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Posts posted by LordDart

  1. If the F2P is done correctly it will be just fine. I am reserving my judgments until I see how it all pans out. As I see it right now there really aren't any changes that are effecting me negatively as a Sub. We shall see though. :)
  2. not really crying troll, it's just good business and pretty industry standard that paying customers get priority in queue over people on a trial.

    You are whining about what I am guessing is a 20-30 min queue... That is crying, stop whining and understand trials help bring in subs, subs bring in money, and money makes more content.

  3. maybe you are trying to kill a heroic boss


    maybe you are not that skilled player


    maybe that boss is not tuned for killing solo


    maybe you should ask help to other players


    maybe you should socialize in the game instead of whining on the forums after each death



    i wish you good luck


    torhead.com is your friend. :)

  4. They can't implement brackets until there's enough level 50's, or you guys would just QQ about queue times..


    Also, cross server anything destroys communities.



    I'm saying a toggle so if you don't want it hey don't use it, but on like off peak (like right now) I am waiting 15+ minutes to get a match and they almost all end early because there isn't enough people

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