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Posts posted by Kadra

  1. Even 212s are better. Though 30% chance for 413 crit rating for 6 seconds every 20 seconds is nice.




    It's useless compared to 216+ ops relics. Getting 216 isn't even that difficult because only few people actually roll for those. Sometimes nobody wants a relic and it gets randomed.

    And how did you calculate exactly that those 212s are better?

  2. All the new lightsabers are much bigger than original campaign and a good half of them are just huge, like twice the size. And my personal approval has nothing to do with anything. It's that the lightsabers they release look retarted coming in that size, which means that despite some nice designs you can't use them unless you want to give your character a stupid look.

    Hello, I got this fancy new lightsaber, now I can fight off a terantatek even if the power cell fizzles.


  3. With the new Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber coming in the new pack my patience has run out. For the sake of God, Bioware, stop making those oversized lightsabers. All the original campaign lightsabers had normal sized hilts. When the packs came the lightsabers grew in size to ridiculous proportions. You should rename them to lightclubs, because you can just as easily use them in combat as a club. Hanging on the belt they nearly reach the knee on smaller characters. And the double-bladed lightsabers as a consequence become so huge that they hang way below the knee. Return to the original campaign sizes, maybe only slightly bigger, stop producing lightclubs!

    If you support this, please leave a comment.

  4. No, IP address are not related to physical locations. Although by convention IPs addresses especially for routers are. But that is a convention, not a technical requirement.

    Well, what I meant it doesn't tie down IPs with actual address or anything, but I was under the impression that the first number (159 in this case) is always assigned to some country.

    Thanks anyway.

  5. I'm really confused here about the location of the game's servers. I play on the Red Eclipse server, which is supposed to be European. However netstat shows that I'm always connected to a US server. Currently, it's So I keep wondering, is it just a US based server simply designated to be used by European players only? How does it all fit into the whole picture, can someone explain that to me? Is EA too poor to afford a Euro based server, which would greatly reduce the lag for Euro players...
  6. I dont understand 1 thing: why do you need our feedback to ignore us? Cant you just ignore us without us writing pages about what our class needs, or is it more funny that we write so much yet you still just go with your useless ideas and fixes? Have you not noticed that WE DONT LIKE WHAT YOU DID TO OUR CLASS! Noone likes the new playstyles, what do we need to do to use a time machine and revert us back to 2.X???

    I WANT TIME MACHINE! Back to the Future like, Give us 2.10 before we bloody die over it

  7. Speaking from the Annihilaton point of view:

    I believe the 6th tier set bonus is a bit out of place. I would advocate for a flat damage increase to Annihilation, if anything, rather than give it an autocrit once a minute. There might be other ways to go, but the current autocrit just doesn't seem right. It does give a damage increase, however slight it might be, but it introduces some awkwardness, unpredictability even over the course of long boss fights with adds, if you know what I mean. Wonder what Oofalong or Ardarell would say.

  8. Tank & healer companions are generally worthless for a Marauder.

    I don't agree. I actually find a healer companion to perform way better than a DD one. DD comps don't do nearly as much damage as you do even if geared on par. I leveled my main to 50 with Jaesa, then I switched to Malavai to try him out as a healer and he was so much easier to play with, though not as interesting, cause with Jaesa I had to actually use some tactics to beat some nasty boss. Today you probably won't have any problems, cause there's a ton of commendations dropping, but back after the game start you basically used any green/blue gear you could find while progressing through the story and companions just got the scraps.

  9. BW announcement:

    New iconic abilities for each class, everything you can expect from a Bioware RPG when you level up.

    Right, everything we can expect. We want moar! abilities we can't use in the rotation. I really hope they are not planning on adding some Squeezing Force Handshake on, say, 13 sec CD, the crushing power of which we should never underestimate. :-)

  10. I'm going to unsub until they fix Annihilation, been playing since beta, pure PVE, the state it is in now is so very boring to play, underperforimg compared to other classes and simply hardly viable, and the devs just wouldn't listen to the community feedback even from the most respected players out there. Although I don't have much hope that this kind of stick and no carrot can make those stubborn BW donkeys move in the right direction. Might just as well make them move sideways to the cliff on a mountain road to an epic fall down, as the changes they introduced in 3.2.1 have demonstrated. I would actually pay some reasonable amount to have them reverse Anni to 2.10 - as a carrot :-)
  11. Here is what watchman needs I don't know about the utilities, but combine force melt with force leap make it say burning leap. Make it a 12 sec dot and make cauterize 6 sec with a CD once again and give it the reset proc for the slashes. Keep the burning sweep and also give watchman back the 2% heals

    This would probably be one of the most elegant solutions I have heard so far. Nice thinking.

  12. The way I see these changes is they are going from:


    A) Weak, long, dots that line up into a smooth, boring, rotation.


    B) Stronger, medium length, dots that don't line up into a smooth rotation.


    I think they meantioned the dps decrease because they aren't going to change the DoT strength, only the duration.


    Edit: come to think of it, no, they also said they wanted to make it more bursty, so they had to increase the DoT strength... Must have meant a dps drop coming from the rotation clunkiness...

  13. Leveled up to 50 back in the day it was the cap with Jaesa all the way since I got her. No problem. Somewhat harder than with a healer, I imagine, but still quite viable. In some fight you might wanna control the aggro, like let jaesa in as a tank a then charge yourself, sometimes holding back on dps until she's down to low hp, then burst to get the aggro, etc. Did that as a carnage mara. Will be easier in anni due to heals. And since there's a whole lot of planetary comms nowadays unlike it used to be during the first year, you can gear up both yourself and the companion with custom gear and will just slice through everybody.
  14. You can use this model created by oofalong to calculate expected DPS on a dummy:


    Switch to the Gear tab at the bottom, fill in the gear and check what the Expected DPS is. Also note that that value is shown for an ideal rotation performed in vacuum.

    Also forgot to mention - this model is for the Annihilation/Watchman spec.

  15. The issue with 3rd-party tools is that they depend on the log, which is updated at intervals up to a few seconds. After a bit of fooling around with those I found them to be somewhat inaccurate at times (about 1 cooldown off most of the time), but with more effort I think it can probably be adjusted. Now the personal debuff highlights are also not as good as a show personal debuffs only option would be, but they are still of invaluable help, cause otherwise you just have to rely on your bio clock :-)
  16. No, there is no cosmetic toggle. I hear they are going to implement some kind of Costume Designer in patch 3.2, which will add such functionality. For now, both armors are empty shells and you'll have to fill them with mods, and you'd better be prepared to spend some money, cause taking out just one mod costs about 15k for end-game mods, like rating 192.


    As concerns the pvp set, I don't play pvp, so no idea what pvp armor set are available, but there's a combat training section on the Imperial Fleet, check the pvp vendors there.

  17. I started out with playing nothing but power Augs....not a good idea...unless you plan on raising your acc higher power augs makes you miss ALOT. Mainstat is the best way to go for Augs because it's equilivant to acc in terms of landing a hit

    Mainstat has zero effect on accuracy. Mainstat is a bit less dmg than power, but adds a bit of crit.

  18. Priorities from the top down are:

    -- Gore + Ravage (Cancel early at 0.3 seconds remaining) + Force Scream

    -- Gore + Vicious Throw (You dont have this ability yet) (Preferably with the Slaughter buff [Level 48 Passive])+ Force Scream

    -- Gore + Vicious Throw + Massacre

    -- Gore + Force Scream + Massacre

    -- Gore + Massacre + Massacre

    Gore+Force Scream+Massacre should be prioritized over Gore+Vicious Throw+Massacre

  19. The new Red Black Crystal requires a lot of reputation, but in fact turns out to be rather a 3 colour crystal, white being the 3rd colour. With some lightsabres this effect is more pronounced than with others, but it's always there.

    Here's a screenshot of Satele's Sabre with a Red-Black Crystal installed (both mainhand and offhand):


    This is what it looks like with a Desolator's Starforged Sabre (mainhand, offhand is Satele's sabre):

    http://postimg.org/image/v1s0he25d/full/ - Here the effect is not manifested as strongly, but is still noticeable.

    Also note the positioning of the "blade" relative to the sabre hilt - the blade is not exactly coming out from the centre of the hilt but is a bit off to the side (may not so evident on this particular screenshot), but noticeable, also the blade's angle is different from the hilt's angle on this sabre (regardless of the crystal).

    Now this is what a "stock" Qel-Droma Ancestral Blade looks like with the crystal:

    http://postimg.org/image/eufxtbwhf/full/ - Notice the thick white aura due to the overall thickness of the "blade". And this is another issue with those crystals on old sabres - they produce a much thicker blade than "stock" crystals do. By stock here I mean old, those that were in the game before the packs and cartel market.

    Also check the offhand sabre on this screenshot - it caught the rare moment between the constant flashes of white when the sabre probably looks almost as intended (only a slight touch of white at the base, due to another spark of white about to occur).


    Now on Satele's sabre this whitish aura would sometimes disappear by itself during gameplay and the blade starts to look pretty much the same as on the Desolator's sabre (with minor whitish aura). Bloom has no effect on this.

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