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Posts posted by Stensig

  1. Hm yes, it seems that I forgot to take into account that without already having one TA before issuing this sequence you are not able to queue KInf while casting KInj, which is also a requirement for being able to cast 2x SP.


    But like I said before I will withhold drawing any conclusions before having tried out the other rotation in an actual encounter. Until then it is simply theorycrafting.

  2. Thank you for the feedback.


    I know that I spend a lot of time in this video that could have been taken out and I will be keeping that in mind for future videos.


    Regarding KI+SP vs KI+KInf:

    After having done a bit of combat logging over both your and my rotation both alone with the respected two abilities, and also intertwined with RN, KP and DS, I can see your point. My version does in fact heal for a bit more and also ticks more times than your version (in the same amount of time) but I far from struggle as much with energy in your rotation as I do with mine.


    I will try it out in the next raid to see how it goes. So far I am not struggling with energy management so the "natural" choice would be my rotation due to better HPS and overall healing, but I can see that your rotation may come in handy in NiM. It is something I will look more into when taken from TC to the game before changing anything.

  3. I leveled to 50 as medicine all the way, and while I can see the benefit of having a dps companion for quicker kills I did not want to spend all of my time healing a companion that would die by trying to tank 4 mobs. Besides, I found that I easily overdid the companion in threat and thus I became the tank. So what I quickly realized that I found it most efficient to use Kaliyo until you got SCORPIO and then use her instead. I still use her for dailies and such and I have no problems what so ever. It's easier to keep a tank-companion alive and that means you can do DPS as well meaning less downtime and faster killing :)


    Hope that helped a bit.

  4. Hey folks.

    I've finally gotten around to making a how-to introduction video of how to heal as an operative in SWTOR post patch 1.2. Any feedback and/or questions would be appreciated. :)


    I plan on bringing a lot more more Operative content (mainly PvE) as well as guides and tips since I am only playing this class and what to contribute to the community. So feel free to subscribe.


    To watch the video go here.

  5. Dear Bioware


    Reading through this weeks Q&A it was mentioned that you are looking into new emotes and new visualizations. I have a suggestion for added emotes:

    As a roleplayer of Imperial Intelligence I would really love to see an emote that lets your character stand at attention with his/her hands behind his/her back.


    I also think that you should consider which emotes have a looped animation and which doesn't. I would also like to see sounds on some of the more standard emotes and custom emotes being visible for cross-faction.


    That is what suggestions I have for something you have already said you're working on, so I hope you will see this post and take it into consideration.

  6. Dear Bioware,


    Could you please make a system out of the Imperial rank insignias in SWTOR. I'm getting tired of seeing it being places so random on NPCs and tbh--why have them there if there's no system behind them. I think it's cool that Imperial personnel is wearing them, I would just like to see a clear rank ensured to the different insignias. Kind of the same problem with Imperial personnel uniforms.

  7. You see several Chiss in the game wearing armour that bears the mark of the Chiss Ascendancy, yet I haven't found this yet. I think it would be only fair that the Chiss gets a special armour like that, something only Chiss can wear.
  8. I can see why you disapprove of him being the only LI for female agents and I would agree with you from a normal player's perspective, that it seems odd that there isn't a more "normal" LI.

    Personally I really find him interesting, and I like that he's so much more different than your normal LI from other Bioware games. It also fits in perfectly with my characters personality (yes, I'm a Role-player).

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