug and stuff... please give us an ETA on when you will fix this?


    /rant off

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